Morning report. 1998-06-18

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Broadcast Date
18 Jun 1998
RNZ Collection

0616 NEWS STORY: ECONOMIC SQUEEZE - govt grapples with question of whether to spend or not. PM Jenny Shipley says govt will look at deferring spending promised in coalition agreement if external pressures continue to squeeze NZ economy. Some economists say deferring spending could push economy further into recession. Comment from VUW's Bob Stephens, Bryan Gould, Vice-Chancellors' committee, John Shewan of Coopers and Lybrand, abd Ron Baker, Grey Power. (Blair McLaren)
0620 RURAL NEWS OSH COMPENSATION - King Country couple Keith and Margaret Berryman present petition to select committee for compensation, following dropping of criminal charges relating to death of beekeeper on their property. OSH's Ross Hill says OSH stands by case on gorunds that Berrymans failed to provide safe working environment. (Catherine Harris) DAIRY INDUSTRY - John Roadley, chair of South Island Dairy Co-op, tells dairy illegible industry will have to become one big co-operatie to survive against giant international competitors; Fed Farmers president Malcolm Bailey tells conference dairy farmers should think carefully about whether they want single giant company running the industry. (kevin Ikin) BREEDING BULLS - stud stock agents say farmers prepared to spend money on breeding bulls despite tough times. Bruce Orr, Wrightsons, says prices for commercial bulls have ranged from $2,500-$5,000. (Jill Galloway)
0625 SPORTS STORY AUSTRALIAN SPORT - i/v with correspondent Tim Gavel. (Mng Rpt) (NRL drug testing; Wallabies' chances against All Blacks)
0636 NEWS STORY: PRIVATE PRISONS - govt announces it will allow companies to tender for management of 3 new prisons. Idea of privately run prisons last raised in 1992 when team assessed private bids to build and run Mt Eden remand centre. That intiative was abandoned. Team member Greg Newbold, sociologist and former inmate, explains why. (Karen Gregory-Hunt)
0642 MANA NEWS illegible RIGHTS - Māori lawyers specialising in Māori customary and intellectual heritage rights explains why there's deep concern about genetic manipulation. SMART CARD being launched by Kohanga Reo.
0651 BUSINESS AND FINANCIAL NEWS: YEN INTERVENTION - US Federal Reserve helps prop up Japanese currency with dramatic effect - Dow Jones Index rises 200 points and yen leaps from 144 to dollar to around 136. Dealers say Federal Reserve clearly operating on instructions from White House. Comment from Jim O'Neill, Goldman Sachs. JAPAN - REFORM - US planning to put pressure on Japanese politicians and bureaucrats to get on with fixing economy. Fred Birksten, former US Treasury asst secretary, says problem is more a power vacuum in Japan with formerly dominant bureaucrats in disarray. FINANCE/MARKETS MARKET REVIEW NZ DOLLAR - Bancorp studies how closely tied NZ dollar is to Australian and Japanese currencies, says influence of yen over Anzac currencies has risen markedly over past few years. (Gyles Beckford) ECONOMY - Finance minister Bill Birch continues to accentuate positive amidst volatility of world finance markets, says risks from dollar's slide and Asian turmoil are well known but he's confident exporters will do particularly well, continues to emphasis basic soundness of local economy. HOUSING MARKET - Real Estate Inst says predictions of doom and gloom appear to be putting brake on market. President Colin Brown says more people tending to stand on sidelines in current economic climate. (Gyles Beckford) DRESS FOR LESS Clothing chain receivers say economic climate responsible for lack of buyers for shops. Chain's 23 shops will close progressively after no buyers found. (Gyles Beckford) BUSINESS BRIEFS
0700 INTRO/NEWS YEN INTERVENTION/NZ DOLLAR - move to sell dollars to shore up yen result of agreement between President Clinton and PM Hashimoto. Move impacts on NZ dollar, which has surged in offshore trading overnight. Live i/v with Bankers Trust economist David Plank and Wall St correspondent Patrick O'Connell. ECONOMIC SQUEEZE - PM Jenny Shipley says work underway on review of Coalition $5 billion spending plan. Was Treasurer and NZ First leader Winston Peters consulted about latest developments? He's i/ved. (Mng Rpt); live i/v with Mrs Shipley. PRIVATE PRISONS - warnings that cost-cutting may replace high prison standards. Private prison proposal attacked by Alliance, Labour and prison officer unions. Comment from PSA's Alan Ware, Howard League's Kathy Dunstall, sociologist Greg Newbold, and Barry Apsey, Queensland Corrective Services Commission. (Karen Gregory-Hunt); Corrections minister Nick Smith explains why he wants to open up prison management to private interests; live i/v with John Slater, Penal Officers' Assn. FIJI - DROUGHT forces govt to declare state of natural disaster in hardest hit areas. PM Sitiveni Rabuka says move will allow relief supplies to be distributed to more than 30,000 families; live i/v with correspondent Shiu singh.
