Morning report. 1998-03-23

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Broadcast Date
23 Mar 1998
RNZ Collection

0616 NEWS STORY: AUCKLAND PRISON and Corrections Dept silent over allegations Parermoremo is unsafe for inmates. Howard League for Penal Reform claims inadequate staffing and poor safety standards contributed to death of prisoner earlier in year. Comment from Peter Williams QC, Howard League spokesperson, PSA spokesperson Ann Thewles. (Karen Mangnall)
0625 NEWS STORY SCHOOL POOLS - many primary school principals finding cost of keeping pools open is escalating, to the point where many new schools going without pools and having pupils learn to swim at local community pool. (Mary-Jane Aggett)
0636 NEWS STORY: SERBIA - KOSOVO - ethnic Albanians voting today for new president and parliament in elections which Serbian officials say are illegal. American illegible believe situation in Kosovo has potential to be worse than civil war in Bosnia. (Judy Lessing)
0651 BUSINESS AND FINANCIAL NEWS: ECONOMIC SLOWDOWN - recovery is coming but not just yet, according to latest Quarterly Predictions of NZ Inst of Economic Research. Giving Asia as reason for delay, NZIER picking growth of around 2% in current year rising to 3.3% in 1999-2000. Comment from director Alex Sundakov. (Gyles Beckford) WORLD OIL PRICES set to jumppafter big producers announce supply reductions. Saudi Arabia, Venezuela and Mexico move to withdraw up to 2 million barrels a day from market. Kuwait and Algeria have supported plan but no word yet from Nigeria. (RTR) FINANCE/MARKETS NZ DOLLAR likely to face another week of money market nerves and volatility, starting week at 56.2 US cents, with Trade Weighted Index at 59.83 after partial rally at end of last week. Comment from Stefan Dunatov, HSBC Markets. (illegible Beckford) WOOLWORTHS considering selling petrol. Chief operating officer Andrew Davidson says supermarket sector is mature and Woolworths has to look at different ways of doing business including petrol retailing. (Gyles Beckford) MAX RESOURCES - bid by 2 NZ-based directors of mineral investment firm to have company put into provisional liquidation expected to be heard by West Australian court at end of week. Tom Johnson and Owen McShane understood to be concerned about sale of certain properties and whereabouts of certain funds. (Gyles Beckford) SUPERANNUATION SCHEMES given extension of complying with new securities rules, had been expected to issue investment statements to new members from end of this month. Securities Commission has now given funds until end of June to comply with rules. (Gyles Beckford)
0700 INTRO/NEWS ECONOMIC SLOWDOWN predicted by NZIER, with latest forecast painting gloomy picture of decline in growth rate to only 2% in year to March 1999. Comment from NZIER forecasting manager Diana Cook, Bancorp exec director Roger Kerr, and CTU economist Peter Harris. (Alannah Kalafatelis); does pessimistic forecast mean there's need to revise govt's spending promises? I/v with Finance minister Bill Birch. (Mng Rpt). Treasurer Winston Peters declined i/v ACC/OOS - ACC now believes that condition called Fibromyalgia, previously under umbrella of OOS, is not a work-related injury and anyone with that condition will lose ACC entitlement. ACC accused of cost-cutting at expense of genuine claimants. Comment from ACC's Alan Seay, OOS specialist Dr Richard Wigley, Labour's ACC spokesperson Ruth Dyson, and Mervyn Castle, president of Accident Victims society. (Caitlin Cherry); live i/v with Maree Campbell, chair of Occupational Overuse Support NZ. AUCKLAND PRISON - allegations that poor staffing levels and inadequate safety measures contributed to death of inmate William Annear who died last month after lighting mattress in cell. Howard League's Peter Williams QC claims Annear lit mattress as protest and wasn't rescued in time, partly because there was only 1 warder in the block. Live i/v with Corrections minister Nick Smith. 150TH ANNIVERSARY of European settlement of Otago and Southland. Dunedin staging re-enactment of arrival of ship "John Wickliffe" at Port Chalmers. (Graham McKerracher)
0730 NEWS/WEATHER/SPORTS NZ PAPERS FINANCE UPDATE SERBIA - KOSOVO - ethnic Albanians voting for president and parliament against background of political turbulence and violent crackdown by Serbian security illegible. I/v with correspondent David Loyn. MILITARY EXERCISE - NZ's largest in 15 years starts today, involves troops from Australia, Singapore, France, Fiji and Vanuatu. Exercise simulates UN peace enforcement operation covers both islands. (Jill Galloway) AUCKLAND RETAILERS in central business district bounce back in weekend, with crowds attracted by festivities including free rock concert, but warn crisis not yet over. Live i/v with Alex Swney, Heart of the City group. KAINGAROA PRIMARY SCHOOL, near Kaitaia, attracting attention after commendable rating from Education Revieew Office. (Lois Williams) MONDAY OZ SPOT - live i/v with correspondent Phil Kafcaloudes. (cricket - Australia loses to India, worst loss since the 1930s;state premiers' conference; heist of truck loaded with crayfish)
0800 NEWS/WEATHER/SPORTS ECONOMIC SLOWDOWN - NZIER says Asian financial crisis is to blame and there won't be a recovery for at least another year. Live i/v with Bancorp exec director Roger Kerr, and David Moloney, ManFed president; live i/v with Political editor Al Morrison re political implications. ACC/OOS - ACC says it won't pay compensation or treatment costs for illegible because it's pre-existing condition and not work-related injury. illegible with Corporate Relations manager Alan Seay. (Mng Rpt); ACC says decision based on consensus of medical opinion garnered with assorted medical specialists but several doctors who attended meeting say they don't believe any such agreement was reached. Live i/v with Dr Evan Dryson, AK specialist in workplace injuries. INTERNATIONAL PAPERS MILITARY EXERCISE - Army, Navy, and Air Force working together simulated UN peace enforcement operation. I/v with Group Capt John Hamilton, in charge of RNZAF part of exercise. (Mng Rpt) WORLD OIL PRICES - multinational plan to boost prices aims to cut up to 2 million barrels per day for supply. Saudi Arabia, Venezuela and Mexico have agreed towork with other OPEC Members and non-OPEC producers to cut production immediately. Live i/v with analyst Mehdi Varzi.
0830 NEWS/SPORTS MāORI FISHING ASSETS - 2nd week of High Court case over allocation of assets begins in AK this morning. This week it's turn of major tribal authorities to give evidence. Live i/v with Māori Issues correspondent Chris Wikaira. 150TH ANNIVERSARY of Otago and Southland. At Port Chalmers, re-enactment of arrival of "John Wickliffe" taking place. Live i/v with reporter Graham McKerracher. SOUTH KOREA - ECONOMIC CRISIS forces South Korea to take record $100 billion loan from IMF, with strict recommendations to change economic practices. Jule Ireton, CBC, talks to Koreans and foreigners about the currency crisis and future of South Korea. GOLDEN RASPBERRIES for worst films awarded. Kevin Costner sweeps the Raspberries for worst film, director and actor with "The Postman", in "a precednet of horrific proportions". Live i/v with Greg Agnew, Entertainment TV in Los Angeles. BRAZIL - AMAZON FIRE - Venezuelan and Argentinian firefighters flown in to help fight huge forest fires which have been burning for 2 months and scorched hundreds of thousands of hectares of rainforest. Live i/v with correspondent Jan Rosher. INTERNATIONAL ARTS FESTIVAL - montage of highlights.