Morning report. 1997-03-26

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Broadcast Date
26 Mar 1997
RNZ Collection

0616 NEWS STORY: PAPUA NEW GUINEA - CRISIS - Commonwealth Secretary General Chief Emeka Anyaoku trying to help solve crisis which has deepened following Parliament's vote in illegible of PM Sir Julius Chan. Demonstrators and army besieging Parliament. (BBC)
0626 NEWS STORY: SHOP HOURS - trading hours restrictions-annoying retailers, especially garden supply centres. By law, shops required to closed on Good Friday and Easter Sunday. (Marguerite Fahy)
0636 NEWS STORY: ISRAEL - EAST JERUSALEM - 6th day of protests since work began on controversia housing project, with Israeli soldiers firing rubber bullets and teargas at stone-throwing Palestinian demonstrators. Live i/v with correspondent Robert Berger.
0651 BUSINESS AND FINANCIAL NEWS: U.S. FEDERAL RESERVE shortly expected to come out with decision to raise interest rates. Live i/v with correspondent Richard Quest. FINANCE/MARKETS AMI INSURANCE decides against demutualisation', proposes structure combining a trust with a limited liability company, with policy holders owning insurance company operations through holding company. Live i/v with chief exec John Balmforth. WATER - United Water says it's looking for further business in NZ after becoming first private firm to take over local body water system. (Papakura). Utilities analyst James Miller says there's likely to be more private involvement in water industry but full scale privatisation less likely. (Bronwen Evans)
0700 INTRO/NEWS PAPUA NEW GUINEA - CRISIS - hostile crowds besiege Parliament, joined by some soldiers who appear to be in state of open mutiny. (Eric Frykberg) FRACAS/PRIVILEGES committee now goes behind closed doors to decide whether Deputy PM Winston Peters has committed contempt of Parliament. Last night, committee heard several hours of evidence and cross-examination of those involved in altercation between Mr Peters and MP John Banks. Audio of Mr Peters, Mr Banks, and lawyers Des Deacon and Andrew Ladley. (Kathryn Street); live i/v with Political editor Karen Fisher. PAPUA NEW GUINEA - CRISIS - rebel soldiers preventing MPs from leaving Parliament. Whereabouts of Sir Julius Chan unknown. I/v with Parliamentary secretary inside the building. (Bruce Hill RNZI) SEA LIONS - Fisheries minister John Luxton announces closure of Auckland Islands squid fishery, says too many Hooker sea lions drowning in squid nets. Comment also from Milan Barbarich of Anton's Seafoods, Barry Webber of Forest and Bird, and Greenpeace's Christina Mormoronni. (Clare Sziranyi); Fishing industry threatens court action. Live i/v with Fishing Industry Assn chief exec John Pfahlert and Fisheries minister John Luxton.
0730 NEWS/WEATHER/SPORTS FINANCE update with Gyles Beckford. CRICKET - Sri Lanka wins 1-day match at CH. Live i/v with commentator Bryan Waddle. INTERNATIONAL PAPERS BRITAIN - FREEMASONS - moves by MPs committee to force judges, magistrates, police officers to declare if they're Freemasons welcomed by civil liberties groups. MPs report showing some 30 judges are known to be Masons is dividing police across Britain. (Keith Chalkley) OSCARS - independent film-makers dominate Academy Awards. "The English Patient won 9 awards including Best Picture and Best Director. Live i/v with illegible Richard Arnold.
0800 NEWS/WEATHER MURIWHENUA CLAIM - Waitangi Tribunal report due out today amid speculation Tribunal could use powers to force govt to return 20,000 ha of state forest. Soth Treaty Negotiations minister Doug Granam and Treasurer Winston Peters have siad forest too valuable to return. I/v with Paul Morgan, Fedn of Māori Authorities about details of law surrounding the claim. (Mng Rpt) PAPARUA PRISON to get $200,000 security revamp in bid to prevent more break-outs. 9 prisoners escaped in 5 separate incidents last December and January. Live i/v with regional manager for Canty prisons, Paul Monk; live i/v with PSA representative Barry Noakes, prison officer in charge of Paparua's maximum security block. PAPUA NEW GUINEA - CRISIS - live i/v with Parliamentary secretary Miriam Au, one of those trapped inside Parliament by angry crowd. AUCKLAND - BRITOMART PROJECT - resource consent hearings this morning about $124 million Britomart Transport Terminal, with those for and against ready to do battle. (Iain Gracie)
0830 NEWS/SPORTS ZAIRE - PRESIDENT MOBUTU's party says he's ready to share power ahead of illegible with rebel leader Laurent Kabila. Both sides under mounting pressure to stop the civil war, agree ceasefire and enter negotiations. I/v with correspondent Jane Standley. OSCARS - live i/v about the winners with Jonathan Dennis, producer/presenter o National Radio's "Film Show" programme. DRIVER LICENCES - Land Transport Safety Authority's review of licensing criticised over proposal to raise minimum driving age to 17. Other main proposals among review's 90+ recommendations are tougher driving tests, and 10 year license with photo and bar code. Comment from Fred Barton, Inst of Drivin Instructors, Barry Dow, AA Driver Education Fndn, and Dr Morgan Fahy, Road Safety Trust. (Paul Irons); civil liberties groups opposed to idea of licence with photo and bar code. Live i/v with Barry Wilson, vice president of AK Council for Civil Liberties. COASTAL FORECAST - Met Service changing coastal forecast boundaries, making 18 instead of 24 areas. Live i/v with national forecast centre manager Rod Stainer. FRUIT AND VEG REPORT with Jack Forsythe.