Morning report. 1997-07-01.

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Broadcast Date
01 Jul 1997
RNZ Collection
Robinson, Geoff, Presenter
Radich, Eva, Presenter
Walley, Allan, Editor
Gibson, Martin, Producer
Davies, Jenny, Producer
Thomas, Gabriel, Producer
Lamont, Kerry, Producer
Dewhurst, Andrew, Producer
National Radio (N.Z.) (estab. 1986, closed 2007), Broadcaster

0616 NEWS STORY: HONG KONG - HAND-OVER - swearing-in ceremony. Live report from Eric Frykberg.
0626 SPORTS STORY: WIMBLEDON - Brett stevens produces best-ever result at tournament, beats Sweden's Magnus Norman, goes on to play France's Cedric Pioline. Live i/v with illegible Geoff Simpson.
0636 NEWS STORY: CHE SALARIES - from today, CHE boards will set salary levels of chief execs, rather than govt. State Services minister Jenny Shipley and Health minister Bill English say change will make chief execs more accountable and may help attract and retain top staff. (q). Critics say job itself, not the pay, which forces chief execs to quit. Comment from Paul Stannard of PA Consulting, Former CHE chair Lin Stodart, former CHE chief exec Robert Gilchrist and State Services minister Jenny Shipley. (Karen Gregory-Hunt)
0651 BUSINESS AND FINANCIAL NEWS: SHARMARKET ROCKETS to best level on 1990s, following approval by Reserve bank of easier monetary conditions. Comment from Mark Bensemann, Merrill Lynch. (Gyles Beckford) FINANCE/MARKETS FLETCHER CHALLENGE PAPER to take full control of Australian Newsprint MIlls by buying half stake owned by Rupert Murdoch's News Corpn. (Gyles Beckford) HONG KONG - HAND-OVER - now that China has taken over, will Hong Kong retain role as one of Asia's financial and economic powerhouses? Comment from Andrew Meehan, exec director of Brierley Investments based in Hong Kong. (Eric Frykberg) COMPUTER MILLENIUM PROBLEM - new survey suggests problem not as bad in Australasia as sometimes portrayed. Ross Tweedie, Compuforce, says about thrid of companies surveyed say they have serious problem, but there could be many businesses unaware they may have problem. (Gyles Beckford) BUSINESS BRIEFS
0700 INTRO/NEWS HONG KONG - HAND-OVER. Live report from Eric Frykberg; includes act, of hand-over, swearing in of new exec council and provisional legislature, comment from politician Emily Lau who's critical of foreign govts for attending inauguration of undemocratically selected legislature. HONG KONG - HAND-OVER - BEIJING. Crowd of 100,000 officially invited guests mass in Tienanmen Square; i/v with correspondent Carrie Gracie. (Mng Rpt) HONG KONG - HAND-OVER - GUANGZHOU. Flags and banners fly as people welcome return of Hong Kong. Live report from Clare Pasley. HEAVY RAIN causes flooding in Northland over last 18 hours, moving down country. Live i/v with Chief forecaster Augie Auer.
0730 NEWS/WEATHER/SPORTS FINANCE UPDATE HONG KONG STOCKMARKET closed for hand-over celebrations, but investors optimistic about future. David Dodwell, Jardine fleming, says feeling is that Hong Kong will retain role as successful financial centre. SCHOOL FUNDING - Education minister's annual report to Parliament shows state schools raising more and more private money towards running expenses. Education correspondent Al Morrison looks at implications for govt's legal obligation to provide fully state-funded education. Comment from Labour spokesman Trevor Mallard, education consultant Don Gilling, and public law expert Andrew Ladley live i/v with Education minister Wyatt Creech. CHILD HEALTH - from today, children under 6 will be able to visit most GPs fre of charge, but parents warned that not all GPs are participating in scheme and not all visits will be free. (Lisa Owan); live i/v with Prof Bob Elliott, AK Univ child health researcher. ALBANIA - ELECTION - centre-left coalition claims vicotry although no official results released yet. I/v with correspondent Anthony Massey as to whether President Berisha has conceded defeat and said he'll respect outcome of vote. (Mng Rpt)
0800 NEWS/WEATHER HONG KONG - HAND-OVER - Tung Chee Hwa takes oath of office as chief exec, promises popular elections for new legislature next May and speaks of Hong Kong's special status under China's "one country, two systems" policy; day of mixed emotions for Hong Kong's 6.5 million people; live i/v with NZ Chinese with strong links to Hong Kong - MP Pansy Wong, banker John Liu, and Dr Manyir Ip, AK Univ lecturer and president of NZ Chinese Scholars Assn. INTERNATIONAL PAPERS SCHOOL FUNDING - report shows schools increasingly reliant on private fundraising to make ends meet. Live i/v with Colleen Murray, principal of Hastings' Riverslea School, considered to be "poor school", and Gavin Price, principal of CH's Thorrington School, rated "well off". WIMBLEDON - Brett Stevens makes it through to round 4, only 4th NZer ever to illegible so. Live i/v with correspondent Graeme Agars.
0830 NEWS/SPORTS COOK ISLANDS TAX INQUIRY resumes, with Commissioner Sir Ronald Davison hearing final submissions from various parties represented at inquiry. Live report illegible Economics correspondent Bronwen Evans. HONG KONG - HAND-OVER - British ex-patriates' sentiments. (Keith Chalkley) HIDDEN SPEED CAMERAS - year long trial starts today in Waikato, Coromandel, & East Coast, will be put in places where there's history of crashed with signs warning hidden cameras may be in use. Live i/v with Insp Leo Tooman, in charg of project. JAPAN - MURDER - arrest of 14 year old suspect for beheading of young boy in Kobe. Boy has apparently also confessed to attacking 2 girls in March, one of whom died. Live i/v with correspondent Tanya Katterns. HONG KONG - HAND-OVER - PEOPLES' LIBERATION ARMY now entering Hong Kong by land, air and sea. Live report from Eric Frykberg. HONG KONG - HAND-OVER - sound effects.