Morning report. 1997-11-05

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Broadcast Date
05 Nov 1997
RNZ Collection

0616 NEWS STORY: LEADERSHIP - NZ First taking limelight as it ponders its move over change in National Party leadership. Change has angered NZ First leader Winston Peers. Comment from NZ First MPs Neil Kirton and Ann Batten and from new National leader Jenny Shipley. (Clare Pasley)
0626 NEWS STORY: IRAQ - WEAPONS INSPECTIONS - UN delegation has only 1 day to achieve goal of negotiating compromise between Saddam Hussein, UN, and US over inspections. Comment from Ewan Buchanan, spokesman for UN Weapons Inspections Commission in New York. (BBC)
0636 NEWS STORY: LEADERSHIP - National's front bench in for shake-up following change of leader. Comment from Bill English, Don McKinnon, Paul East, and Bob Simcock. (Stephen Harris)
0651 BUSINESS AND FINANCIAL NEWS: SKELLERUP GROUP - Guardian Trust, trustee for bondholders, arranging urgent meeting of investors so they can be brought up to date. Skellerup went to court to stop Guardian Trust pulling financial plug and also obtained gagging order. Other major shareholder, Goldman Sachs, will not guarantee value of bonds. (Gyles Beckford) FINANCE MARKETS/EMPLOYMENT FIGURES - live i/v with ANZ Bank's chief economist Paul Stewart. FINANCE/MARKETS CARTER HOLT HARVEY expects to decide in few weeks future of building products division. Chief financial officer Chris Liddell says decision close but recent sharemarket turmoil is a factor. (Gyles Beckford) G15 DEVELOPING NATIONS GROUP meets to look at ways of countering and avoiding sharemarket turmoil of recent months. Group putting more emphasis on transparency of markets, raising question of rebellion against free and unfettered global markets. Comment from Adam Posen, Inst for International Economics in Washington. INFRATIL utilities and infrastructure company buys back more than 2 millions of its own shares at just under $1 each. Recent heavy trading in company's stock has fuelled speculaton of someone building stake with view to possible take-over. (Gyles Beckford) ENERCO gas company says recent re-organisation from regional to centralised operations has increased its costs but improved competitiveness and will boost bottom line. Also reaffirms that drilling of 5 exploratory wells will be done around Wairoa early next year. (Heugh Chappell)
0700 INTRO/NEWS LEADERSHIP - coalition in limbo as NZ First reserves decision on future, demanding guarantee from Jenny Shipley she plans no move further to the right. Live i/v with NZ First leader Winston Peters; Jenny Shipley makes repeated assurances that coalition documentin enduring document but is she confident NZ First will want to work with her? - i/ved. (Mng Rpt); former MP Michael Laws says NZ First caucus split on whether to stay in coalition with National - i/ved' live; i/v with Political editor Al Morrison. DRIVING - RIGHT HAND RULES - Land Transport Safety Authority takes first steps towards changing rules about who gives way to whom at intersections, says right hand rules are out of line with other countries and have never really worked. (illegible Williams)
0730 NEWS/WEATHER/SPORTS FINANCE UPDATE LEADERSHIP - Jim Bolger leaves PM's job without bitterness, says he's enjoyed immensely his time as leader of country and feels positive about what he's achieved - i/ved live. LEADERSHIP - Jenny Shipley's elevation produces cautious response from some of most vocal critics, feeling she should not be pre-judged. Comment from Bonnie Robinson, NZ Council for Christian Social Services, Elaine Lolesio of Catholic housing charity, the Monte Cecilia Trust, Sue Bradford, Auckland Unemployed Workers' Rights Centre, and Major Campbell Roberts, Social Services Director for the Salvation Army. (Eric Frykberg) COOK ISLANDS - CYCLONE - search resumes for 18 people still missing from Manihiki, 5 bodies recovered so far. Live i/v with Brian Mason, PM's Office.
0800 NEWS/WEATHER LEADERSHIP - NZ will have first woman PM in few weeks, Jennifer Mary Shipley. Former Finance minister Ruth Richardson a close friend - i/ved about Mrs Shipley making it to the top. (Mng Rpt) LEADERSHIP - what lies ahead for Mrs Shipley and the coalition? Live discussion with National Party historian Barry Gustafson and "NZ Political Review" editor Chris Trotter. IRAQ - WEAPONS INSPECTIONS - Iraq has told American members of UN inspection team to leave country by tomorrow morning, but deadline has just been extended. Live i/v with Fred Eckhart, spokesman for UN Secretary General. PETROL PRICES - 4 main companies increase prices in AK by 5 cents a litre, backtracking on last week's cut. Consumers' Inst deputy head Peter Sutton says motorists may have to wait until Liberty Oil is operating in NZ before competitive prices become permanent thing. Comment also from motoring commentator Alan Dick and energy consultant Michael Murray. (Stephanie Baird); live i/v with energy analyst Alan Jenkins.
0830 NEWS/SPORTS LEADERSHIP - Jenny Shipley gives first public address as leader-designate, to breakfast meeting on Kapiti coast. Live report from Nick Hirst. LEADERSHIP - TREATY ISSUES - Māori watching keenly to see what stance the re-jigged coalition govt will take on treaty issues with Jenny Shipley at helm. Māori Issues correspondent Chris Wikaira reports she has delicate balancing act between caucus and Māori support over claims settlements. Comment from Sir Tipene O'Regan, Sir Graham Latimer, and lawyer Joe Williams. INTERNATIONAL PAPERS MELBOURNE CUP - NZ jockey Jim Cassidy wins on NZ-bred horse Might and Power. Cassidy also won in 1983, on Kiwi. Might and Power becomes only 10th horse to complete Caulfield and Melbourne Cup double, in one of closest finishes in Cup history. Live i/v with sports reporter Nicole Bland. TOURISM BOARD launches series of campaigns in Australia, Germany, Japan, and UN following 8% drop in tourism growth. (Andrea Rush) NEW YORK - MAYORAL ELECTION - incumbent Rudolph Giuliani expected to win by comfortable margin although very unpopular as a person. Live i/v with correspondent Judy Lessing.