Morning report. 1997-11-10

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Broadcast Date
10 Nov 1997
RNZ Collection

0616 NEWS STORY: PHARMACEUTICALS - drug companies launch advertising campaign in bid to stymie Pharamc's plans to screw down drug prices by tendering for single supplier for some drugs and reducing subsidies for others. Companies claims patients will suffer. Comment from David Moore, Pharmac, Alister Brown of Researched Medicines Industry, Dr David Kerr, Pegasus Group, and Dr Clive Stone, GPs Assn. illegible Gregory-Hunt)
0626 SPORTS STORY: BRITISH SOCCER - live i/v with correspondent Rick George. (Manchester United and Arsenal do battle in London)
0636 NEWS STORY: COOK ISLANDS - CYCLONE - opposition MP Dr Robert Woonton describes devastaton on Manihiki; High Commissioner to NZ Iaveta Short says too early to say how much money will be needed to get Manihiki back on its feet. (Gael Woods)
0651 BUSINESS AND FINANCIAL NEWS: INTEREST RATE - SOUTHLAND BUILDING SOCIETY trims floating home loan rate from standard 9.9% to 9.65%. Acting chief exec David Newman says it restores society's traditional margin under main banks and holds out possiblity of another round of rate cuts across home loan sector, if 90 day bill rates keep falling. (Rodney Joyce) illegible-MAINE INVESTMENTS - trustee Guardian Trust says keeping group out of receivership may save bondholders' investment, says there's shortfall of around $25 million between tangible assets and Maine Investment's first ranking debt. Banks have given Maine untill December 1 before deciding on next step. (Gyles Beckford) FINANCE/MARKETS MONOPOLIES - Commerce Commission chair Alan Bollard in Australia for talks with officials re NZ experience in regulating utlities. Mr Bollard says both sides can learn from each other's experience. (Rodney Joyce) ADVERTISING - FAIR TRADING ACT - Commerce Commission advising advertising agents and commercial media on how not to get clients into trouble with Act. Fair Trading manager Rachel Leamy says main issue appears to be lack of Knowledge among advertising professionals. (Rodney Joyce) INTERNET - E MONEY - Barclays Bank in Britain developing e-money, which client downloads from card or bank account into virtual wallet to go shopping on Internet. (BBC) BUSINESS BRIEFS CRISIS INSURANCE - American International Group to start selling Crisis Component policy in Australia today, works by covering costs for consultants called in by crisis-affected company. (AAP)
0700 INTRO/NEWS PHARMACEUTICALS - Researched Medicines Industry, representing 33 drug companies, launches MayDay publicity campaign against Pharmac's proposals to curb national drugs bill. Campaign aimed at persuading public to send protest coupoins to govt to counter Pharmac's move. Live i/v with Dr Ian Griffith, Researched Medicines Industry; live i/v with Pharmac medical director Dr Win Bennett. COOK ISLANDS - CYCLONE - Manihiki people having to cope with contaminated food and water. Several govt officials have flown in from Rarotonga, leading to criticism they're more interested in state of pearl farms they own than plight of people. Live i/v with correspondent Barbara Dreaver. IRAQ - WEAPONS INSPECTION - tension mounting as Iraq continues to refuse permission for US arms inspectors to enter military sites. President Clinton says he expects UN to take "very strong and unambiguous action" against Saddam Hussein. Live i/v with Washington correspondent Martin Kettle. WHITBREAD RACE - 9 surviving boats sail from South Africa on 2nd and most gruelling leg, bound for Australia and NZ. Live i/v with NZ skipper Grant Dalton on "Merit Cup"
0730 NEWS/WEATHER/SPORTS PAPERS FINANCE UPDATE COALITION - talks resume today between NZ First leader Winston Peters and illegible designate Jenny Shipley. Live i/v with Political editor Al Morrison. illegible PLANE - search resumes for Cessna and pilot Ryan Moynihan, missing since Saturday on flight from Haast to West Melton near CH. Live i/v with Rescue Co-ordination Centre spokesperson Emma Peel. CLASSIC CAR RACE MEETING at Manfield, with almost 300 taking part. (Jill Galloway) MONDAY OZ SPOT - live i/v with correspondent Phil Kafcaloudes. (prison escapees;nightclub shooting;PM Howard/early election chances)
0800 NEWS/WEATHER PHARMACEUTICALS - live i/v with Health minister Bill English re Researches Medicines Industry's campaign against Pharmac's moves to curb drug spending. INTERNATIONAL PAPERS COOK ISLANDS - CYCLONE - live i/v with PM Sir Geoffrey Henry re damage to Manihiki. IRAQ - WEAPONS INSPECTION - live i/v with correspondent Robert Berger re Arab response to Saddam Hussein's refusal to allow American weapons inspectors into military sites, in contravention of agreements with UN. DRINK/DRIVE BLITZ - Police minister Jack Elder seeking answers from Police Commissioner as to why AK North Shore crime squad members were pulled off crime illegible to help out during breath-testing blitz. Police Assn says police don't illegible resources to carry out breath-testing and stay on top of crime. Live i.v with AK regional commander, Asst Commissioner Bruce Scott. ENDURANCE RACE - 350 km Southern Traverse endurance event starts today in Wanaka. 6th time event held in NZ, 35 international teams expected to take part. Live i/v with organiser Geoff Hunt.
0830 NEWS/SPORTS CRICKET - game evenly poised between NZ and Australia on 4th day of 1st test. Live i/v with commentator Bryan Waddle. ISRAEL - RALLY marking 2nd anniversary of assassination of Yitzhal Rabin turns into mass protest against PM Netanyahu's policies, blamed for breakdown of peace process. I/v with correspondent Laurie Neff. (Mng Rpt) TRAMPER STUCK - English tourist thought to have spent night trapped between 2 rocks in Nelson Lakes national park. Live i/v with Search and Rescue advisor Russell Tucker. GOLD - low price forcing many West Coast miners out industry. Comment from John Wood, West Coast Mining Assn, miner Barry Pearson, and Beryl Armstrong, Hokitika gold room. (Helen Shea) RUSSIA - CARS - at time when Russian Red Cross predicting dire winter for people living in poverty, so many new cars being registered in major cities the streets literally can't hold them all. (Beth Noble, Feature Story)