Morning report. 1998-01-09

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Broadcast Date
09 Jan 1998
RNZ Collection

0700 NEWS INDONESIA - ECONOMIC CRISIS - signs of panic as shoppers rush to buy up food and other essentials, fearing round of sharp price increases. Share market drops 12% and rupiah reaches all-time low against US dollar. Rumours that President Suharto will not seek re-election in March. I/v with John McBeth, "Far Eastern Economic Review:. (Mng Rpt) DROUGHT - Agriculture minister Lockwood Smith flies to Marlborough today to see effects of region's worst drought in 40 years. Federated Farmers president Malcolm Bailey says Fedn hopes to gain some concessions from govt. (q). Live i/v with Dr Smith and Fed Farmers drought committee co-ordinator Graham Hewitt. SECURITY - WAIHOPAI - Labour Party and peace activists not convinced by govt reassurances that expansion of monitoring station at Waihopai won't be used to spy on NZers. PM Jenny Shipley says there's "no intention" of using 2nd antenna to intercept communications among NZers (q). Comment from peace campaigner Nicy Hager and Labour MP Tim Barnett. (Stephen Harris) PAPUA NEW GUINEA - DROUGHT - NZ Foreign Affairs minister Don McKinnon says NZ to donate another $53,000 to drought relief efforts, bringing total contribution to over half million dollars. Latest estimates show over quarter of PNG population now suffering food shortages, with 300,000 now in serious danger of starvation. Live i/v with Don McKinnon. WHITBREAD YACHT RACE - leaders heading for AK and end of 4th leg. 4 week stopover one of AK's big Summer events but some are worried that this time may not be successful. (Todd Niall); live i/v with reporter Todd Niall at Whitbread Centre on AK waterfront.
0730 NEWS/WEATHER/SPORTS FINANCE UPDATE SUNSCREENS - Pharmaceutical Society says sunscreens should not be relied on for protection against sunburn for more than 3 hours and that sun will still burn even if sunscreen reapplied. Cancer Society has different view. Comment from Carolyn Hooper, Pharmaceutical Society, Helen Glasgow of Cancer Society, and dermatologist Amanda Oakley. (Clare Sziranyi); live i/v with dermatologist Dr Bruce Taylor. MISSING COUPLE - fresh details emerge of mystery man at heart of police investigation into disappearance of Olivia Hope and Ben Smart. (Helen Shea) US UNABOMBER - Theodore Kaczynski tells trial judge he wants to represent himself, again frustrate attempts to begin trial. US govt alleges he's serial killer and he faces death penalty if convicted. I/v with correspondent Suzanne Marmion. RABBIT VIRUS - DN company wants to produce rabbit calicivirus and sell it to farmers. Agriculture ministry supports idea. (Eric Frykberg)
0800 NEWS/WEATHER SCRUB FIRES break out in hastings, Nelson, and CH. Large blaze damages house and pine plantation near Picton. Live i/v with Murray Dudfield, national rural fine officer. BOUGAINVILLE - NZ Foreign Affairs minister Don McKinnon in Bougainville to meet public officials, secessionist rebels and community leaders. Live i/v with RNZ International's Bruce Hill who's travelling with Mr McKinnon. INTERNATIONAL PAPERS SECURITY - WAIHOPAI - what is going on at the monitoring base and what is the basis for concerns over expansion of facility? Live i/v with Bob Leonard, spokesman for Anti-Bases Campaign. TOBACCO SIGNS - some shopkeepers compalin they're being unfairly singled out by health authorities who're demanding removal of word "tobacconist" from shop signs. Use of word as advertisement in illegal under Smokefree Environment Act. Public Health director Gilliam Durham says retailers have been told for years about implications of the law. (Tama Muru) TOURISM - CHINA - NZ becomes first ever non-Asian country to be officially approved as destination for Chinese tourists. Number of Chinese visitors to NZ expected to increase dramatically. Tourism minister Murray McCully says it's timely given downturn in tourism from other parts of Asia. (q). NZ Tourism Board says Chinese market will need to be handled well to get maximum benefits. Live i/v with Peter Laurenson, Tourism Board's area manager for Asia.
0830 NEWS/SPORTS CRICKET - NZ team back into triangular 1-day series later today, play South Africa in Brisbane. Live i/v with commentator Bryan Waddle. MISSING SECURITY GUARD - police investigating disappearance of David Nathan have 2 new leads - car he was driving when he picked up money from Manurewa supermarket found in AK parking building and security film showing Mr Nathan talking to 2 women at Manurewa mall. Live i/v with Det Snr Sgt Alan Shearer. MISSING COUPLE - police dive teams comb waters near Furneaux Lodege. Lodege manager asked by police not to talk to media - why? Live i/v with inquiry head Det Insp Rob Pope. WEEKEND WEATHER with Marc McNaught. WHITBREAD YACHT RACE - leaders duel in virtual match-race finish. Live i/v with reporter Todd Niall at Whitbread Centre on AK waterfront. OZ SPOT - live i/v with correspondent Phil Kafcaloudes.(sports drugs)