Morning report. 1997-08-29

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Broadcast Date
29 Aug 1997
RNZ Collection

0616 NEWS STORY: RABBIT VIRUS - number of McKenzie Country farmers admit they been spreading RCD virus for at least 2 months. MAF may decide to declare entire South Island a control area but doesn't have much hope of keeping North Island virus-free. (Clare Sziranyi)
0626 SPORTS STORY: RUGBY - live i/v with commentator Graeme Moody. (NCP games)
0636 NEWS STORY: FORMER RHA NORTH HEALTH to appeal High Court ruling it breached Human Rights and Bill of Rights Acts in deciding to stop giving overseas-trained doctors govt subsidies if they wanted to set up in central AK. Argued policy was way of dealing with problem of too many doctors in central city. High Court rules policy is indirect discrimination on grounds of national origin. Comment from Race Relations Conciliator Rajen Prasad, North Helath's Bruce Rogan, and South Africa-trained Dr Kai Andreas. (Lydia Monin)
0651 BUSINESS AND FINANCIAL NEWS: BUSINESS CONFIDENCE - fall in doller seems to have given boost to confidence. National Bank's regular survey of opinion show more optimists than pessimists about economy's future prospects. Live i/v with chief economist Brendan O'Donovan. SUPERANNUATION - National Bank chief economist Brendan O'Donovan gives proposed compulsory scheme thumbs down - i/ved live. FINANCE/MARKETS TRANZRAIL part of consortium that's bought Tasmania's state-owned rail freight operator Tasrail. I/v with Tranzrail spokesman Fred Cockram. PROFIT BRIEFS: Cavalier carpet manufacturer; Shortland Properties; Marsden Point Refineries; Zuellig Pharmaceuticals; Paynter Timber group. (Gyles Beckford)
0700 INTRO/NEWS RABBIT VIRUS - farmer Peter Innes explains how he deliberately spread RCD virus throughout South Island; Canty Regional Council's chief past destruction officer Graham Sullivan says he's been told RCD already in North Island - i/ved live; what are implications for MAF's strategy to contain spread if virus confirmed in North Island? I/v with MAF's chief vet Barry O'Neil. (Mng Rpt) RABBIT VIRUS - latest confirmed outbreak is in Twizel, where number of farmers admit spreading disease. I/v with one of them, Pam Higgins.(Mng Rpt); farmers admit spreading RCD but deny importingit. Biosecurity Act forbids introduction of virus into NZ but it's not illegal to move it within uncontrolled zones once it's here. Police considering next move in case. Live i/v with Acting Otago regional cdr, Athol Soper. SAMOA - PASSPORTS - Samoan opposition leader Tuiatua Tupua Tamasese Efi forwarding evidence regarding passport scan to NZ Solicitor-General, raised issue with NZ PM Jim Bolger at meeting in Apia. Comment from PM Bolger.
0730 NEWS/WEATHER/SPORTS. FINANCE UPDATE (includes Business papers) RABBIT VIRUS - so far confirmed that RCD exists on properties in Cromwell, Twizel, and Maniatoto, but sites in North Canty and Blenheim likely to have virus as well. Farmers admitting they helped spread disease, not illegal under Biosecurity Act. Live i/v with Labour's Agriculture spokesman Jim Sutton; live i/v with Biosecurity minister Simon Upton. GOOD HEALTH WANGANUI - MATERNITY SERVICES - women who campaigned against services say problems with service were identified years ago but management refused to listen. Review of CHE's maternity unit says it's in disarray and needs urgent attention. (Karen Gregory-Hunt); live i/v with CHE's general manager David Jack. SCHOOL PRINCIPALS - STRESS - Massey Univ survey shows govt must take some responsibility for principals leaving job, find lack of Education ministry traiing in stress management. Heugh Chappell looks at how Hawkes Bay principals are coping with stress of job.
0800 NEWS/WEATHER RABBIT VIRUS - Conervation minister Nick Smith calla actions of farmers who helped spread RCD irresponsible and stupid, but Fed Farmers president Malcolm Bailey says denigration of wider farming community is unwarranted and unacceptable. Both i/ved live. GOOD HEALTH WANGANUI - MATERNITY SERVICES - CHE head Dennis Woods apologises to women who've had poor service from service. Senga O'Byrns, who formed patient group whose complaints led to review, not confident of change - i/ved live. INTERNATIONAL PAPERS BROADCASTING HOUSE - ACT leader Richard Prebble angry that BH appears to be heading for demolition even though there's been no decision about use of the site, says minister in charge of parliamentary buildings project, Don McKinnon, has confirmed to him that demolition will take place; Clem Simich, chair of govt administration select committee, welcomes demolition - i/ved live. BOSNIA - UN POLICE - almost 60 police rescued by US Nato troops from angry crowds in Serb-held town of Brcko. Serbs attacked peacekeepers after President Plavsic's supporters ousted hardliners backing Radovan Karadzic from police station. Live i/v with UN S-FOR spokesman Major Chris Riley.
0630 NEWS/SPORTS. TENNIS - U.S. OPEN - today's featured match pits Pete Sampras aginst German qualifier Patrick Baur. NZer Brett Steven to play 2nd round match against Czech Martin Damm. Live i/v with correspondent Judy Lessing. ELECTORAL ROLL - ACT MP Donna Awatere-Huata switching from Māori to general roll, says time for separate Māori representation is ending. I/v re why her decision to change at time when Māori being encouraged to go on Māori roll. (Mng Rpt) SUPERANNUATION - Labour releases policy paper reiterating commitment to national super, says referendum on proposed scheme will be massive defeat and parties will have to come up with alternative. Labour proposing targeted tax of 8% which would come out of general taxation and go into special fund. Live i/v with Finance spokesman Michael Cullen. FRIDAY FEEDBACK OZ SPOT - live i/v with correspondent Donna Demaio. (racehorse doping;bodies found in forest) RABBIT VIRUS - live i/v with reporter Eric Frykberg, in Central Otago town of Cromwell, centre for MAF and police operations to contain RCD.