Morning report. 1997-11-03

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Broadcast Date
03 Nov 1997
RNZ Collection

0616 NEWS STORY: DEFENCE - STAFFING - Alliance spokesman Matt Robson says Defence Force staffing is top heavy, with too many at rank of colonel or above and too few lower ranks. Comment also from Defence minister Paul East and defence analyst David Dickens. (Eric Frykberg)
0626 SPORTS STORY: BRITISH SOCCER - live i/v with correspondent Rick George. (Manchester United; Derby County; Glasgow Rangers looking for 10th championship win)
0636 NEWS STORY: HEALTH SERVICES - STAFFING - Labour's Annette King claims number of health bureaucrata has doubled following restructuring. Official figures show number of people employed by RHAs has risen from 215 in 1993 to just over 500 today. Health minister Bill English says there are good reasons for increase. (Clare Pasley)
0647 NEW STORY: PILOTS' STRIKE - more than 200 Eagle Air and Air Nelson pilots on strike following breakdown of contract negotiations. Both companies owned by Air NZ. (Stephen Hewson)
0651 BUSINESS AND FINANCIAL NEWS: LEVENE - future of Skellerup Group and major shareholder Maine Investments in balance. Maine puts Levene retail chain into receivership after unacceptable trading losses totalling more than $12 million. Placing Levene in receivership is in breach of trust deed and of covenant with group's lending banks. (Gyles Beckford) FINANCE/MARKETS WEEK PREVIEW TOWER CORPORATION - tussle with GPG Investment Group takes legal turn. GPG, which wants to merge its funds manager Tyndall with Tower but has been knocked back, wants to go direct to Tower members on proposal. Tower has refused to hand over membership list and has asked High Court to clarify legal situation. Comment from managing director James Boonzaier. (Gyles Beckford); GPG not deterred by prospect of court battle. Comment from director Tony Gibbs. (Rodney Joyce) ROTHMANS declares improved profit from NZ operations, lifting its half year profit to September before tax and interest to $33 million from $26 million. (AAP) BUSINESS BRIEFS
0700 INTRO/NEWS IRAQ/UN - Iraq turns away 3 US members of UN weapons inspection team in latest move in increasingly tense stand-off. US Special Commission spokesperson Ewan Buchanan says Iraq's move is provocative and raises suspicions over possible concealment of chemical and biological weapons from UN inspectors; live i/v with UN correspondent James Bone. DEFENCE - STAFFING - Alliance spokesman Matt Robson says too much money spent on feather-bedding senior staff while regular force personnel numbers are too low. Defence minister Paul East accepts there may be too many highly ranked officers but says problem not that simple; live i/v with Matt Robson and defence analyst Dr Jim Rolfe. COOK ISLANDS - CYCLONE MARTIN sweeps over Manihiki atoll, fears for 10 year old boy and his father. Communication lost with Manihiki, most buildings were flattened and residents have moved inland. Live i/v with Rarotonga correspondent Florence Symes. BRITISH AU PAIR - international camapaign gathering momentum to free 19 year old Louise Woodward who's been convicted in US court for 2nd degree murder of 9 month old baby in her care and sentenced to life imprisonment with possibility of parole only after 15 years. (Keith Chalkley) PILOTS' STRIKE - Eagle Air and Air Nelson say they've made contingency arrangements to keep disruption to passengers at minimum. Live i/v with Air Nelson manager Steve Wilks and Eagle Air manager John Hambleton.
0730 NEWS/WEATHER/SPORTS FINANCE UPDATE HEALTH SERVICES - STAFFING - Labour spokesperson Annette King says new centralised Transitional Health Authority employs more people than RHAs did in previous years, while medical staff and health services are suffering continuous cutbacks. She's i/ved live; Health minister Bill English says there are good reasons for staff increase - i/ved live. LCOAL TELEVISION - CHTV goes to air in CH for first time tonight, giving viewers choice of 7 free to air channels, is one of 2 regional television networks broadcasting out of CH. (Lauren McKenzie) MONDAY OZ SPOT - live i/v with correspondent Phil Kafcaloudes. (Remembrance Day)
0800 NEWS/WEATHER MIDEAST/NORTH AFRICA ECONOMIC SUMMIT - US Middle east expert Martin Indyk touring Arab capitals to rally support for summit due to begin in Qatar shortly. Several Arab states refusing to attend because of what they see as Israel's refusal to honour peace deals signed with Palestinians. I/v with David Horovitz, "Jerusalem Report", about tensions in region. (Mng Rpt) WEATHER - tumultuous weekend in Pacific - tropical storm in Cook Islands, super-typhoon close to Guam, and in NZ Summer temperatures. Live i/v with Marc McNaught, Weather Workshop. DEFENCE - STAFFING - Defence minister Paul East concedes there may be too many highly ranked officers for number of junior staff but says difficult to change situation quickly. He's i/ved live. LEVENE - receiver Kerry Stotter, KPMG Partners, says advertising for buyer will start in NZ and Australia this week. Row over whether company should honour gift vouchers - live i/v with Consumer Affairs minister Robyn McDonald. NEW YORK - CARNEGIE HALL opened May 5th 1891, now one of world's most famous halls. (Judy Lessing)
0830 NEWS/SPORTS BAIL - Labour's Justice spokesman Phil Goff threatens to push for legislation removing judges' discretion to grant bail in some cases if judiciary doesn't take tougher line with repeat offenders, releases 6 illegible studies prepared in police district he won't name, showing 6 repeat offenders received 539 convictions over 5 yers, 96 of which were for offences committed while on bail. He's i/ved live. INTERNATIONAL PAPERS KAPITI COAST - PARTIES - police meeting to work out strategies to crack down on out of control parties after incident which escalated into drunken car races, bottle smashing, and general mayhem. Police officer was kicked in head and is recovering from cracked eye socket. (Karlum Lattimore) SOUTH ISLAND PARTY members meet in DN over weekend, choose electorate branches and plan to field candidates in next general election. Live i/v with spokesperson Alan McDonald. US/CHINA - President Jiang Zemin arrives in Los Angeles on last leg of visit marked by commercial contracts and political protests. I/v with correspondent Simon Marks. (Mng Rpt)