Morning report. 1998-03-24

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Broadcast Date
24 Mar 1998
RNZ Collection

0616 NEWS STORY: COOK ISLANDS TAX INQUIRY - at High Court in AK, Justice Smellie throws out Winston Peters' challenge to Sir Ronald Davison's Inquiry findings, saying there was no foundation to case taken by Mr Peters. Mr Peters says he'll fight it in Appeal Court and on to Privy Council. Comment also from Labour leader Helen Clark, ACT MP Rodney Hide, and National MP Wayne Mapp. (Sarah Boyd)
0625 SPORTS STORY EUROPEAN SPORTS - live i/v with correspondent Ian Borthwick. (5 Nations rugby tournament)
0636 NEWS STORY: AUCKLAND TRANSPORT/POPULATION - AK City Council seeking urgent public consultation on how to manage traffic and population problems. Council spokesperson for transport, Catherine Harland, says recent power problems highlight importance of planning for future. Consultation supported by Campaign for Public Transport but spokesperson Jack Henderson says it'll work only if people given plenty of information. (Mary-Jane Aggett)
0651 BUSINESS AND FINANCIAL NEWS: MAX RESOURCES - Stock Exchange takes unusual step of suspending trading in NZ market of company's shares for breaches of Exchange rules. Follows statement by Perth-based directors they'll vigourously defend any move by 2 NZ-based directors to put company in hands of liquidator. (Gyles Beckford) FINANCE/MARKETS WILLIAMSBURG CONFERENCE - delegates to think-tank conference warn Asia-Pacific region's economic crisis will get worse before it gets better, wonder why they didn't see the crisis coming. (Todd Niall) ASIAN CRISIS - "Forbes" magazine estimates Asian billionaires have lost combined $112 billion in region's economic crisis. (AAP); some investment funds specialising in futures market have made money out of falling shares and currencies. Bill Kay, Pacific speculative fund in Manila, says it makes sense illegible investments. (Rodney Joyce) WORLD OIL PRICES rise more than $2 a barrel after weekend moves by major producers to cut production. (RTR) AMP wants to be able to buy back its own shares, initiates discussion with Australian Securities Commission. HEAD HUNTERS - chair of regional leading agency AMROP briefly in NZ. Daniel Gauchet explains what executive search agencies look for in an executive. (Gyles Beckford)
0700 INTRO/NEWS RUSSIA - GOVT SACKED by President Yeltsin, appoints young minister Sergei Kiriyenko as acting PM. LIve i/v with correspondent Paul Anderson. COOK ISLANDS TAX INQUIRY - why is Winston Peters refusing to give up? He's i/ved live. SEA LIONS/SQUID FISHERY closes season early in Auckland and Campbell Islands fishery after 63 allowable sea lion deaths reached in little more than month of fishing. Fishery is breeding ground for NZ or Hooker sea lions, more than 1,000 of which recently died from mystery illness. Live i/v with chief exec of Squid Fishery Management Company, Andrew Branson. KEITH RAMSTEAD CASE - Privy Council grants him special leave to appeal against NZ manslaughter conviction. Live i/v with his representing lawyer David Collins.
0730 NEWS/WEATHER/SPORTS NZ PAPERS FINANCE UPDATE AUCKLAND REGIONAL SERVICES TRUST - cabinet finally decides direction it wants to go in re ARST assets but details being left to jont caucus meeting with NZ First. Local Government minister Maurice Williamson says decisions include holding referendum - i/ved. (Mng Rpt); live i/v with Papakura mayor David Hawkins, chair of Auckland Mayoral Forum. AUCKLAND TRANSPORT/POPULATION - city grappling with gridlock and population forecast to grow by more than 17,000 each year. Comment from councillor Catherine Harland, council transport planner Denis Mander, and Jack Henderson, public transport campaigner. (Mary-Jane Aggett) OPUHA DAM - legal wrangle delays court proceedings to determine responsibility for collapse of dam on Waitangi Day 1997. Canty Regional Council has jointly charged Opuha Dam Company, its builder and supervisor, with illegaly discharging contaminants into Opuha River. Live i/v with reporter Lauren McKenzie. ART EXHIBITION - WIN about to host one of most valuable exhibitions of modern illegible seen in NZ. Exhibition of the Century is collection of 20th century art from Amsterdam's Stedelijk Museum. (Caitlin Cherry)
0800 NEWS/WEATHER RUSSIA - GOVT SACKED. AK Univ political scientist Dr Reuben Azizian says suddent announcement shows how shrewd a politician Mr Yeltsin is. Dr Azizian i/ved live. COOK ISLANDS TAX INQUIRY - Justice Smellie's ruling only a temporary setback for Winston Peters, according to Jenni McManus, business editor of "The Independent". She's i/ved live; tax specialist Rob McLeod says he doesn't believe any court will uphold Mr Peters' challenge to Inquiry findings - i/ved live. AUCKLAND REGIONAL SERVICES TRUST - Local Govt minister Maurice Williamson says cabinet agrees in principle to hold referendum on future of assets. I/v with chair of ARST, Craig Little, re holding of a referendum. (Mng Rpt) INTERNATIONAL PAPERS ENERCO GAS spending thousands of dollars a week on extra security measures after premises vandalised for 3rd time in fortnight. In latest incident, supply to 7 customers was disrupted. Enerco has hired private detective and offering reward of $5,000 for information leading to prosecution. I/v with network services manager Bill Highet. (Mng Rpt)
0830 NEWS/SPORTS AUSTRALIA - WATERFRONT - showdowns and shutdowns expected today on Brisbane and Sydney wharves as Maritime Union of Australia takes on federal govt's tough new workplace laws. Battle spreads from wharves to political arena. (Zandra Sharpe) ACADEMY AWARDS - Oscars night preview with correspondent Richard Arnold. (live) INTERNATIONAL TRADE talks looming again. Agricultural exporting nations meet next month, European Union prepares for battle with farmers again and exporters anticipating comprehensive trade talks in next millenium. Comment from Trade minister Lockwood Smith, trade expert Prof Ralph Lattimore, Journalist Jackie Davis. (Eric Frykberg) U. S. - NEW YORK's Times Sqyare has new, cleaned-up image. One reason is Midtown Community Court, part traditional courthouse and part social services centre. (Judy Lessing) NEW CALEDONIA - BOAT PEOPLE - court orders French authorities to suspend for 3 months move to deport more than 100 Chinese boat people, some will be allowed to stay as refugees. (Franck Madoeuf) MEXICO - POST OFFICE has reputation for losing letters and parcels second to none. (James Blears)