Morning report. 1997-08-07

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Broadcast Date
07 Aug 1997
RNZ Collection

0616 NEWS STORY: KOREAN AIR CRASH - 254 people on board, all but 30 killed. Investigators turning attention to flight data recorder and cockpit voice recorder. Comment from Jim Hall, National Transportation Safety Board, Guam Hospital's Edward Cruz, and Lynne Rider, cousin of NZ survivor Barry Small. (Cushla Managh)
0626 SPORTS STORY: U.S. - live i/v with Paul Witteman, "Sports Illustrated". (World Athletic Champs; US sportspeople carrying loaded guns)
0636 NEWS STORY: ALAMEIN KOPU - Privileges committee hoad Paul East accuses Alliance of conspiring over claims that govt tried to lure Mrs Kopu away from Alliance. Comment from Alliance leader Jim Anderton and MP Grant Gillon. (Stephen Parker)
0651 BUSINESS AND FINANCIAL NEWS: FORESTRY - CARTER HOLT HARVEY announces quarterly result today, expected to show another fall in profits but may also contain first signs of improvement in company's fortunes. (Gyles Beckford) AUSTRALIA - PULP MILL- Visy Industries confirms plans to spend close to $300 milion on new plant at Tumut, NSW. Planned mill will help company compete with major domestic producer Amcor. (Gyles Beckford) COMPANY RESULTS - Port of Lyttelton;Pacific Retail Group. (Gyles Beckford) FINANCE/MARKETS WINE EXPORTS hit another record high. Wine Inst says for year to and June, companies sold $76 million of wine overseas, up more than quarter on last year. Comment from chief exec Philip Gregan. (Heugh Chappell) TELEBANKING - effects of multimedia technologies on banks and other financial institutions topic at TUANZ conference in AK. Comment from key speaker, Malcolm Lister, P A Consultancy. (Kent Caddick) INTERNET - BOOKS - two of Britain's largest bookshops, Waterstones and Dillons, expanding presence on Internet, reacting to sensational surge in sales over Internet in North America. Will Internet undermine traditional main street bookshop? Louis Baum, "The Bookseller", thinks shop will always have its place. (BBC) COMPUTERS - APPLE/MICROSOFT unveil alliance including $US 150 million Microsoft investment in Apple. Both companies have agreed to put aside long-running dispute over whether Microsoft infringed Apple's patents when it created top-selling Windows operating system. (AAP) BUSINESS BRIEFS SUPER JOB - would-be employer of person with many and varied skills (see story earlier in week) told by Labour Dept its advert is out of line. Farmhouse tourist complex spokesperson Gelnys Dabis says company told it's advertising for 1 person to do 3 jobs which is illegal. (Gyles Beckford)
0700 INTRO/NEWS HEALTH MINISTERS - PM Jim Bolger and deputy PM Winston Peters at loggerheads following release of Audit Office report on Associate Health minister Neil Kirton's involvement in advertising the under-6 health campaign. Report cleared Mr Kirton of any wrongdoing but raised concerns about tendering process. Health minister Bill English says he won't renew delegations he's made to Mr Kirton unless he gets assurances about standards of conduct. (Mng Rpt); Political editor Al Morrison says rift between National and NZ First now very serious - i/ved live; live i/v with Neil Kirton; further live i/v with Al Morrison. KOREAN AIR CRASH - NZer Barry Small one of few survivors, recovering from burns and broken leg on Guam. Family friend Sandra Lundy i/ved live; live i/v with Guam radio's Paul van Aken re latest situation on crash.
0730 NEWS/WEATHER/SPORTS FINANCE UPDATE WORLD ATHLATIC CHAMPS - NZ's Ton 1 Hodgkinson through to semi-finals in 800 metres, also Chris Donaldson in 200 meters, and discus thrower Beatrice Fauuina throws in the final tonight. Live i/v with correspondent Murray McKinnon. TONY GUY TRIAL - DN ear, nose, and throat surgeon Tony Guy may face 3rd trial after 7 charges of indecent assault on 5 female patients. Comment from AK UNiv law lecturer Scott Optican, and criminal lawyer John Billington. (Helen Matterson) GREEN BAY PRIMARY School decides to close and move pupils elsewhere after failing to stop plans for Telecom transmitter next to school, fears health and safety of pupils will be affected by transmitter. Live i/v with chair of board of trustees, Toby Easton. SUPERANNUATION - ACT decides to campaign along with NZ First for compulsory super scheme. Labour's Micnael Cullen says ACT has chosen to link itself with a loser. Live i/v with ACT leader Richard Prebble. N.Z. DOLLAR dips to new low overnight, partly as result of many overseas invetors selling them after influential Goldman Saks recommended putting money into Canadian currency. Live i/v with David Plank, Bankers Trust.
0800 NEWS/WEATHER HEALTH MINISTERS - PM Jim Bolger, deputy PM Winston Peters, and Health minister Bill English all decline to be i/ved re Associate Health minister Neil Kirton. Labour leader Helen Clark watching events with interest - i/ved live. ALAMEIN KOPU - tempers flare at Privileges committee hearing. Alliance leader Jim Anderton said he's been told by senior National Party figure that NZ First cabinet ministers John Delamere had offered at cabinet meeting to take Mrs Kopu out of Alliance. Grant Gillon, Alliance whip, said he's been told by National party caucus member that matter was being run out of the PM's office. Committee chair Paul East accuses Alliance members of conspiring the claims. Live i/v with Alliance leader Jim Anderton. REGIONAL TELEVISION - Australian company Prime TV hoping to establish regional television in NZ but will viewers be well served by it? (Karen Gregory-Hunt) INTERNATIONAL PAPERS ISRAEL - RESTRICTIONS eased slightly in security clampdown on Palestinians within West Bank and Gaza Strip but ban on entering Israel still in force. I/v with David Horowitz, "Jerusalem Report". BRITAIN - SEVERE WEATHER on way for large parts of South Wales and West Country following torrential rain over last 36 hours. Flood alerts in force for 9 rivers in West Country alone. (Keith Chalkley)
0830 NEWS/SPORTS TONY GUY TRIAL - AK Univ law lecturer Scott Option concerned NZ continues to struggle with problem of hung juries - i/ved live. ENERGY EFFICIENCY - 6 local authorities around country taking part in Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority's trail "Energywise Councils Partnership". Comment from Consumers Inst chief exec David Russell, et al. (Helen Shea) REGIONAL TELEVISION - can Prime TV survive where others have failed, is there a place for regional television market in NZ? Live i/v with media commentator Paul Smith. GLENORCHY PROPERTY - David Miller's dying wish is for his beautiful 128 he property to be preserved for future generations, wants charitable trust set up to keep property out of developers' hands. He's i/ved live. FRUIT AND VEG REPORT with Jack Forsythe.