Morning report. 1997-11-06.

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Nonfiction radio programs
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Broadcast Date
06 Nov 1997
RNZ Collection
Plunket, Sean, Presenter
Radich, Eva, Presenter
Walley, Allan, Editor
Corbett, Maree, Producer
Davies, Jenny, Producer
Espiner, Colin, Producer
Thomas, Gabriel, Producer
National Radio (N.Z.) (estab. 1986, closed 2007), Broadcaster

0611 Māori NEWS
0616 NEWS STORY: COALITION - PM designate Jenny Shipley now has numbers to form minority govt if coalition splits, has support of 5 NZ First MPs holding Māori seats as well as minister Deborah Morris and Brian Donnelly, Jack Elder, and Peter McCardle. Comment from Deborah Morris and Brian Donnelly, and vox pops. (Clare Pasley)
0626 NEWS STORY: MISSING PUPILS - some AK primary school principals concerned that children who leave their schools may never go to school again. Growing number of progress records not being claimed. (Mary-Jane Aggett)
0636 NEWS STORY: EAST COAST SCHOOLS - Education Review Office urging govt to intervene immediately to improve schooling on North Island's east coast. ERO report says students in area from Tolaga Bay to Hicks Bay not getting good enough education. Comment from ERO head Dr Judith Aitken and school trustee David Jeffard. (Cushla Managh)
0651 BUSINESS AND FINANCIAL NEWS: FLETCHER CHALLENGE chair Bill Wilson tells annual meeting company is confident it made right decision in splitting shares into 4 trading divisions - building, energy, forstry, and paper, Outgoing chief exec Hugh Fletcher says Fletcher Energy stock undervalued cf similar energy stocks. (Rodney Joyce) BORNS PHILP - AK-based entrepreneur Graeme Hart tells annual meeting in Sydney he'll do everyhting he can to drag Burns Philp out of trouble. Angry shareholders vent anger on directors for company's fall and many are sceptical about its survival. (Zandra Sharpe) FINANCE/MARKETS CARTER HOLT HARVEY expected to post slightly lower half year profit today. Analysts expect company to be vulnerable to economic fallout in Asia but that's TAX ACT REWRITE - submissions about to close on major rewrite aimed at making it more understandable. Some suggestions rewrite could affect interest deductability, significant to many businesses. Live i/v with John Shewan, Coopers and Lybrand. FINANCIAL PLANNERS in demand, according to Sheffield Consulting Group recruitment firm. Latest household labour force survey shows that while employment fell in most industries, it rose by 16% in financial and business services. Comment from Sheffield deputy chair Norman Godden. (Bronwen Evans) BUSINESS BRIEFS
0700 INTRO/NEWS COALITION - NZ First minister Deborah Morris contemplating shift to National, other members of NZ First have pledged support to Jenny Shipley. Live i/v with Political editor Al Morrison; NZ First members Deborah Morris, Tuariki Delamere, Doug Woolerton, all decline to be i/ved. Neil Kirton agrees - i/ved live. EAST COAST SCHOOLS - Education Review Office calls on govt to test all students in area from Tolaga Bay to Hicks Bay for literacy and numeracy. ERO reviewers say isolation, parochialism, problems in attracting good teachers and lack of basic management skills responsible for poor education in area; live i/v with ERO head Dr Judith Aitken. ROADBLOCKS - civil libertarians claim victory after police backdown on plans to catch burglars at traffic checkpoints. Burglary squad had intended waiting at roadblocks to check stopped cars for stolen goods but legal advice say police would be acting unlawfully. Live i/v with AK District Law Society spokesman on civil liberties, Stuart Cummings. GENDER CONCEPTION - French programme using computer programming and details of woman's age and blood type able to produce personalised calendar of woman's ovum polarity, giving details of best time to try and conceive a girl or a boy. I/v with Dr George Hogewind, London Gynaecology and Fertility Centre, says research is correct but he has some reservations - i/ved. (Mng Rpt)
0730 NEWS/WEATHER/SPORTS FINANCE UPDATE Māori UNEMPLOYMENT rises from 16.5% to over 18%. Waipareira Trust warns it will continue to rise unless there's economic miracle in next decade. Trust and employment centres on East Coast, where Māori unemployment rate is over 90% in some places, say govt needs to consider fresh approach to problem. (Tama Muru); live i/v with Māori Affairs minister Tau Henare. COOK ISLANDS - CYCLONE - 13 people remain unaccounted for, death toll risen to 6. Cooks Islands communities around NZ gathering to raise money for victims of worst typhoon they can remember. (Eric Frykberg); live i/v with Cook Islands High Commissioner Iaveta Short; live i/v with Brian Mason, Cook Islands PM's office. AUSTRALIA - ESCAPED PRISONERS - 5 prisoners, 3 of them murderers, on run after escape from Brisbane jail. Escapees are considered very dangerous and thought to be armed. Live i/v with Det Sypt George Nolan, Brisbane police.
0800 NEWS/WEATHER COALITION - signs that some NZ First MPs may join National Party, but would they be acceptable to National MPs? Live i/v with senior National backbencher Peter Gresham. EAST COAST SCHOOLS - Education Review Office wants govt to test all students in area for literacy and numeracy, reorganise school boards so they combine to run several schools, and provide scholarships for local people to train as teachers. Live i/v with Associate Education minister Brian Donnelly and April Paratra Blane, former principal of Ngata College in Ruatoria. INTERNATIONAL PAPERS TVNZ RESTRUCTURING begins, 3 executives appointed to head newly autonomous divisions. Company plans to make its 2 main channels more efficient and dynamic. Live i/v with TVNZ head Neil Roberts. WHAKATANE HOSPITAL - 2nd public meeting held over concerns about possible cuts in services. Transitional Health Authority spokesman says no decision made yet over future funding but many at the meeting are sceptical. Live report from Andrew McRae.
0830 NEWS/SPORTS ROADBLOCKS - after seeking legal advice, Asst Commissioner Bruce Scott orders AK burglary squad to abandon plans to check cars stopped at checkpoints for stolen goods - he's i/ved live. Māori FISHING - CHATHAM ISLANDS - Māori and Moriori reach agreement on how Chathams want to be treated in allocation of fish quota from settlement with Crown. Plan must now be considered by Treaty of Waitangi Fisheries Commission. Live i/v with Māori Issues correspondent Chris Wikaira. CHILD DEVELOPMENT - Canty Univ study confirms that children within larger families develop quicker, at least in social sense. Live i/v with study leader Dr Tom Keenan. GERMANY - NAZI ERA SLAVE LABOURER Rywka Merin wins compensation for being sold into slavery by SS to munitions factory in Auschwitz concentration camp complex. Landmark ruling could pave way for similar claims. Live i/v with correspondent Geoff Rodoreda. FRUIT AND VEG REPORT with Jack Forsythe.