Morning report. 1998-08-03

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Broadcast Date
03 Aug 1998
RNZ Collection

0616 NEWS STORY: NATIONAL PARTY CONFERENCE - PM Jenny Shipley comes through with flying colours, receives ringing endorsement from party rank and file. (Stephen Harris)
0620 RURAL NEWS FARMERS' FIGHTING FUND has yet to spend any money on actual farmer rights campaigns although it has run into deficit in first year. Fed Farmers launched fund last year to provide finanical support for defending farmers' interests in "landmark of precedent setting" cases. President Malcolm Bailey comments. (Kevin Ikin) NORTHLAND WEATHER - chair of Northland Dairy Co-op, Greg Gent, says unusally illegible Summer, followed by series of Winter floods, have hit dairy production and farmer and milk company profits. (Kevin Ikin) MILK PRICE goes up by 10 cents a litre today in 4 out of 5 brands. Mainland says 95% of NZ's milk goes into exports and lower dollar means farmers are getting more for it therefore local suppliers also have to be paid more or supply will dry up. Consumers Inst says price rise is premature. (Nicola Pauling) CLOVER FLEA - scientists hope to secure funding to fight pasture pest that's eating through clover in northern Waikato and Northland. Loss of Winter production because of the flea has become increasingly severe. (Diana Leufkens)
0625 SPORTS STORY RUGBY - ALL BALCKS - after 3rd defeat in row, looks likely that some major changes will be made to squad to meet South Africa in 2 weeks' time. Live i/v with correspondent John McBeth.
0636 NEWS STORY: MMP - political scientist Nigel Roberts thinks attempts to hold new referendum on MMP will be fraught with difficulties. National Party confernce debated MMP and is considering calling for referendum. (Eric Frykberg)
0642 MANA NEWS IWI DEFINITION - litigants in fisheries allocation case have only one more day to wait for High Court decision.
0651 BUSINESS AND FINANCIAL NEWS: TELECOMMS - govt expected to signal tougher stance on regulating sector. Many of smaller players complaining that rules, slope of playing field and attitude of authorities all favouring dominant player Telecom. (Bronwen Evas) FINANCE/MARKETS WEEK AHEAD FORESTRY INVESTMENT - recivers for collapsed Flat Rock Forests Trust says demise is salutary lesson on potential pitfalls of Investing in forests. John Cregton, of receivers Corporate Finance, says unit holders stand to lose everything. (Adam Hollingworth) NEW ZEALAND 2010 - representatives of all sectors of society decide, at instigation of govt, how they want country to be in year 2010. Business sector had trouble persuading others that wealth creation should come before lifestyle, but Rick Christie of Game Industry Board says there's already consensus that knowledge will be key to future. (Adam Hollingworth) BUSINESS BRIEFS
0700 INTRO/NEWS NATIONAL PARTY CONFERENCE endorses Jenny Shipley's leadership and confronts issue of MMP. Mrs Shipley's view that early referendum should be held puts her in direct conflict with NZ First leader Winston Peters but she says National and NZ First are separate parties and will have separate views; live i/v with Political correspondent Stephen Harris. NATIONAL PARTY PRESIDENT elected at conference. AK businessman John Slater defeats fellow AKer Lindsay Fergusson but his success emphasises divisions in party between urban and rural and AK versus the rest. Live i/v with John Slater. NATIONAL PARTY CONFERENCE - a look at how delegates, especially rural delegates, felt about the conference, with Kate Haslett, electorate chair of Clutha-Southland, and Matthew Parkinson, divisional councillor of central North Island division; further live i/v with Political correspondent Stephen Harris. ALL BLACKS - rethink time for management after Saturday's defeat at hand of Australis, 27-23. Comment from former All Black Andy Haden, editor of "NZ illegible Monthly" Bob Howitt, and former coach Laurie Mains. FIRE SERVICE - COURT CASE - Professional Firefighters' Union taking Fire Service to Employment Court today in attempt to stop proposed restructuing. Union seeking permanent injunction against some aspects of restructing. Live i/v with reporter Corinne Ambler.
