Morning report. 1997-04-14

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Broadcast Date
14 Apr 1997
RNZ Collection

0616 NEWS STORY: IRAN - TRADE BAN - NZ govt hopes to clarify today whether or not Iran has imposed ban against NZ. Conjecture move is in retaliation over recall of NZ ambassador, among other countries ambassadors, in wake of German court ruling implication Iran's top leaders in murders of Kurdish dissidents. Comment from Trade minister Lockwood Smith, political scientist Ron McIntyre, David Binning of Exporters Inst, and Neville Martin, Dairy Board. (Karen Gregory-Hunt)
0621 RURAL NEWS illegible SPORTS STORY: GOLF - US MASTERS - Tiger Woods in brink of breath-taking triumph with 9-shot lead, record low round in history of tournament. Live i/v with commentator Graeme Agars.
0636 NEWS STORY: SHEEP COUNTING - Honi Hanson becomes first national champion. (Jill Galloway)
0651 BUSINESS AND FINANCIAL NEWS: AIR NEW ZEALAND - renewed speculation that Air NZ and Ansett Australia are set t join forces with Singapore Airlines. (Gyles Beckford) TRANSTASMAN PROPERTIES believes it's shaken ghost of former company Robert Jones Investments. Comment from exec director Chris Canning. (Gyles Beckford) FINANCE/MARKETS BEER - consumption levels continue to fall. DB managing director Eric Kortals Altes points the finger at Lion over price cutting, but Lion NZ's managing director Kevin Stratful agrees it's not in interest of industry to cut prices illegible says Lion's not discounting. (Bronwen EVans) ECONOMY - ANZ Bank's chief economist Saul Eslake comments on pluses and minuses for local businesses in economist assessment of region. (Gyles Beckford) BANK SUPERVISION - Basle Committee on Banking Supervision produces report on basic principes of supervising banks which they hope will improve stability of global banking system.
0700 INTRO/NEWS IRAN - GERMAN COURT RULING - more than 100,000 Iranians march on German embassy in Tehran in protest against Berlin court statement blaming Iranian leaders for assassination of dissident Kurds in Germany. In "worst diplomatic crisis between Iran and West since 1989", many Western countries withdraw ambassadors, including NZ. Live i/v with Germany correspondent John Walker. IRAN - TRADE BAN - NZ govt says it's has no official word for Iran about trade ban on NZ imports, reportedly imposed in retaliation for NZ recalling ambassador. I/v with International Trade minister Lockwood Smith. (Mng Rpt) NSW TRAIN ACCIDENT - police looking for witnesses so they can discover missing details about death of 9 year old NZ boy Chey Reberger who fell from train. Live i/v with Snr Constable Alan Robinson, Picton NSW. BEER likely to sold in supermarkets as result of govt review of liquor laws, but those sales unlikely to reverse fortunes of beer industry which is struggling to cope with major decline in consumption. (Bronwen Evans) NEW PARLIAMENT BUILDING - cabinet expected to discuss decision to push ahead with controvesial building. Live i/v with Political editor Karen Fisher.
0730 NEWS/WEATHER/SPORTS FINANCE update with Gyles Beckford. INHERITANCE LAW - Law Commission may recommend to govt that mercy killers and battered wives be able to inherit from person they've killed. Commission hastening final stages of work on law because of AK case where man who murdered his partner is trying, on a technicality, to claim some of her property. Comment from Public Trust minister Tuariki John Delamere, Public Trustee Brian Blacktop, and Law Commission president Justice David Baragwanath. (Karlum Lattimore) INDIA - POLITICAL FOES expected to try to patch up coalition to avoid another election but any deal likely to be short-lived. 2 main parties, United Front and Congress fearful of inroads made by minor parties and also concerned that fundamentalist Hindu party BJP might find sufficient support to form new govt. I/v with correspondent Ranjan Gupta. (Mng Rpt) AK TRANSPORT - traffic congestion worsening by 5% each year and projects such as Britomart transport hub and light rail are years away if they happen at all. illegible Maria Slade investigates how well city's public transport system is coping. 3 part series. Part 1: buses. MONDAY OZ SPOT - live i/v with correspondent Phil Kafcaloudes. (Senator Colston)
0800 NEWS/WEATHER IRAN - TRADE BAN - NZ trade officials trying to confirm Iranian news reports that ban is in force against NZ butter, meat, and wool. I/v with BBC's Iran specialist Sadek Subah re Hussan Rohani who reportedly called for trade ban. (Mng Rpt) NSW TRAIN ACCIDENT - state rail service holding own investigation into accident in which 9 year old Chey Reberger died. Live i/v with general manager of Country Link rail service, Margaret Brazel. INTERNATIONAL PAPERS. MāORI PARTY - NZ First rejects claims made by Māori Council chair Sir Graham Latimer that pressure building within Maoridom for Māori political party because of disillusionment with performance of NZ First Māori MPs. Comment also from NZ First MP Turiki John Delamere and Dr Ranginui Walker. (Mark Henderson) RABAUL - thousands of people on standby for evacuation after eruption of Tavurvur volcano. which made 60% of Rabaul uninhabitable 2 years ago. Live i/v illegible Papua New Guinea National Disaster and Emergency Services director Leith Anderson. BRITAIN - ELECTION - anti-sleaze candidate Martin Bell finds himself at centre of sleaze campaign against him. (Keith Chalkley. also reports on protest rally in London that got out of control and resulted in 6 people being questioned on conspiracy charges) DAVID PHILLIPS FRAUD CASE - former Pacer Kerridge finally goes on trial today, almost 4 years after he was charged and 10 years after offences allegedly committed. (Maria Slade)
0830 NEWS/SPORTS GOLF - US MASTERS - live i/v with commentator Graeme Agars, updating Tiger Woods progress. BELGIUM - SERIAL KILLER - 3 more plastic sacks containing body parts nears southern town of Mons. Police habe previously found bin bags containing surgically severed body parts of 4 women in same area. Country still coming to terms with child abduction and murder scandals uncovered last year. Live i/v with correspondent Malcolm Senior. CASINO - QUEENSTOWN - according to recent poll, 69% of residents don't want casino in town, while Queenstown-Lakes District Council has received 13 applications to develop casino site. Comment from Mary Jenkins, anti-casino group, mayor Warren Cooper, and councillor Kathy Neal. (Graham McKerracher) POPE says mass in Sarajevo, at stadium close to old wartime front line. Tight security after explosives found on route into Sarajevo. Pope announces he'll honour 3 Italian firemen who risked lives to save Shroud of Turin when fire ravaged Turin Cathedral at weekend. Live i/v with correspondent Frances Kennedy. GREENPEACE presenting bill for $1.003 billion in damages to captain of visiting French Navy frigate La Nivose. Bill represents money Greenpeace says is owed by French military for damage done by nuclear testing in Pacific. Live i/v with Greenpeace campaign director Stephanie Mills.