Morning report. 1997-08-18

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Broadcast Date
18 Aug 1997
RNZ Collection

0616 NEWS STORY: WILLS - Otago Univ expert Nicola Peart says changes recommended by Law Commission, relating to legal disputes over wills, are long overdue. Proposals limit rights of adult children to challenge will of parent. (Karen Gregory-Hunt)
0626 SPORTS STORY: GOLF - final major tournament of year, the US PGA. Live report from commentator Braham Agars. NEWS/WEATHER
0636 NEWS STORY: POWER PRICES - Energy minister Max Bradford responds to claims by Consumer Coalition that power companies are hoarding profits and not passing reform benefits on to consumers. Comment also from John Belgrave. Electrical Supply Assn, Consumer Coalition's David Russell, ManFad chief exec Simon Arnold. (Cushla Managh)
0651 BUSINESS AND FINANCIAL NEWS: WALL ST share prices end last week with second biggest ever one-day fall. Dow Jones Index sank more than 247, drop of 3%. Similarly large falls on other world sharemarkets. (BBC) FINANCE/MARKETS MONETARY CONDITIONS INDEX - Reserve Bank signals finance markets can expect little change to contentious index. Deputy Governor Murray Sherwin says index illegible done its job admirably. In letter to "National Business Review", says there's no evidence to support charges that index has caused confusion. (Gyles Beckford) MARKET PREVIEW INVESTMENT MANAGERS - research indicates that active approach to investment management rarely best the market index and often under-perform the market. Passive approach of selecting market index and tracking performance does better. Comment from John Tickle, of British-based funds manager Legal and General. (Gyles Beckford) ANZ BANK - local operations look set for shake-up and more cost-cutting. Managing director David Airey tells analysts that bank's NZ operation require "substantial improvement in operational efficiency".
0700 INTRO/NEWS WILLS - Law Commission releases recommendations on inheritance laws, wants to establish rights of surviving partners or spouses in dead partners' estates. If proposals acted on, scope for court cases where adult children sue for greater share of estate on basis of unfair treatment would be greatly reduced. Comment from Law Commission president Justice Bragwanath, Otago Univ law lecturer Nicola Peart, and family lawyer Deirdre Milne. (Karen Gregory-Hunt); live i/v with Justice David Baragwanath; Justice minister Doug Graham declines to comment until has read report; live i/v with Labour's Justice spokesman Phil Goff. WITNESS INTIMIDATION - Labour's Justice spokesman calls for law change to protect court witnesses from intimidation, after Appeal Court judgement grants. Nomad gang leader Denis Hines a new trial because identity of Crown witness was kept secret from defence. Comment from Justice minister Doug Graham, Bruce Davidson, Law Society criminal law committee, and Hines' lawyer Mike Antunovic. (Corinne Ambler); live i/v with Phil Goff. POWER PRICES - Commerce ministry figures show price increase of 5.6% above inflation for year ending March 1996. Power companies accused of using monopoly situation to hit consumers with excessive prices; live i/v with David Russell, Consumers Inst chief exec and spokesman for Consumer Coalition; live i/v with Energy minister Max Bradford.
0730 NEWS FINANCE UPDATE KAIMANAWA HORSES - low turnout for final auction of wild horses, DoC making last ditch effort for around 500 horses left over. What fate awaits those horses? Live i/v with Bill Carlin, DoC regional conservator in Wanganui; live i/v with Bob Kerridge, spokesman for Wild Horse Trust. ANTIBIOTICS - doctors cautioned about prescribing habits in wake of new date suggesting resistance to some drugs is increasing. Concern relates to penicillin and cotrimoxazole, first line defence against pneumococcus, bugs that can cause ENT inections and rare form of meningitis. Comment from Prof David Isaacs, Sydney, and Prof David Teal. (Lauren McKenzie) MONDAY OZ SPOT - live i/v with correspondent Donna Demaio. (police car chase; politician found in brothel)
0800 NEWS/WEATHER WILLS - Law Commission emphasising right of spouse to inherit over any children, including gay or de facto partners. Catholic Church concerned move may further arode what if sees as sanctity of marriage. Live i/v with acting communications director David Ross; AK lawyer George Ireland says proposals art long overdue - i/ved live. KENYA - MOMBASE VIOLENCE - hundreds of people flee port city. Youths with machetes have killed at least 5 people and set fire to about 100 roadside kiosks and dozens of houses. I/v with correspondent Cathy Jenkins. (Mrg Rpt) INTERNATIONAL PAPERS POWER PRICES - Electricity Supply Assn rejects claims of excessive price increases and prices are being held and even cut. Live i/v with exec director John Belgrave. WITNESS INTIMIDATION - criminal lawyer Marie Dhyrberg critical of proposal to widen situations in which witnesses can give evidence anonymously as protection against intimidation, says accused person would be denied right to justice if defence doesn't know identity of witnesses. She's i/ved live.
0830 NEWS/SPORTS GOLF - Graeme Agars reports live from US PGA. COOK ISLANDS TAX INQUIRY - NZ First divided over whether to help leader Winsto Peters pay for any legal challenge he makes over findings of Inquiry. Party's Otago-Southland regional conference gave strong backing to any legal challenge Mr Peters might make but party's president Doug Woolerton has already said party won't fund any legal challenge. Comment from Mr Woolerton, vice president Jenny Bloxham, whip Ron Marks, MP Peter Brown. (Stephen Harris) CANCER - Prof Robert Burton, director of Anti-Cancer Council in Victoria, says single greatest barrier to improving control of cancer is human behaviour, ssays half of all cancers are preventable and half of all diagnosed cancers ar curable. He's i/ved live. NELSON AIRPORT - future ownership to be discussed today. Region's two council own half and want to buy remaining share from Crown, have recevied more than 1500 submissions on proposal. Comment from Nelson mayor Philip Woolaston, Transport minister Jenny Shipley, and iwi spokesperson John Mitchell. (Helen Shea) NEW YORK - thousands of angry Haitians protest outside police station where Haitain immigratn allegedly tortured and socomised. 2 officers charged with aggravated sexual abuse and assault. Live i/v with correspondent Judy Lessing.