Morning report. 1998-10-27

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Broadcast Date
27 Oct 1998
RNZ Collection

0611 MāORI NEWS 1616 NEWS STORY MID EAST PEACE PROCESS - some Israeli far right parties and settler groups believe agreement to hand over more of West Bank to Palestinian control is betrayal. Palestinians have agreed to crackdown on Islamic militants. I/v with Prof Michael Hudson, Georgetown Univ, re difficulties facing PM Netanyahu and President Arafat. (Mng Rpt)
0620 RURAL NEWS DAIRY MERGER - South Island Dairy o-op says merger talks with NZ Dairy Group will come as no surprise to shareholders. Chair John Roadley says company trying to ensure greater security for industry. Dairy Board chair John Storey welcomes prospect of another merger. (Catherine Harris) KIWIFRUIT BOARD says consumer testing confirms new Gold Kiwfruit will be winner in export markets. Chair Doug Voss says returns to growers expected to be about 3 times higher than traditional variety. (Catherine Harris) YOUNG FARMER AWARD - national search for best young farming talent won by Te Awamutu diary farmer Malcolm Ellis. (Catherine Harris) WESTLAND WET - Wrightson's Rain Relief luncheon for rain-sodden West Coast farmers. (Catherine Harris)
0625 SPORTS STORY EUROPEAN SPORTS - live i/v with correspondent John Daniell. (motor racing; rugby)
0635 NEWS STORY RUGBY - ALL BLACKS Summer training squad named for 1999 World Cup season. Comment from selector Peter Sloane and Otago coach Tony Gilbert. (Tama Muru)
0639 INTERNATIONAL PAPERS illegible FREQUENCIES - process of allocating Aotearoa Radio frequencies starts today. GERMAN DOCUMENTARY will feature Māori sculptor jumping out of airplane with surfboard on his feet.
0651 BUSINESS AND FINANCIAL NEWS LION NATHAN report annual result tomorrow with modest increase expected. Analysts expect result of around $135 million cf last year's more than $126 million, with growth expected to come from improvement in Australian operations. (Gyles Beckford) U.S. FINANCE MARKETS - Abby Joseph Cohen, newly appointed Goldman Sachs partner, remains constant in view that markets went too far in recent months and over-reacted to problems of hedge funds, emerging markets and says they will go higher. (Gyles Beckford) EUROPE - ASIAN CRISIS hits. 2 leading British corporates, ICI and Phillips, post large losses, citing Asia and market volatility. Both took some wrong turns but independent economist Roger Bootle says there are warning signs that can't be ignored. INVESTMENT - Deutsche Bank economist Ulf Schoefisch returns from swing through Europe telling NZ economic story to investors - how did it go? I/ved live. FINANCE/MARKETS WEEK AHEAD DEUTSCHE BANK - speculation it's targetting US-based Bankers' Trust refuses to die down. Also speculation of serious internal divisions within boardroom over proposal. Deutsche Bank wants to expand and become world player but needs significant presence in US to achieve it. Comment from New York banking analyst Hal Schroeder. INVESTMENT - AUSTRALASIA - Merrill Lynch investment conference in New York told that recovery in Asia could be under way but picture remains uncertain and gloomy for Australasia. (Judy Lessing) AUSTRALIA - FOSTERS BREWING - shareholders force controversial motion to buy back some partly paid shares to be dropped. (AAP) HONG KONG - govt makes hefty paper profit with its unprecedented intervention in stock market last August.
0700 INTRO/NEWS MID EAST PEACE ROCESS - first test for Israeli PM Netanyanu is vote of no-confidence in Knesset put forward by rightwingers. He's likely to survive vote but will have difficult time selling agreement to coalition. Live i/v with David Horovitz. "Jerusalem Report". ARSON - suspected serial arsonist threatening WN, 6 suspicious fires in central WN over weekend, following blaze last weekend in group of apartments in which 5 firefighters injured. Regional Fire Commander Rod Nightingale says many of fires have occurred at night in houses made of weatherboard and number were started in basement. Det Snr Sgt Ron Chatt says police treating fires very seriously - i/ved. (Mng Rpt) WESTLAND WET - West Coast has another drenching, with more to come. Tourists stranded in Milford Sound, where there's been rain every day for a month. Live i/v with Colin McKinnell who runs Milford Lodge. KOSOVO - reports that large numbers of troops are preparing to pull out of Kosovo in move which could avert NATO air strikes. President Milosevic given extended deadline to comply with UN demands. I/v with NATO spokesperson Jamie Sead.(Mng Rpt) RUGBY - ALL BLACKS - selectors name Summer training squad of 42 players for World Cup season. I/v with John Hart. (Mng Rpt); live i/v with commentator John McBeth.
