Morning report. 1997-06-11.

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Broadcast Date
11 Jun 1997
RNZ Collection
Robinson, Geoff, Presenter
Hosking, Mike, Presenter
Walley, Allan, Editor
Corbett, Maree, Editor
Thomas, Gabriel, Producer
National Radio (N.Z.) (estab. 1986, closed 2007), Broadcaster

0611 Māori NEWS
0616 NEWS STORY: WAIOURU LAND CLAIM - protestors give commitment to pack up and leave picnic ground by Thursday night. Comment from Ruapehu District mayor Weston Kirton and protest spokesperson Hape Lomax. (Kiri Coughlan)
0621 RURAL NEWS illegible NEWS STORY: SMOG - air pollution monitoring data shows CH smog levels hit 3 year high last weekend and has already breached WHO standards several times this year. Neil Cherry. Canty Regional Council, believes new solutions needed to cope with crisis. (Karlum Lattimore)
0630 NEWS
0636 NEWS STORY: TARIANA TURIA - Labour list MP plays down tensions within party over Treaty issues, which have led to speculation she may resign. Labour leader Helen Clark holds meetings with Ms Turia and Mike Moore to ensure spat between them over Treaty issues doesn't develop into ongoing public row. (Stephen Parker) CONGO - FIGHTING CONTINUES for 6th day in Brazzaville. Evacuees say President Lissouba's troops retreating from some areas. Democratic Republic of Congo accuses fighters in Brazzaville of deliberately firing shell at Kinshasa. (BBC)
0651 BUSINESS AND FINANCIAL NEWS: FORESTRY ASSETS - Canadian analysts speculate Fletcher Challenge Canada and illegible may consider asset swap, following announcement that Fletcher considering strategic alternatives for Blandin operation in US. (Gyles Beckford) AUSTRALIA - SHIPPING - Holyman transport group to beef up conventional shipping and transport services with acquisition of Union Shipping Group's Australian shipping businesses. DB BREWING GROUP reports half year result today, with expectations it will be flat. Key items of interest likely to be extent to which DB has suffered from falling beer consumpton and whether Dutch brand Heineken has shored up earnings. (Gyles Beckford) EMPLOYMENT consultants Morgan and Banks launch first of what's to become quarterly survey of employment scene. Job INdex based on 850 respondents and seeks to find out hiring intentions and attitudes to various current employment issues. First survey shows degree of optimism not evident in other recently published surveys. Chief exec Alistair Sutherland comments. (Gyles Beckford) FINANCE/MARKETS U.S. - INFLATION - not dead, only lying down, according to John Williams, chief global economist from Bankers Trust, New York, currently visiting NZ. (Gyles Beckford) LOCAL INVESTORS warned to watch out for hard selling overseas sharebrokers trying to do business in NZ. DN firm Myles Planning says unsolicited approaches coming from US and Philippines who appear to be looking for uninformed purchasers. MORTGAGE RATES cut by AMP and its no-frills home lender ERGO on special offer open only for 3 weeks. (Gyles Beckford) AUSTRALIA - SKI INDUSTRY will have to diversify, according to ANU study, as climate changes reduce natural snowfalls.
0700 INTRO/NEWS WAIOURU LAND CLAIM - Ngati Whiti Kaupeka spokesman Hape Lomax says protestors will leave occupied picnic ground feeling optimistic but it's been a hard road; live i/v with reporter Kiri Coughlan; live i/v with Ruapehu District mayor Weston Kirton. TARIANA TURIA - public sniping between her and Mike Moore leads to speculation she may resign, but Ms Turia says discussions she's had with Labour leader Helep Clark were amicable; live i/v with Helen Clark. MATHS - Education ministry to investigate findings of international report that gives NZ schoolchildren low marks for maths and science. Study of 9 year olds conducted by Boston College and ranked NZers well below counterperts in other western countries such as Australia and Britain and below Asian countries such as Singapore and Japan. (Judy Lessing); live i/v with VUW Associate Maths professor Megan Clarke.
0730 NEWS/WEATHER/SPORTS FINANCE UPDATE (Japanese bank scandal; Greg Norman to be "ambassador" for Boeing) BRITAIN - CONSERVATIVE LEADERSHIP - another round of voting needed after no clear winner emerges from first ballot. Former Chancellor of Exchequer Kenneth Clarke leads the field of 5. I/v with correspondent Des Fahy. SMOG - CH Clean Air Society blames city and regional councils for contributing to smog crisis. Only a few locals seem to see their own fires as part of problem. Comment from Clean Air Society president Joyce crooks, Neil Cherry. regional council resource planning committe, and Dr Ian Town, CH Hospital. (Karlum Lattimore); live i/v with Neil Cherry and CH mayor Vicki Buck. AUSTRALIA - ORPHANS - reported that hundreds of orphans in Victoria, some of them babies, were used as medical guinea pigs and injected with experimental vaccines from 1940s-1970s. Live i/v with correspondent Donna Demaio.
0800 NEWS/WEATHER WAIOURU LAND CLAIM - protestors agree to leave picnic ground, have got their wanted meeting with Treaty Negotiations minister Doug Graham. What will they illegible for and why back down now? Live i/v with spokesperson Liz Stretch; live i/v with Treaty Negotiations Doug Graham. TARIANA TURIA - Labour Party leader Helen Clark says there's room in party for both Ms Turia and Mike Moore despite public spats. Live i/v with Ms Turia. INTERNATIONAL PAPERS MATHS - study showing NZ 9 year olds to be below international average in maths tested half million children in more than 40 countries. Education ministry's manager of learning and evaluation, Tim McMahon, i/ved live. COOK ISLANDS TAX INQUIRY back before courts today. Fay Richwhite asking for judicial review of Commission of Inquiry on grounds of bias, predetermination, breach of natural justice, and unfairness. Court action joined by Brierley Investments, Inland Revenue Dept, European Pacific, and Serious Fraud Office. Live i/v with Economics correspondent Bronwen Evans.
0830 NEWS/SPORTS TVNZ LAUNCH - details announced of re-packaging of Horizon Pacific regional stations for sale to local interests in near future. TVNZ to launch new youth channel on July 2, aimed at 15-29 year olds and will play on Horizon Pacific frequencies. (Hannah Belcher); live i/v with TVNZ chief exec Chris Anderson and Paul Norris, NZ Broadcasting School in CH. SCHOOL VIOLENCE - Special Education Service programme to eliminate violence in schools is being hailed as success. Programme aimed at changing attitudes, developed in 1993 as result of growing numberof disturbing incidents in playground and classroom. (Lisa Owen) ITALY - MAFIA BOSS Pietro Aglieri arrested, refusing to answer questions. Live i/v with correspondent David Willey about this capo di capo. AGRICULTURAL FIELD DAYS open today at Mystery Creek, Hamilton, expectd to attract around 120,000 people. Live report from Andrew McRae at Mystery Creek.