Morning report. 1998-07-22

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Broadcast Date
22 Jul 1998
RNZ Collection

0616 NEWS STORY: AK POWER CRISIS - REPORT of ministerial inquiry finds that while Mercury Energy and predecessor, AL Electric Power Board, did not cause the power to fail, opportunities to prevent it were not taken. (Mary-Jane Aggett)
0620 RURAL NEWS FLOODS - Agricultural ministry officials working with Fed Farmers to assess extent of damage and losses and prepare report for govt. Senior policy advisor Phil Journeaux says at this stage, about 40 farms in eastern Bay of Plenty have illegible flood damage, with about 6 farms almost entirely covered in silt. In Waikato, early indications are that more than 2,00 ha on about 70 farms have been covered, with about 7 farms almost completely under water. (Diana Leufkens) PRODUCER BOARD RESERVES - PM Jenny Shipley challenges Meat and Wool Boards about whether it's appropriate for them to retain large cash reserves as the reserves definitely belong to farmers. (Catherine Harris) GENETIC TECHNOLOGY - Fed Farmers gives official blessing to use of genetic technology in agriculture provided there are appropriate controls. (Catherine Harris) FEDERATED FARMERS expands representation to include South Island High Country farmers as full industry group, rather than be represented by a committee. (Catherine Harris) KIWIFRUIT - first shipment to India selling well as Indians believe it helps peoples' sex lives. Zespri spokesperson Susan Robinson-Derus says belief based on fact as studies by Rutgers Univ in US have proved. (Diana Leufkens)
0625 SPORTS STORY U.S SPORTS - live i/v with Paul Witteman, "Sports Illustrated". (golf, baseball)
0636 NEWS STORY: HENARE DUMPED - NZ First caucus meeting resolves differences for now and elects Peter Brown as deputy in place of Tau Henare. Comment from leader Winston Peters, and MPs Tu Wyllie, Jenny Bloxham, and Doug Woolerton. (Clare Pasley)
0642 MANA NEWS MāORI LANGUAGE - leading Māori language researcher Richard Benton says there's too little commitment to language for it to survive.
0651 BUSINESS AND FINANCIAL NEWS: U.S. ECONOMY - Federal Reserve chair Alan Greenspan raises inflation bogey, says its biggest risk to economy and he's not in mood to either drop or lift interest rates; markets react to Mr Greenspan's remarks. Comment from John Riding, chief economist at Bernsteins in New York. (BBC) BUSINESS CONFIDENCE has hit 7 year low, according to NZIER latest survey. It says Asian crisis, falls in tourism and exports, effects of drought and rise in unemployment have knocked confidence to lowest level since 1991 recession. Comment from NZIER director Alex Sundakov. (Gyles Beckford) FINANCE/MARKETS MARKET REVIEW CARTER HOLT HARVEY says it's on line to post improved operating earnings this year despite effects of Asian downturn and tough times in global wood products sector. (Gyles Beckford) BRIERLEY INVESTMENTS likely to reveal some details of internal review in next few days. (Gyles Beckford) MANAGED FUNDS industry has one of weakest quarters in decade, according to survey by IPAC Securities. Survey shows record net outflow of funds of $124 million, fall of 1.5% for the quarter. (Gyles Beckford)
0700 INTRO/NEWS PAPUA NEW GUINEA - TIDAL WAVE - death toll continues to rise, infection rife in tropical heat. Comment from Dr John Sairere, World Vision exec director Colin Pretice, and nurses Joy Millar and Chris Likeman, and Oxfam spokesperson Phil Twyford. (Cushla Managh); Franciscan missionary and medical worker Brother Gary based at Raihu medical centre in Aitape - i/ved.(Mng Rpt) HENARE DUMPED - NZ First resolves differences for now but there are signs road ahead may not be smooth. Leader Winston Peters puts MPs on notice he won't tolerate further public dissension. Comment from Tukuoroirangi Morgan, Tutekawa Wyllie, Māori Congress convenor Archie Taiaroa and urban Māori lobbyist John Tamihere. (Chris Wikaira); new party deputy Peter Brown must work quyickly to reunite caucus - he's i/ved. (Mng Rpt) illegible POWER CRISIS - Mercury Energy's board of directors in for shake-up following ministerial inquiry. Inquiry team critical of company's maintenance and monitoring of main power cables and of way Mercury is governed. I/v with John Collinge, member of both AK Energy Consumer Trust and the Mercury Board. (Mng Rpt); vox pops of Akers; live i/v with Mercury Energy board chair, Jim MacCauley.
0730 NEWS/WEATHER/SPORTS NZ PAPERS FINANCE UPDATE BUSINESS CONFIDENCE - NZIER survey report says level of confidence lower than in 1991 recession. Live i/v with Retail Merchant's Assn chief exec John Alberatson, and head of Master Builders' Fedn, Trevor Allsebrook. EDUCATION MONITORING - reports by national project at Otago Univ covers student assessment in maths, social studies, and information skills, raise concern that schools are teaching breadth rather than depth of knowledge. (Gael Woods); live i/v with Frances Kelly, senior manager of Learning and Evaluation Policy at Education ministry. ALLIANCE - DEFECTIONS - how many can the Alliance survive? Live i/v with party strategist Matt McCarten; live i/v with Frank Grover, who's leaving Alliance or Christian Democrats.
0800 NEWS/WEATHER PAPUA NEW GUINEA - TIDAL WAVE - 2nd RNZAF Hercules taking relief supplies and medics to PNG expected to arrive in Port Moresby this afternoon. I/v with NZ High Commissioner Nigel Moore who's just returned from visiting coastline where devastation occurred. (Cushla Managh); i/v with Blaise Nangoi, chief reporter on "Post Courier" in Port Moresby. (Mng Rpt); RNZI reporter Bruce Hill travelling with NZ Army medical team on way to PNG - he's i/ved live. HENARE DUMPED - live i/v with Prof Ranginui Walker re impact of dumping on NZ First and future of party. INTERNATIONAL PAPERS AUCKLAND POWER CRISIS - damning report by ministerial inquiry criticises Mercury Energy and its predecessor AK Electric Power Board. Energy minister Max Bradford not surprised by inquiry's findings - i/ved. (Mng Rpt); live i/v with Reg Newcombe, Power for the Poeple group of AK retailers seeking compensation from Mercury Energy. DRUG ABUSE agencies welcome govt's first National Drugs Policy, 5 year plan intended to cut supply of illegal drugs, reduce drug use and stop any further development of hard drug market in NZ. (Rae Lamb)
0830 NEWS/SPORTS AUSTRALIA - FEDERAL GOVT plagued by disunity and is warned it faces defeat at next election, also talk of leadership challenge to PM John Howard. (Zandra Sharpe) MONTANA BOOK AWARDS - Maurice Gee wins fiction section for "Live Bodies" - i/ved. (Mng Rpt) FEDERATED FARMERS conference - farmers say future of agriculture and horticulture at crossroads, deregulation of producer boards also under discussion. Live i/v with Rurals reporter Catherine Harris. POLICE DOGS - CH police need more canine staff due to illness and impending retirement. What is a police dog's job description? (Tania Oolders) MIAMI CRUISE SHIP FIRE - believed that spark from welder's torch may have started fire on board luxury cruise ship "Ecstasy" off Miami coast yesterday. Live i/v with "Miami Herald" reporter David Poppy. MEXIO - KIDNAPPINGS continue to be big news, with newspapers carrying string of stories about abductions being carried out by gangs demanding money. Private security firms becoming more involved as police appear unable to manage problem. Live i/v with correspondent James Blears.