Morning report. 1997-12-24

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Broadcast Date
24 Dec 1997
RNZ Collection

0616 NEWS STORY: EDS COMPUTER GLITCH - criticism of glitch which saw hundreds of thousands of Christmas pay and benefit deposits delayed. Comment from computer expert Jim Higgins, David Woolfenden of Countrywide Bank, and Gary Fissenden, ASB. (illegible McGuinness)
0626 NEWS STORY: MEXICO - MASSACRE - 43 people killed in Chiapas state and many others injured. Live i/v with correspondent James Blears.
0636 NEWS STORY: BOUGAINVILLE - CHRISTMAS for NZ peace-keepng troops includes going to church and having hangi. I/v with Army's public relations officer Maj Fiona Cassidy.
0651 BUSINESS AND FINANCIAL NEWS: TELECOM SHAREHOLDERS Ameritech and BellSouth selling down interests. Analysts sell-out will deliver market huge overhang of Telecom shares. Kevin Bennett, BT Securities, suggests big Telecom profits of past may no longer be there. (Rodney Joyce) ELECTRICITY INDUSTRY - govt postpones decision on split-up of ECNZ and major changes to supply industry. (Bronwen Evans) FINANCE/MARKETS TECHNOLOGY COMPANY MASTech to become subsidiary of Californian-based Digital Microwave in $110 million dollar deal. MASTech wil remain based in Lower Hutt with chief exec Neville Jordan continuing to run it as separate unit. (Rodney Joyce) CURRENT ACCOUNT FIGURE better than expected, 6.4% rather than 6.8%. Bancorp economist Stuart Marshall says it appears market was looking too far ahead in expectations. (Rodney Joyce) BUSINESS BRIEFS LOOK BACK AT 1997 - FINANCE/BUSINESS. (Gyles Beckford)
0700 INTRO/NEWS ECNZ SPLIT - govt confirms move to split ECNZ into competing state-owned power generating companies. Cabinet yet to make final decision on future of electricity market. Live i/v with Energy minister Max Bradford; live i/v with Economics correspondent Bronwen Evans. AUCKLAND - BRITOMART CENTRE - Environment Court decides today whether to postpone hearing of appeal against earlier refusal to grant consent to project. AK City Council says any furhter delay could see entire project scrapped. Live i/v with AK correspondent Todd Niall. HANUKAH CELEBRATIONS at Parliament for WN's Jewish community. This year's celebrations combined with 50th anniversary of founding of Israel. (Melita Tull) BETHLEHEM - live i/v with correspondent Robert Berger re Christmas celebrations.
0730 NEWS/WEATHER/SPORTS NZ PAPERS FINANCE UPDATE COMPUTER GLITCHES - EDS-type problems may increase, with more dire consequences, as year 2000 approaches. Live i/v with John Good, Azimuth Consulting, author of "Survivor's Guide to the Year 2000 Problems". LOOK BACK AT 1997 - SPORTS. (Stephen Hewson) LOOK BACK AT 1997 - BRITAIN. Live i/v with correspondent Keith Chalkley.
0800 NEWS/WEATHER ECNZ SPLIT - Energy minister Max Bradford says cost of reforming electiricty sector is worth it if consumers offered lower prices; live i/v with Molly Melhuish, Public Power Campaign, and Barry Leay, former chief exec of Electricity Supply Assn. SOUTH KOREA - markets fall sharply following candid comments by president-elect illegible Dae-Jung who's said he's been unable to sleep since being briefed about financial situation and is "totally flabbergasted". Live i/v re South Korea's situation with Marcus Noland, Inst for International Economics in Washington. INTERNATONAL PAPERS HOLIDAY ROAD SAFETY - live i/v with Police Asst Commissioner Phil Wright re how to cope with Christmas traffic jams and busy roads. WEATHER PROSPECTS with Marc McNaught of Weather Workshop. CHRISTMAS SHOPPING - many people in Wn at least who are leaving their shopping until last minute. (Caitlin Cherry)
0830 NEWS/WEATHER LOOK BACK AT 1997 - UNITED STATES. Live i/v with correspondent Judy Lessing. LOOK BACK AT 1997 - COOK ISLANDS. Live i/v with correspondent Barbara Dreaver. SAND ROW - 40 cubic metres of white sand dumped at night at Latham Bay, near Dunedin peninsula settlement of Portobello. Local Community Trust had decided sandy strip would improve gravelly beach but Otago Regional Council received several submissions objecting to white sand and decreed colour must fit in with surroundings. Live i/v with Portobello Hotel publican Ernie Webster. LOOK BACK AT 1997 - AUSTRALIA. Live i/v with correspondent Phil Kafcaloudes.