0730 NEWS/WEATHER/SPORTS NZ PAPERS FINANCE UPDATE DRUGS - concern over gang manufacture of ampehtamines, including Ecstasy, prompts calls of A classification. WN police say upgrade from B clasification would stop dealing getting out of hand. I/v with head of organised crime unit in WN, Det Snr Sgt Paul Berry. (Mng Rpt) WORLD ECONOMY - NEW ORDER - recent instability leads to growing interest in new world economic order, with proposals for capital controls, exchange rate zones, reform of IMF and World Bank, and call for world summit. (Bronwen Evans) SOUTH AFRICA - LEAKED DOCUMENT from final report of Truth and Reconciliation Commission accuses African National Congress of being responsible for torture, and bomb attacks on innocent civilians. Already threats of legal action although govt believe it's unlikely to hold up release of report. I/v with correspondent Anthony Johnson. OZ SPOT - live i/v with correspondent Phil Kafcaloudes.
0800 NEWS/WEATHER MID EAST PEACE PROCESS - live i/v with Palestinian journalist Leila Deeb - si peace agreement seen as victory for Palestinians? (Mng Rpt) ARSON - Fire Service plans promotional campaign to help Wellingtonians protect homes against suspected serial arsonist. Live i/v with Regional Fire Cdr Rod Nightingale. FIJI ISLANDS - PM Sitiveni Rabula arrives in NZ on first official visit in 5 years. While he's still remembered as military strongman who lead 1987 military coup, NZ PM Jenny Shipley says his central role in Fiji's progress towards new constitution should be acknowleged. (q) (Clare Pasley) DENTAL CARE - scheme providing free car for secondary students under threat, Dentists want more money for scheme which they say has shortfall of around $6 million. Health minister Bill English says dentists not losing money and extra money would be at expense of students and others needing free care. School Trustees Assn president Owen Edgerton says students will sufer if charges introduced for dental care. He's i/ved live, along with Dental Assn president Geoff Annan. YOUTH JUSTICE - NZ's international reputation as leader in area draws delegates from around world to conference in WN. Dealing with young offenders and finding convenor, WN Youth Court judge Caroline Henwood.
0830 NEWS/SPORTS MISSING COUPLE - local speculation mounts over disappearance of couple on Manakau Harbour 10 days ago. Some of those searching for Chloe Summerley and Shane Armstrong says fact no bodies found raises doubts they drowned. Live i/v with Manakau Coastguard president Tony Bryant. RAIN - up to 100 mls of rain soaks part of West Coast overnight, much of it falling on land and in rivers still saturated after last week's torrential rain. Slow moving band of rain expected to drench much of country over next 3 days. Live i/v with Steve Rawdon, Weather Workshop. INTERNATIONAL PAPERS ANTARCTIC EXPEDITION - members of expedition from Scott Base to South Pole facing delays in getting to Antarctic. Peter Hillary, Jon Muir and Eric Pjilips plan to ski and ski-sail the 3,000 kms but there's only finite period in which it's possible to make the journey. Live i/v with Peter Hillary. LOTTO TICKET - now only matter of hours before time runs out for missing Lotto millionaire. In Victoria, unclaimed prizes can be collected years later is ticket turns up. Live i/v with Lance Bean, public affairs manager for Tattersall's Lotto organisation in Victoria; live i/v with David Bale, chief exec of Lotteries Commission. BRITAIN - PINOCHET - lawyers in court fighting Spanish request for extradition. Live i/v with correspondent Keith Chalkley. (also talks about denial by Prince Charles and Camilla Parker Bowles of claims in new book that Princess of Wales was mostly responsible for failure of marriage)