Morning report. 1997-09-15

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Broadcast Date
15 Sep 1997
RNZ Collection

0616 NEWS STORY: WAITANGI CLAIM - hearing of one of biggest claims starts today. Claim argues Māori should have guardianship over native flora and fauna, and intellectual property rights over their culture. (Chris Wikaira)
0621 RURAL NEWS illegible SPORTS STORY: SOCCER - live i/v with British football correspondent Rick George.
0636 NEWS STORY: RIGHT TO SILENCE under police questioning eroded in AK city. City Council gives police power to demand names and addresses from anyone suspected of breaching bylaws, aims to control unlawful behaviour in city. Civil libertarians see move as threat to basic human rights and it's also seen as test case on how much power city councils have over citizens. (Eileen Cameron)
0651 BUSINESS AND FINANCIAL NEWS: ECNZ SPLIT - Energy minister Max Bradford suggests split would be part of wider reform of electricity industry but power companies say it would be counter-productive. (Bronwen Evans) FINANCE/MARKETS INLAND REVENUE considers next move after failing in court of Appeal to get crooked accountant to pay tax on around $800,000 in stolen money he never illegible. Tax expert John Shewan says thief did not benefit from his crime. (Rodney Joyce) TOURISM SECTOR's brittle state highlighted by several recent company results. (Gyles Beckford) CARTER HOLT HARVEY - tackling environmental and safety issues in organised fashion proves lucrative - 63% fall in lost-time injuries in past 4 years and real savings from environmental improvements. (Rodney Joyce) BUSINESS BRIEFS AUSTRALIA - PAPYRUS - Adelaide man invents type of papyrus using banana plants, 3 times stronger than conventional wood-based paper and board. (AAP)
0700 INTRO/NEWS WAITANGI CLAIM - claimants say claim which could give guardianship of native flora and fauna to Māori would be good for all NZers but critics say Māori shold not have rights over what was there before they arrived in NZ. Live i/v with claimants lawyer Maui Solomon and Royal Forest and Bird Protection Society president Kevin Smith. DRUGS - PHARMAC about to announce what action it will take to reduce expected budget blow-out of $30-50 million in pharmaceutical bill, sparking predictions it may move to restrict access to some drugs and refuse to subsidise others. (Karen Gregory-Hunt); live i/v with chief exec of Researched Medicines Industr Assn, Kim Miles, who says Pharmac's approach is divisive and adversarial. TAUPO - GANGS - 13 people expected to appear in court today, following Armed Offenders Squad alert involving members of Black Power and Highway 61. Police seized firearm, weapons such as baseball bats and iron bars and large quantity of drugs. Live i/v with Det Sgt. Chris Parker.
0730 NEWS/WEATHER/SPORTS FINANCE UPDATE INDIA - MOTHER TERESA - correspondent Robert Berger says funeral was more celebration of her life than mourning of her death. He's i/ved. (Mng Rpt) SCOTLAND votes overwhelmingly for devolution, result could give new impetus to drive for greater regional power in Europe. Live i/vs with correspondents And illegible Dougan and John Foster. DUNEDIN HOSPITAL - Nurses Orgn highlights grave concerns it has for patient safety, following proposal to use volunteers to help in moving patients, occupational therapy and running foyer shop. Live i/v with spokesperson Glend Alexander; live i/v with Michael Grey, co-ordinator of Volunteer Services at Wakari Hospital where it's worked successfully for 16 years. FOREST HAND-OVER - first official handing over of state-owned forest to Māori Onewhere Forest given to Tainui as part of reupatu agreement with Crown. Comment from Māori Council chair Sir Graham Latimer, Tainui's Sir Robert Mahuta, and Bruce Waters. (Andrew McRae) MONDAY OZ SPOT - live i/v with correspondent Donna Demaio.
0800 NEWS/WEATHER WAITANGI CLAIM - Māori involved in flora and fauna claim says it's more important because of NZ's support for BATT trade agreement and World Trade orgn. AK Univ law lecturer Jane Kelsey, expert in GATT and in privatisation illegible natural resources and effect on indigenous populations, i/ved live. DRUGS - PHARMAC - concern that Pharmac may promote use of cheaper, generic pharmaceutical brands which may be less effective or less safe. I/v with illegible economist Toni Ashton. (Mng Rpt) INTERNTIONAL PAPERS PLANE CRASH - German Tupolev with 24 passengers aboard presumed to have cras while on flight to South Africa, may have collided with American C-141 illegible carrying 9 people, according to German Defence ministry. Both planes were of coast of Namibia when they disappeared from radar screens. Live i/v with illegible correspondent Geoff Rodoreda. WALES preparing to go to polls in referendum on devolution. Welsh less convinced than Scots that home rule is a good thing. (Paul Chapman) CHINA - STATE SECTOR getting shaek-up. Delegates to Communist Party congress hear details of radical reforms in store for all 370,000 state enterprises. Live i/v with Dr Yongjin Zhan, AK Univ China specialist.
0830 NEWS/SPORTS NORTHERN IRELAND - crucial talks on future start today, with still no word illegible Ulster Unionist Party on whether it will attend. Unionists unhappy with decision to allow Sinn Fein to join talks and further angered by IRA illegible it has problem committing itself to non-violent settlement of issue. I/v illegible correspondent Eamon Malley. (Mng Rpt) SOUTH PACIFIC FORUM - Pacific's smallest states not forgiving of Australia highly critical report leaked to media in July. Forum meets in Cook Islands later this week. Live i/v with "Cook Islands Press" reporter Jason Brown illegible Pacific opinion of Australia in lead-up to Forum. PACIFIC ISLAND AFFAIRS - Hawkes Bay's Pacific Island community and local secondary schools upset at govt decision to close ministry's office in Hastings. Offices also closing in Tokora and Nelson, and CH office being reoorganised as part of ministry's plans to integrate policy and operations divisions. (Heugh Chappell) U.S. - AIR CRASH - F-117 stealth bomber crashes and explodes at air show ne Baltimore. Pilot ejected and no casualties although 4 people on ground inju and 2 homes on fire following crash. Live i/v with Craig McMurtrie, ABC Television in Washington. PRINCESS DIANA - Elton John's tribute "Candle In The Wund" goes on sale in next Friday, has already sold million copies in Britain. (Keith Chalkley) MEXICO - ZAPATISTA GUERRILLAS make dramatic and historic march to capital. i/v with correspondent James Blears.