Morning report. 1997-03-21

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Broadcast Date
21 Mar 1997
RNZ Collection

0616 NEWS STORY: PAPUA NEW GUINEA - MERCENARIES' contract suspended, as called for by Gen Jerry Singirok, removed from position as military chief. Gen Singirok asked by BBC if he now feels vindicated.
0626 NEWS STORY: HEALTH - INTEGRATED CARE - doctors met in AK this week for conference on new health direction, Some fear integrated care just another phrase for post-cutting while others think it heralds rosier future. (Catherine Harris)
0649 NEWS STORY: EUTHANASIA - future of Northern Territory's legislation allowing voluntary euthanasia under threat again. Australian Senate debating new Bill aimed at overthrowing it. (Zandra Sharpe)
0651 BUSINESS AND FINANCIAL NEWS: U.S. - FEDERAL RESERVE chair Alan Greenspan hints of more interest rates rises. 25 point rise widely expected when Federal Reserve meets next week. (Gyles Beckford) FINANCE ECONOMIC FORECASTS - senior NZIER economist Phil Briggs warns of risk of current account crisis; ANZ Bank pessimistic about prospects of economic upturn in second half of year. Live i/v with chief economist Paul Stewart. EARTHQUAKE COMMISSION loses $170 million because of govt directive. Commission illegible to hedge against losses caused by strengthening of NZ dollar and subsequent erosion of value of offshore bonds investment - prevented by ministerial directive from Finance minister Bill Birch. Independent advisors say Commission has insufficient assets to be solvent on long-term basis. (Bronwen Evans) BUSINESS BRIEFS
0700 INTRO/NEWS SMOKING - U.S. Liggett group admits publicly that cigarettes are addictive, smokign causes lung cancer and cigarette companies do target minors in out of court settlement, also expected to co-operate with states in lawsuits against other cigarette-makers. Live i/v with correspondent Judy Lessing; live i/v with Trish Fraser, director of ASH. PAPUA NEW GUINEA - MERCENARIES' contract suspended and deal to be subjected to Commission of INquiry. COmment from govt spokesman Mark Lillyman, ABC reporters Sean Dorney and Mark Cochran, and NZ PM Jim Bolger. (Eric Frykberg) MENTAL HEALTH - concern raised about service launched in AK last mothn. Regional co-ordination service run by Waitemata Health set up mainly to find accommodation for about 400 seriously mentally ill people but concern voiced about how funds are spent and whether it's duplicating work done by others. Comment from Alliance Health spokesperson Phillida Bunkle. (Lisa Owen) MISSING SCHOONER - life jackets, timber debris and locator beacon from "QUeen Charlotte" found in Coral Sea. Australian Maritime Safety Service spokesperson David Grey says still hope that crew are alive in life raft. He's i/ved live.
0730 NEWS/WEATHER/SPORTS FINANCE update with Gyles Beckford. HEALTH SECTOR - Chief Ombudsman Sir Brian Elwood calls on sector to be more open about business plans. Of 823 complaints made to office last year, large number related to refusal of CHEs and RHAs to release information requested under Official Information Act. Sir Brian i/ved live. PARLIAMENT - DRESS CODE - Speaker Doug Kidd decides against relaxing code in debating chamber. Comment also from Alliance MP Rod Donald who had requested end to requirement for jacket and tie. (Stephen Parker) NATO - President Yeltsin and Clinton meet in Helsinki, Nato expansion at top of agenda. Live i/v with Simon Marks (Feature Story. INTERNATIONAL PAPERS ALBANIA - ITALY close to agreement for Italian navy to patrol Albania's border seas to prevent "chaotic exodus" of people. Live i/v with correspondent Frances Kennedy.
0800 NEWS/WEATHER PAPUA NEW GUINEA - live i/v with correspondent Marie-Louise O'Callahan on latest situation. SCHOOL SUSPENSIONS - growing numbers of children suspended and expelled, 10,000 last year, twice as many as 1992. Only 25 students appealed to Ombusdsman. Comment from Chief Ombusdsman Sir Brian Elwood, PPTA Principals' Council chair Graeme Marshall, STA's Janet Kelly, and Claire Traynor, Youth Law Project. EUTHANASIA - private member's Bill in Federal govt latest attempt to overthrow Northern Territory legislation. Dr Rodney Syme, Voluntary Euthanasia Society, says it's attempt by conservative politicians to take moral high ground against wishes of majority of voters. He's i/ved live. FUN RUN - AK's Round the Bays run celebrates 25th anniversary on Sunday, started off with handful of joggers and grew to set world record at one stage. (Todd Niall) NATIONAL RADIO INTERNET - from Monday March 24, all current affairs programmes will be available on Net. Live i/v with website designer Mike Sutton.
0830 NEWS/SPORTS SMOKING - US tobacco companies trying to limit damage from deal between Liggett and 22 states seeking compensation for health costs due to smoking. ASH says Liggett's admissions will help NZ cause. Live i/v with Dr Murray Laugeson, tobacco control specialist. PRISONS - Corrections minister Paul East gives public assurance on security of prisons after claims prison locks could be opened without keys. Comment also from Labour MP PHil Goff, Paparua prison PSA spokesperson Brian Davies, and PSA national prison officers representative Anne Thewles. OSCARS - hype starting to build up towards annual film awards. Las Vegas oddsmaker at Baly's casino, Lenny del Genio provides advice for betting on event - i/ved. (Mng Rpt) FEEDBACK OZ SPOT - i/v with correspondent Phil Kafcaloudes. (PNG situation)