0730 NEWS/WEATHER/SPORTS NZ PAPERS FINANCE UPDATE AUCKLAND - METROWATER - decision today on whether city's water services will continue to be administered by Metrowater or will return to local govt control. (Eileen Cameron); livei /v with councillor Doug Astley, in favour of retaining Metrowater as separate entity; live i/v with Mayor Les Mills, who supports council regaining direct control of water services. SCHOOL ZONING - Education Legislation Amdt Bill will prevent popular schools illegible off" best students from wide area while rejecting local students. Bill also tackles problem of what to do with suspended pupils. Live i/v with Education correspondent Gael Woods. BRITISH NANNY - small Cheshire village of Elton prepares to welcome home Louise Woodward. Civil lawsuits have now been filed against her by parents of baby, whose manslaughter she was convicted of, to claim damages and stop her profiting by selling her story. (Keith Chalkley). BEST MOVIES - American Film Inst names Orson Welles' "Citizen Kane" as best American feature film ever made, also ranks the 100 best movies of the century. Live i/v with National Radio's film critic Jonathan Dennis.
0800 NEWS/WEATHER YEN INTERVENTION result in US dollar falling against yen and kiwi, because the 2 currencies are so closely linked. I/v with Wall St correspondent Patrick O'Connell on what prompted the American turnaround. (Mng Rpt) ECONOMIC SQUEEZE - dollar bounce back comes as govt considers possible spending cuts. Live i/v with Economics correspondent Bronwen Evans and Political correspondent Al Morrison. BRITAIN - PRIVATE PRISONS - private companies involved in running of prisons for 6 years. London-based Prison Reform Trust monitors performance - live i/v with director Stephen Shaw. INTERNATIONAL PAPERS WAITAHA - NGAI TAHU facing legal challenge from descendants of first Māori to inhabit South Island over land settlement with Crown. High Court gives Waitaha go-ahead to seek judicial declaration which would separate it and any assets it may lay claim to from pending Ngai Tahu settlement. Live i/v with Māori Issues correspondent Chris Wikaira.
0830 NEWS/SPORTS BOUGAINVILLE - Papua New Guinea appeals to international community for help in restoring services. PNG Foreign minister Roy Yaki in NZ for development, defence and trade talks - he's i/ved live re Bougainville. AUSTRALIA - QUEENSLAND - FOREIGN INVESTMENT appears to be in jeopardy following emergence of One Nation Party as political force. Already a major Taiwanese company has pulled out of state and there are fears others will follow. (Zandra Sharpe) POVERTY - CH welfare and community agencies say debt levels of low income people climbing to alarming levels, say benefit fraud crackdowns and work for dole schemes squeezing those who are already finding finances difficult to manage. (Tania Oolders) CANADA - JUROR TRIAL - in Vancouver, Crown wrapping up case in trial of juror over courtroom romance with murder defendant. Gillian Guess is charged with illegible of justice for allegedly falling in love with defendant Peter Gill and using her position on jury to win him acquittal. I/v with reporter Kerry Stefanson. (Mng Rpt) FRUIT AND VEG REPORT with Jack Forsythe.