Morning report. 1997-04-29

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Broadcast Date
29 Apr 1997
RNZ Collection

0616 NEWS STORY: NEW PARLIAMENTARY BUILDING - cabinet decides to proceed with controversial building. Minister in charge Don McKinnon promises it won't be luxurious and will be housing ministers for next 2-3 generations. Comment also from Treasurer Winston Peters and ACT leader Richard Prebble. (Marie Hosking)
0626 NEWS STORY: illegible COMMISSIONER FOR REFUGEES concerned that Zairean rebels' conditions for evacuating Rwandan refugees are unrealistic. LIve i/v with correspondent Judy Lessing about refugee problem.
0630 NEWS
0636 NEWS STORY: NEW PARLIAMENTARY BUILDING - live i/v with ACT leader Richard Prebble who's vowed to continue opposition to building.
0651 BUSINESS AND FINANCIAL NEWS: LION NATHAN's half year profit of just over $72 million better than many analysts and observers were expecting. Chief exec Doug Myers says recent reorganisation in Australia has carried costs but is already contributing to improved performance. (Bronwen Evans) ASB BANK posts after tax profit of more than $26 million for 3 months ended March, up more than third on same period last year. (Gyles Beckford) FINANCE/MARKETS ELETCHER CHALLENGE ENERGY "mildly surprised" by 37%rise in total oil and gas production for March 1997 quarter of same previous period. Comment from Barry Akers, Fletcher Energy spokesman. (F Tino Pereira) CBD COMMERCIAL PROPERTY COMPANY encouraging support for $30 million public share float. Managing director Graham Horsley comments. (F Tino Pereira) COMMERCIAL PROPERTY TENANTS warned to protect themselves from surprise rent hikes following recent Privy Council decision that Building Owners and Managers Assn standard lease does not allow for renegotiation of rents downward in falling market. Comment from property law specialist Sharon Skinner. (Gyles Beckford) AK HOUSING MARKET - new Bayleys Real Estate study shows 75% jump in sales of houses priced above $350,000 in March quarter. Also shows nearly 1,000 new inner city apartments expected over next couple of years. (Gyles Beckford) COLONIAL GROUP insurance and financial services company closes share offer to public early because of strong demand. Company now expects to list on sharemarket on May 12. (Gyles Beckford)
0700 INTRO/NEWS SOUTH AFRICA - police investigating execution-style murder of NZer living in rural area between Pretoria and Johannesburg. Live i/v with Jo'burg police media officer Capt Morne van Wyk. NEW PARLIAMENTARY BUILDING - public opposition to project continues to rumote along, with petition against it drawing 15,000 signatures in first week. Live i/v with petition organiser Susan Grimsdell and chair of ministerial steering group Don McKinnon. MISSING TEENAGER - family of AK 16 year old Fletcher Speedy pleading for information about his whereabouts. Fletcher disappeared while trying to hitch ride to Raglan with 2 friends early on Sunday morning. Live i/v with family friend Earl Rigden. ECO TERRORISM - explosive found attached to logging helicopter at Karamea, leading to bitter charges and counter-charges from anti-logging protestors and SOE Timberlands West Coast. (Eric Frykberg); live i/v with David Hilliard, Timberlands, and Annette Cotter, Native Forest Action.
0730 NEWS/WEATHER/SPORTS FINANCE update with Gyles Beckford. BRITAIN - ELECTION - live i/v with correspondent Des Fahy re latest on campaign trail. SCHOOL FUNDING - School Trustees Assn commissions study to settle dispute over whether schools are getting enough money from govt to make ends meet. Assn says govt under-funding by about 15% while Education ministry says funding has increased over 20% since 1990. (Al Morrison) INTERNATIONAL PAPERS INDIA - CORRUPTION - federal investigators prosecuting some of top leaders of new coalition govt for corruption. I/v with correspondent Ranjan Gupta. (Mng Rpt)
0800 NEWS/WEATHER SOUTH AFRICA - NZer Killed named as 26 year old Stefan Brodie, head wounds so severe police not sure if he was struck with axe or shot at close range. Police follow trail to nearby squatter settlement. Live i/v with Patrick Conroy, journalist with Radio 702 Johannesburg. NEW PARLIAMENTARY BUILDING - suggestions that behind the argument over the building is another agenda, the discrediting of MMP. Live i/v with Alliance spokesman on electoral and parliamentary reform, Rod Donald. ECO TERRORISM - latest incident of battle between environmentalists and loggers over native forests, in Karamea, arouses claims of eco terrorism. Claim heard in many regions around world where logging iscontentious issue, such as Tasmania. Live i/v with Tasmanian Green MP Lance Armstrong. BEER CONSUMPTION - Lion Nathan head Doug Myers suggests that beer consumption may be down because drink/drive campaign may be encouraging young people to take drugs. (q). Comment from Colin Branfitt, FADE, and Supt Neil Gyde, and vox pops. (Gael Woods) MISSING TEENAGER - search resumes this morning for 16 year old Eletcher Speedy Live report from Andrew McRae in Raglan. BRITAIN - ELECTION - threats of violence continue from IRA and Ulster loyalists. Live i/v with Belfast correspondent David McKittrick. illegible NEWS/SPORTS BOOKS - results of first national quest to find NZ's favourite 100 books all time show Tolkien's "Lord of the Rings" at top of list. Whitcoulls says more than 20,000 readers voted. While Alan Duff is "chuffed" about his inclusion on list, others are wondering why more local authors didn't make it. (Kiri Coughlan); live i/vw with Alan Riach, Waikato Univ English lecturer, and Doris Mousdale, Whitcoulls. CHILD ABUSE - visiting US expert Deborah Daro says in many cases wrong families being targeted as high risk. I/ved live about Hawaii's "Healthy Start" programme. NETBALL - Silver Ferns looking forward to playing style of Cook Islands in WN tonight. Live i/v with commentator Andrea Blackshaw. CANADA - ELECTION called 17 months early, why? I/v with correspondent Julie van Dusen in Ottawa. (Mng Rpt)