0730 NEWS/WEATHER/SPORTS NZ PAPERS FINANCE UNDATE TOUR DE FRANCE ends, with Italian Marco Pantani the first Italian in 33 years to win world's toughest endurance race. Event overshadowed by drugs controversy - 7 of original 21 teams either withdrew or expelled as result of drug-taking allegations. Live i/v with correspondent Peter Dewhirst. KOSOVO - heavy fighting again erupts between ethnic Albanian separatists and Serbian forces. Aid agencies estimes at least 60,000 people made into refugees by latest offensive, which Serbian president Milosevic pledged had ended. International community steering clear of what could become another Bosnia. Live i/v with correspondent Karen Coleman. BLOOD PRESSURE DRUGS - Pharmac says 3-quarters of patients on high blood pressure drugs have swithched to fully subsidised brand. From today, Pharmac illegible only 2 brands and patients who don't switch will have to pay part charge. Heart Fndn cautious about impact and drug companies who've refused to drop prices says Pharmac is squeezing them out of business. (Clare Sziranyi); Bristol-Meyer Squibbs one company refusing to drop price of A-C-E inhibitors, says switch to fully sbusidised drugs costing it so much it's stopped NZ research programme and will have to reduce staff by 3-quarters. Live i/v with general manager Jeremy Kannemeyer and Wayne McWee, Pharmac's clinical director. MONDAY OZ SPOT - live i/v with correspondent Phil Kafcaloudes. (rugby; Sydney's water)
0800 NEWS/WEATHER MMP - National Party decided to draw up new policy on electoral reform, among suggestions is referendum on success of MMP and consideration of alternative systems. Comment from pro-MMP Green Party co-leader Rod Donald, political scientist Nigel Roberts and AK Univ law professor Bill Hodge. (Eric Frykberg); NZ First leader Winston Peters says parties which call for end to MMP simply don't want to share political power and MMP is more representative system - he's i/ved live. ALBRIGHT VISIT - 9 hour stopover by US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright includes discussion of NZ's anti-nuclear policy, Burma, next year's APEC conference and Asian political and economic issues. Live i/v with Terence O-Brien, VUW Centre for Strategic Studies. ACC plans to change way it pays for treatment and rehabilitation of people with most common types of injuries, wants to pre-determine how much it will pay for each type of minor injury, set out what sort of treatment patients should receive and how quickly they should expect to be back at work. Comment from general manager Dr David Rankin, Paula Stickings of ACC Coalition, and Dr John Durham, Independent Practitioners' Assn. (Rae Lamb) INTERNATIONAL PAPERS PAPUA NEW GUINEA - TIDAL WAVE - NZ Army and Air Force staff return to NZ after almost 2 weeks of providing disaster relief. Medical, engineerng and logistics personnel fly into Ohakea. (Jill Galloway); i/v with Dr Anne Campbell, commading officer of NZ Army medical teams in PNG.
0830 NEWS/SPORTS ALL BLACKS - live i/v with former All Black Grant Fox and coach Wayne Smith about the problems and remedies. ATTEMPTED BREAKOUT from prison van foiled by refigerator truck. 6 prisoners being taken from CH to Nelson on point of smashing way out of van when the driver enlisted the help of a passing truckie who parked his refrigerated truck up against the door. Live i/v with Snr Sgt Paul Kennedy of Blenhim police. BRITAIN - MIS - former member arrested by French officials. David Shayler faces charges under Britain's official Secrests Act and govt sought his extradition from France. He stirred up controversy last year when he threatened to past on internet secret MI5 files on politicians. (Keith Chalkley) MāORI LANGUAGE - 10 year since Māori become official language but fewer NZers speak Māori fluently than ever before. Live i/v with Maoir Issues correspondent Chris Wikaira. NEW YORK - live i/v with correspondent Judy Lessing. (Clinton's visit to the Hamptons; NY mayor's presidential aspirations; clean-up of Times Square.