Morning report. 1997-08-15

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Broadcast Date
15 Aug 1997
RNZ Collection

0616 NEWS STORY: COOK ISLANDS TAX INQUIRY - NZ First leader Winston Peters gives notice he'll seek to overturn findings of Commission of Inquiry. Inquiry head Sir Ronald Davison has ruled there was no evidence of fraud which Mr Peters alleged in any of the wine-box transactions. Mr Peters has refused to apologise to former heads of Inland Revenue Dept and Serious Fraud Office who he had accused of miscondut. Chief Parliamentary Reporter Stephen Harris says National Party now has problem of distancing itself from Sir Ronald's rebukes of Mr Peters while demonstrating coalition solidarity with NZ First. Comment from PM Jim Bolger, Winston Peters, Katherine O'Regan and John Banks.
0626 SPORTS STORY: RUGBY - live i/v with commentator Grasme Moody about tomorrow's Bledisloe Cup match between All Blacks and Wallabies.
0630 NEWS/WEATHER INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT - likely that treaty to set up court will be in place by middle of next year. (Judy Lessing)
0651 BUSINESS AND FINANCIAL NEWS: COOK ISLANDS TAX INQUIRY could lead to tax reform. PM Jim Bolger says ad hoc committee of ministers with officials from Treasury and IRQ will assess report and determine what changes might be needed. (q). Commissioner Sir Ronald. Davison suggested several legal changes to strenthen IRD's position and proposes removing legal professional privilege with regard to tax matters. (Gyles Beckford) FINANCE/MARKETS CREDIT CARD - BNZ lauches new type which combines traditional hire purchase and personal loan forms of consumer credit. BNZ's manager of cards, Brent McKenzie, says new card aims to provide suitably cheap finance for medium-sized and - priced consumer items. (Gyles Beckford) AUSTRALIAN FINANCE BRIEFS
0700 INTRO/NEWS COOK ISLANDS TAX INQUIRY - Economics correspondent Bronwen Evans i/ved live on report and reaction to it; live i/v with NZ First leader Winston Peters; live i/v with former head of Inland Revenue Dept, David Henry, who Mr Peters accused of misconduct; live i/v with Political editor Al Morrison re credibility of Mr Peters as Treasurer in light of report.
0730 NEWS/WEATEHR/SPORTS RUGBY - live i/v with commentator Graeme Moody and "The Australian" rugby corresondent Peter Jenkins ro tomorrow's Bledisloe Cup match in DN. MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES - JACKO PAKI REPORT - CHEs warned to need lessons from report which condemns Mid Central Health's treatment of patient Jack Paki who raped a women only weeks after being released from Palmerston North psychiatric unit after being committed there by court. Findings prompt some mental health experts to ask fresh questions about ability of health system to cope with mentally ill. Comment from Mental Health Commissioner Dr Barbara Display, Dr Alan Fraser of Mental Health Law Association, and Central Health mental health manger Matin Hefford. (Cushla Hangh) FINANCE UPDATE COOK ISLANDS TAX INQUIRY - live i/v with former Serious Fraud Office head Chas Sturt, one of those accused by Winston Peters of misconduct, and lawyer Willie Young OC. INDIA - 50TH ANNIVERSARY OF INDEPENDENCE - i/v with correspondent Ranjan Gupta.
0800 NEWS/WEATHER COOK ISLANDS TAX INQUIRY - PM Jim Bolger has apologised to David Henry and Chas Sturt, accused by Winston Peters of corruption and incompetence, while Mr Peters is adament he'll continue fight to prove his claims of corruption. Is Mr Bolger embarrassed by Mr Peters reaction to Inquiry findings? - i/ved. (Mng Rpt) COOK ISLANDS TAX INQUIRY - live i/v with deputy Labour leader Michael Cullen. INTERNATIONAL PAPERS COOK ISLANDS TAX INQUIRY has focussed attention on tax law. Live i/v with John Shewan, Coopers and Lybrand, re areas where tax reform could work. illegible ISLANDS TAX INQUIRY - live i/vs re report with business journalist Fran illegible Sullivan and "Paradise Consipiracy" author Ian Wishart.
0830 NEWS/SPORTS RUGBY fever gripping DN in lead-up to Bledislow Cup match between All Blacks and Wallabies. (Graeme McKerracher); live i/v with Otago district police manager Insp Athol Soper re crowd control. Delegates at conference examining crowd behaviour at maor events, in particular changes that professional sport has brought to crowd dynamics. TOURIST SUBVEY by Otago Univ show more than quarter of 334 mainly overseas tourist feel they've been ripped off, but almost all see NZ as verys afe destination. (Lydia Monin) U.S. - OKLAHOMA CITY BOMBER Timothy Mcveigh formally sentenced to death for causing what was worst attack on civilians in American history. Live i/v with reporter Stefan Tubbs. PAKISTAN - 50th ANNIVERSARY OF INDEPENDENCE - i/v with correspondent Zaffar Abbass. (Mng Rpt) OZ SPOT - live i/v about week's events across Tasman with correspondent Donna Demaio. (GST)