Morning report. 1997-04-03

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Broadcast Date
03 Apr 1997
RNZ Collection

0616 NEWS STORY: GOVERNMENT TO BUSINESS SUMMIT to be held in WN today, with 7 ministers taking part to look at govt plans for reform in areas such as ACC, employment law an education. Live i/v with Labour minister Max Bradford. MāORI HEALTH TRUST, Raukaura Hauora O Tainui, which paid for MP Tuku Morgan's trip to Hawaii will not be asked to explain actions to North Health RHA which funds it. RHA's general manager of Māori health, Rob Cooper, says Mr Morgan's trip appears to have come abouit for straightforward reasons. (Kiri Coughlan)
0626 SPORTS STORY: U.S. SPORTS - live i/v with Paul Witteman, "Sports Illustrated". (sports injuries)
0636 NEWS STORY: HEART UNIT- Associate Health minister Neil Kirton renews attacks on proposed unit for CH, involving Healthcare Otago and private company, says partnership between CH and Otago CHEs a more sensible solution. (q). Southern RHA chair Stan Rodger comments. (karen Gregory-Hunt)
0648 NEWS STORY: DRUGS IN SCHOOLS - govt called on to take lead in combatting growing problem. Chair of WN's Rongotai College Board of Trustees, trevor Rigby, says drug abu in schools is issue every high school must face. (Kerry Lamont)
0651 BUSINESS AND FINANCIAL NEWS: TIPTOP bought from Heinz by West Australian firm Peter and Brownes Foods. (Andrew Fleming) FINANCE MARKETS TELEPHONE BANKING - National Mutual joins business with rebranding and relaun of Freedom Financial Services which offers credit lines and mortgages which customers can operate directly through phone. General manager Ross McEwan say it's apparent people no longer want or need traditional way of handling finances and are content to do it all themselves. (Gyles Beckford) GOVT SPENDING - CTU economist Peter Harris tells Parliament's finance and expenditure select committee there needs to be more rather than less, infrastructure and social reconstruction are in need of money. Business Round Table exec director Roger Kerr says planned spending increases could hurt economy. Both agree extra social expenditure planned by govt will redistribut income upward. (Bronwen Evans) SMART CARDS - MONDEX a leading card being tested overseas. David Rogers, NCR Canada vice president, says smart cards are now developing beyond just having chip with stored dollar sum in memory. (Gyles Beckford) BUSINESS BRIEFS
0700 INTRO/NEWS DRUGS IN SCHOOLS - people working in drug education say there needs to be some sort of national co-ordination of way schools handle problem if it is to be dealt with effectively. Comment from Trevor Rigby, Rongotai College board of trustees, FADE exec director Colin Bramfitt, and John Hannifin, former drug counsellor. (Kerry Lamont); Education ministry's acting national manager of operations, Alan Upston, says figure of more than 2,000 suspensions so far the year for drug use, not unduly alarming. (Mng Rpt); live i/v with Education minster Wyatt Creech. MāORI HEALTH TRUST - opposition parties asking questions about arrangement under which Raukura Hauora O Tainui Trust paid for 3 day trip to Hawaii by MP Tuku Morgan. Mr Morgan says trust paid because it owed him money for work don before he became MP. North Health RHA says trust doing fine job and it won't investigating further. Comment from Health minister Bill English (q), Labour leader Helen Clark, Rob Cooper of RHA, and Timi Maipi of the trust. (Kiri Coughlan) FRACAS/PRIVILEGEs committee finishes deliberations over contempt allegation against NZ First leader Winston Peters, not divulging decision yet. Live i/v with Parliamentary reporter Marie Hosking. GOVERNMENT TO BUSINESS SUMMIT - 2 ministers presenting papers to summit organised by Employers Fedn, with some help from a few major corporates and "National Business Review". Live i/v with Employers' Fedn president Simon Holdsworth.
0730 NEWS/WEATHER/SPORTS FINANCE update with Gyles Beckford. AMERICAS CUP - controversy over prices yachting syndicates asked to pay for facilities at AK base, claims that leases are up to 5 times as expensive than those at San Diego 2 years ago. Craig Little, AK Regional Services trust, not prepared to talk to Morning Report. Live i/vs with John Marshall, New York Yacht Club and Alan Sefton, Team NZ. PLUNKET LINE,
0800 advice service, will now be available only between
0800-2400 from July because of lack of funds. Service fields 200 calls per day. (Marguerite Fahy); live i/v with Diane Marshall, Plunket president. U.N. DIPLOMATS upset by New York City's tough new parking rules, committee threatening to take issue to General Assembly unless US meets concerns about diplomatic immunity. Live i/v with correspondent Judy Lessing.
0800 NEWS/WEATHER SCHOOL SUSPENSIONS - more than 2,200 pupils suspended from school so far this year, nearly a quarter for drug use. Education minister Wyatt Creech says school removing disruptive pupils to enable majority to get on with education (q). Live i/v with president elect of PPTA's Secondary Principals Assn, Dere illegible Chapman. HOUSING - worried members of AK's Glen Innes community meet Housing NZ representatives over Maybury Project which will see refurbishment of nearly 7 Housing NZ homes and construction of 64 new ones. Maybury St already seen as "socially stressed". (Eileen Cameron) INTERNATIONAL PAPERS BRITAIN - ELECTIN - Reuters panel of political scientists and commentators predict 77 seat majority for Labour. Correspondent Des Fahy says latest polls indicate Tories may be recovering a little - he's i/ved live. ZAIRE - NEW PRIME MINISTER - rebel forces say nomination Etienne Chisikadi as new PM will make no difference to aim of overthrowing President Mobutu. I/v with correspondent Jane Standley. (Mng Rpt) WN REGIONAL STADIUM gets go-ahead. Planning commissioners direct planners to set up community liaison group to review ongoing operations, side-stepping community concerns that threatened to derail project. Live i/v with Stadium Trust chair Fran Wilde; live i/v with Michael Spackman, chair of "Stadium Affected Residents Group".
0830 NEWS/SPORTS MELBOURNE - SALMONELLA - 3rd outbrak in less than month, 4th this year. 19 people infected by eating corned silverside and ham from smallgoods manufacturer. Health authorities say no connection with 3 previous outbreaks. Live i/v with correspondent Doug Weller. (also talks about Seekers group re-forming) WN STADIUM - correction UNDERCOVER POLICE - Court of Appeal ruling opens way for court action against Police by former undercover officers who claim their work turned them into dr addicts. Comment from lawyer Barbara Buckett and former police officer Peter Hudslow. (Karlum Lattimore) MUSIC LESSONS can considerably improve young children's ability to solve illegible puzzles, according to research at Univ of California at Irvine. Live i/v with research team head Gordon Shaw. SHYNESS - group of NZers suffering from extreme shyness part of worldwide illegible testing new drug that may help cure social phobia. Live i/v with psychiatris and social phobic specialist Duncan Roy. FRUIT AND VEG REPORT with Jack Forsythe.