Morning report. 1997-03-13

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Broadcast Date
13 Mar 1997
RNZ Collection

0616 NEWS STORY: FRACAS/PRIVILEGE - pressure on PM Jim Bolger to absent himself from privileges committee hearing into complaint against deputy PM Winston Peters. Labour and Williance claim his public statements prove he's already made up his mind on case. Comment from Helen Clark and Jim Anderton. (Marie Hosking)
0626 SPORTS STORY: AUSTRALIA ARL/Super League battle continues to heat up. I/v with correspondent Tim Gable.
0636 NEWS STORY: "FOOTY SHOW" - TVNZ show draws criticism it's sexist, NZRFU meeting TVNZ because of concerns. 1st episode showed blindfolded players Mark Bull-Allen an Craig Dowd having to guess identity of woman cricketer Emily Drumm, by touch. I/v with Emily Drumm. (Marguerite Fahy)
0648 ENERGY EXPLORATION - farmers reach agreement with exploration companies over new levels of compensation for property used for oil and gas exploration. (Jill Galloway)
0651 BUSINESS AND FINANCIAL NEWS: FINANCE CATERING - Commerce Commission refuses flight catering company PRI permission to acquire Air NZ's catering business. Chair Alan Bollard says likelihood of market dominance central to decision. (Kent Caddick) INVESTMENT - visiting vice director of US firm Templeton Investment Counsel, Howard Leonard, says NZ's economic reforms have made it very attractive place to do business, says rising dollar attracted company to invest in NZ and profits have been very encouraging. (Hannah Belcher) RESERVE BANK's economic projections expected to be dominated by concerns about inflation and strong housing market. National Bank chief economist Adrian Orr says forecasts will provide first look at what coalition govt is costing country in inflation terms. (Mark Crysell) BUSINESS BRIEFS WEBSITE - NBC and Microsoft announce creation of new Internet site offering coverage of breaking business news worldwide in several formats - live, unfiltered audio and video programmes, on-demand multimedia reports, full text transcripts and on-demand archive.
0700 INTRO/NEWS CHRISTCHURCH HOSPITAL - doctors' legal efforts fail to stop Disability Commissioner Robyn Stent from holding inquiry into patient safety. Hospital staff wanted ministerial inquiry into patient deaths but High Court refuses to order Ms Stent to reconsider decision to hold inquiry. Live i/v with Ms Stent. CYCLONE GAVIN loses force and moves out to sea after bringing 36 hours of gale force winds and heavy rain from Northland to East Cape and Hawkes Bay. I/v with Te Araroa civil defence officer Sid Clarke about worst damage in area. NIGERIA'S MILITARY GOVERNMENT charges exiled Nobel Laureate Wole Soyinka and 1 others with capital offence of treason over recent bomb blasts in country. Live i/v with "Financial Times" corespondent Anthony Goldman. TRANSITIONAL HEALTH AUTHORITY set up to replace 4 RHAs with single funding agency by July next year. Health providers predict change wil bring more efficiencies to spending but warn new system will only work if regional needs taken into account. Comment from Canty CHE's Richard Webb, Plunket Society's Diane Armstrong, Medical Assn's Brian Linehan, and researcher George Salmond. (Karen Gregory-Hunt) FRACAS/PRIVILEGE - interest focussing on who absents themselves from privilege committee hearing of complaint against Winston Peters. Live i/v with Political editor Karen Fisher.
0730 NEWS/WEATHER/SPORTS FINANCE update with Gyles Beckford. illegible SHOW - athlete Erin Baker complains to TVNZ and Broadcasting Standards Authority about sexism on show but host and former rugby international Stu Wilson says it was all in good fun. They're both i/ved live. CONSUMER AFFAIRS MINISTER Robyn McDonald says she had no choice but to spend $27,000 on airfares for week-long trip to European conferences for herself and staff member. ACT says cost far outweighs any benefits. Comment from minister. ACT MP Patricia Schnauer, and Peter Lowry, Travel Agents Assn exec director. (Clare Sziranyi) COOK ISLANDS TAX INQUIRY - Serious Fraud Office head Charles Sturt tells inquiry he saw no need to investigate allegations that BNZ had covered up $200 million worth of losses. Live report from Maria Slade. GERMANY - MINERS - thousands paralyse Bonn for 3rd day in protests over planne cuts to subsidies paid to users of coal by govt. Demonstrations latest in series of crises facing govt. Live i/v with correspondent Geoff Rodoreda.
0800 NEWS/WEATHER CHRISTCHURCH HOSPITAL - Labour's Health spokesperson Lianne Dalziel believes inquiry to be held by Disability Commissioner may be opportunity lost, says best solution now is joint inquiry between Commissioner and Health ministry, a signalled in Judge Tipping's decision. She's i/ved live. FRACAS/PRIVILEGE - live i/v with former PM and constitutional expert Sir Geoffrey Palmer about role and powers of privileges committee. INTERNATIONAL PAPERS CONSUMER AFFAIRS MINISTER Robyn McDonald says expenditure of $27,000 on air fare for herself and staff member is justified - i/ved live. NIGERIA - MILITARY GOVT charges exiled Nobel Laureate Wole Soyinka with "conspiracy to levy war" and causing explosions in various parts of country. Live i/v with NZ Foreign Affairs minister and member of Commonwealth contact group on Nigeria, Don McKinnon.
0830 NEWS/SPORTS. CYCLONE GAVIN heading out to sea. Upper and eastern areas of North Island most badly hit by high winds and seas. Live report from Heugh Chappell. CREUTZFELD -JAKOB DISEASE - AK Healthcare says it's building new facility to conduct post-mortems on patients with contagious diseases, after refusing to perform one on man suspected of dying from CJD. Michael O'Flaherty initially thought to have Alzheimer's Disease but later diagnosed as having CJD. (Lisa Owen) SMOKING - latest figures show slight decline in number of cigarettes smoked it past year but number of young women smoking has risen and Māori rates remain high. Prof Robert Beaglehole, AK Med School dept of Community Health calls for cigarette price to double in next 5 years - i/ved live. OSTRICH MEAT - first commercial release of NZ ostrich meat market at CH function. 4 Canty farmers open NZ's first commercial ostrich processing plant, plan to slaughter about 6-10 per month. (Raewyn Reese-Jones) OTAGO UNIV STUDENTS say they don't want a policeman on campus and vote to have him banned. Students' exec also decides to withhold support from community constable and will hold referendum on issue at next student elections. Live i/illegible with Snr Sgt Don Boyd. FRUIT AND VEG REPORT with Jack Forsythe.