Morning report. 1998-07-24

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Broadcast Date
24 Jul 1998
RNZ Collection

0616 NEWS STORY: CHRISTINE FLETCHER, National MP, announces she will stand for AK mayoralty, says if she wins she'll see out parliamentary term. Comment also from Queenstown mayor and former National MP Warren Cooper, Alliance MP Pam Corkery, and political scientist Graham Bush. (Stephanie Baird)
0620 RURAL NEWS ARBITRATION - NZ Sharemilkers Council questions arbitration decision by law professor Bill Hodge that's cost family its livelihood. Prof Hodge arbitrated in dispute between Northland sharemilker Russell McDonald and farmer Barry Barfoote. Mr McDonald's contract ended year early and because it's too late in season to find another position, he's had to sell herd he's built up. TRADE - AUSTRALIA - Trade minister Lockwood Smith accuses Australia of being one of world's worst offenders for restrictive trade practices, using quarantine procedures as trade barrier. (Kevin Ikin) PRODUCER BOARD DEREGULATION - Agriculture minister Lockwood Smith's admission he hasn't yet convinced every farmer and grower of need to deregulate confirmed by Dairy Farmers of NZ chair Mark Masters. (Kevin Ikin); chair of Independent Pipfruit Growers Assn, Danny Freilich, keen to see Apple and Pear Board lose its export monopoly. (Kevin Ikin) 1080 POISON - MAF reminds farmers to heed warnings about aerial drop of 1080 and other poisons, to prevent dogs and livestock being killed. (Diana Leufkens) CHEMICALS - Green Party co-leaders call for action by chemical firms to portect country's clean image. Jeanette Fitzsimons tells NZ Assn for Animal Health and Crop Protection that chief restraints on use of agriculturl chemicals in future won't be regulation but public demand for less toxic prodcuts. (Diana Leufkens)
0625 SPORTS STORY TOUR DE FRANCE - drugs scandals overshadow cycle race. Live i/v with correspondent Elaine Cobb.
0636 NEWS STORY: PAPUA NEW GUINEA - TIDAL WAVE - authorities move to evacuate survivors to prevent spread of disease. (Blair McLaren)
0642 MANA NEWS HISTORY TEACHING - historian Michael King condemns history teaching in NZ secondary schools. MUSIC CD - tamariki through to kaumatua take to new CD of modern music in te reo.
0651 BUSINESS AND FINANCIAL NEWS: BRIERLEY INVESTMENTS sells Austotel pub chain to Fosters Brewing for $Aust300 million but will take slight loss on sale. (Gyles Beckford) AUSTRALIA - FAIRFAX - heavy trading in shares, although Brierley's, which holds more than 6.6 million shares, says it was not involved. (AAP) BNZ posts 9 monthly after tax profit of $226 million, fall of around 15% on same period last year. Managing director Mike Pratt says result pleasing given difficult trading conditions. (Gyles Beckford) FINANCE/MARKETS MARKET REVIEW FRAUD - SECURITIES COMMISSION believes hundreds of millions of dollars being sucked out of country through scams based on fictitious "prime bank instruments". Chair Euan Abernethy says staff have uncovered 7 of these schemes but he believes more than 1,000 exist. (Adam Hollingworth) EUROPE - STOCK EXCHANGE MERGER - Paris Stock Exchange turns down offer of 20% stake to join in alliance between Frankfurt and London. (BBC) RETAIL PROMOTIONS - Commerce Commission warns it will get tough on retailers offering misleading free promotions, after Australian-owned Harvey Norman store settles complaints over supposed free extended warranty for computer printer. (Gyles Beckford) BUSINESS BRIEFS
0700 INTRO/NEWS COALITION - PM Jenny Shipley says she's prepared to dissolve govt if electoral, political or party issues override national interest, NZ First leader Winston Peters says govt's stability not in question and Mrs Shipley can't simply snap election even if she wants to; live i/v with Mrs Shipley; live i/v with Political editor Al Morrison; live i/v with Labour leader Helen Clark. INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS - govt pacjage angers employers. Controversial proposal to allow workers to sell statutory holidays shelved. Package also clarifies other issues re public holidays and Employment Contracts Act. Comment from Labour minister Max Bradford, CTU economist Peter Harris, law professor Bill Hodge, and Bruce Robertson, Hospitality Assn.. (Caitlin Cherry); live i/v with Employers' Fedn chief exec Steve Marshall and Mike Smith, Engineering, Printing and Manufacturing Union.
0730 NEWS/WEATHER/SPORTS NZ PAPERS FINANCE UPDATE PAPUA NEW GUINEA - TIDAL WAVE - death toll passes 1500 and almost 6,500 people accounted for. Authorities say thousands may still be missing. NZ Army engineer Capt Roy Dallas says health risk very high around Sassano lagoon because of decomposing bodies; live i/v with RNZI reporter Bruce Hill in Vainamo. RUGBY - All Blacks vs South Africa match in WN tomorrow. Live i/v with rugby commentator John McBeth and South African sports journalist Clinton van den Berg. AK PRISON RIOT - Howard League for Penal reform critical of Corrections Dept's report into riots at Paremoremo in March, says it's a whitewash. Comment from League's Peter Williams QC, PSA's Alan Weir, and Phil McCarthy, Corrections Dept. (Corinne Ambler) illegible - MISSILE - US express concern about medium-range missile test conducted by Iran. Missile has range of 1200 kms and could target Israel and Saudi Arabia as well as parts of Iraq. I/v with Feature Story correspondent Emily Harris. (Mng Rpt)
0800 NEWS/WEATHER CHRISTINE FLECTCHER i/ve about her decision to stand for AK mayoralty and about stability of coalition govt. (Mng Rpt) COALITION - PM Jenny Shipley may have to rely more heavily on ACT, while Labour's chances of governing are likely to rest with Alliance. Live i/v with ACT leader Richard Prebble and Alliance leader Jim Anderton. INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS package defended by Labour minister Max Bradford - he's i/ved live. INTERNATIONAL PAPERS JAPAN - PRIME MINISTER - ruling Liberal Democratic Party votes today on successor to Ryutaro Hashimoto. I/v with correspondent Juliet Hindle. (Mng Rpt) PAPUA NEW GUINEA - TIDAL WAVE - Red Cross looking at resettling displaced villagers. I/v with co-ordinator Neil Nicholls.
0830 NEWS/SPORTS RUGBY - All Blacks vs South Africa in the war of words to gain crucial title of "underdog" before the game. (Corin Dann) FISHING LICENCES - recreational fishers may soon face prospect of paying for licence to go sea-fishing. Recreational Fishing Council says licensing may be only war to ensure it and interests it represents can take effective part in management of coastal salt water fishery. (Tama Muru) LOCKERBIE - Libyan lawyer of the 2 bombing suspects says he would accept US and British proposals for trial in The Hague under Scottish law. I/v with "Guardian" journalist Ian Black. DRUG ABUSE - survey of schools in NZ's major cannabis-growing regions uncovers high level of drug and alcohol misuse among young people. (Heugh Chappell) WEEKEND WEATHER OZ SPOT - i/v with correspondent Phil Kafcaloudes. (Telstra;Howard/Costello leadership race; floods)