Morning report. 1998-12-04

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Broadcast Date
04 Dec 1998
RNZ Collection
Robinson, Geoff, Presenter
Plunket, Sean, Presenter
Walley, Allan, Editor
Corbett, Maree, Producer
Freeman, Lynn, Producer
Brennan, Stephanie, Producer
McLean, Georgina, Producer
National Radio (N.Z.) (estab. 1986, closed 2007)

0611 Māori NEWS 1616 NEWS STORY ARMED ROBBERY - many central North Island farmers beef up security on their properties because of worries that band of armed robbers are still in area. Ohakune's Chan family was robbed and beaten by 3 armed men. Ruapehu District mayor and Raetihi dairy farmer Weston Kirton i/ved live.
0620 RURAL NEWS APPLE EXPORTS - overdue decision on whether NZ apples will be allowed into Australia likely to be out within fortnight. Issue is sore point between countries. (Catherine Harris) RURAL SUICIDE - farmers and health professionals meet in Palmerston North to discuss ways of supporting depressed or stressed farmers who may be contemplating suicide. Robert Sherriff, Coalition of Conerned Dairy Farmers, says group organised meeting. (Jill Galloway) WOOL PRICES mixed for half-bred and merino but generally better for crossbred at Napier and CH sales. (Catherine Harris) DRIVING LICENCES - Fed Farmers calls for "sensible" approach towards farmers carrying licenses, says new laws impractical for farmers. Vice president Tom Lambie says police and Land Transport Safety Authority have assured him of pragmatic approach. (Catherine Harris) STOCK TRUCKS - Otago Regional Council identifies effluent as significant road safety issue. (Graham McKerracher)
0625 SPORTS STORY RUGBY - Springboks on verge of breaking All Blacks' world record of 17 consecutive test victories. Live i/v with commentator John McBeth and Michael Owen-Smith, South Africa.
0635 NEWS STORY ACCIDENT COMPENSATION - High Court rules Cheryl Brider and her son should get ACC cover after contracting Aids following husband being given infected blood transfusion. Comment from ACC spokesman Alan Seay, Cheryl Brider's lawyer John Miller, Free Ambulance Service spokesperson Sean Conroy and Roger Chapman, lawyer involved in acting for more than 150 Hepatitis C sufferers who contracted the disease as a result of contaminated blood transfusions. (Blair McLaren)
0642 MANA NEWS MAURI PACIFIC leader Tau Henare says public perceives party as being pro-kaupapa Māori. ART GALLERY with difference opens in Taneatua.
0651 BUSINESS AND FINANCIAL NEWS REGIONAL ECONOMIES - National Bank survey show healthy
0.8% rise in September quarter, first rise for year. 11 regions recorded rise in activity, with WN experienccing largest delcine, but on year to year basis streaked ahead. Comment from National Bank economist Steve Edwards. (Clare Sziranyi) FIRST ELECTRIC backs down and agrees to pay transmission prices to lines companies which it claims are unreasonable and excessive. First Electric offering discounts of up to 15% but has not been able to switch customers over because of dispute over lines charges. (Clare Sziranyi) ELECTRICITY RETAIL - govt ouitlines how it will divide up businesses acquired by ECNZ when company split into 3 next April. (Clare Sziranyi) FINANCE/MARKETS MARKET REVIEW EURO CURRENCY - chief exec of Credit Suisse Asset Management, Bob Parker, says it looks set for rather rocky introduction but predicts significant benefits for European consumers and NZ exporters. (Gyles Beckford) TOWER/GPG - bid by Guinness Peat Group to merge its fund management company with Tower Corpn seen positively by some brokers. (Gyles Beckford) BUSINESS BRIEFS
0700 INTRO/NEWS REPOROA HOMICIDE - 4 men who broke into farmhouse and killed Beverly Bouma believed to be also responsible for Ohakune break-in, robbery and assault. Live i/v with Ohakune investigation head Insp Geoff Holloway and Sgt Wally Haumaha, Rotorua police. ROADING REFORMS - petrol prices may rise by more than 6 cents a litre and rural rates drop by 50% under govt proposals to restructure roading network. Package to be released next week and also includes suggestion of crating single highwa company and up to 8 roading companies made up of local authorities. Live i/v with Economics correspondent Bronwen Evans; live i/v with AA secretary general George Fairbairn and Tom Lambie, Fed Farmers. FLOODING - COROMANDEL PENINSULA - settlements of Pauanui and Tairua cut off by slips and damaged bridges. Live i/v with Arch Moore, Pauanui volunteer fire brigade chief.
0730 NEWS/WEATHER/SPORTS NZ PAPERS FINANCE UPDATE CHILD ABUSE - chair of Children's Agenda, Dr Robin Fancourt, says it's vital social workers dealing with abuse have supportive workplace environment. Comment follows independent inquiry into case of 5 year old girl left in abusive home for up to 3 days after CYPS was first contacted. Dr Fancourt i/ved live; live i/v with Jackie Brown, CYPS general manager. HOPE/SMART CASE - day 5 of depositions. Live i/v with reporter Helen Shea about witnesses' accounts so far. BOUGAINVILLE - establishment of reconciliation govt delayed by failure of legislation to pass through Papua New Guinea parliament. Live i/v with NZ Foreign Affairs minister Don McKinnon. ACCIDENT COMPENSATION - ACC considering appealing High Court decision re Cheryl Brider and her son who were secondary victims of infected blood transfusion given to her husband. Her lawyer John Miller says court decision in her favour has wider ramifications.
0800 NEWS/WEATHER FLOODING - COROMANDEL - torrential rain overnight brings sudden, heavy flooding, cuts off Pauanui and Tairua. Live i/v with Warwick Brooks, chief of Tairua Volunteer Fire Brigade. ROADING REFORMS - govt package will propose taking rates out of funding mix, replacing money with higher road user charges and rise in petrol tax. Live i/v with WN Regional Council's divisional transport manager Dave Watson and CH mayor Garry Moore. RESOURCE MANGEMENT ACT - Environment Commissioner Dr Morgan Williams calls for closer scrutiny of "deals on the side" associated with applications for resource consent. Comment also from Trevor Allsebrook, Master Builders' Fedn. INTERNATIONAL PAPERS GREY LYNN PRIMARY school adopts advertising campaign to attract pupils after making come-back from series of bad reports from Education Review Office. (Mary-Jane Aggett) MALAYSIA - IBRAHIM TRIAL - former driver of Anwar Ibrahim testifies he stands bt 1992 statement that he'd repeatedly been "victim of homosexual acts by Anwar Ibrahim". I/v with correspondent Simon Ingram. (Mng Rpt)
0830 NEWS/SPORTS SOUTHERN TRAVERSE won by NZ team Long International. Live i/v with race director Geoff Hunt. SOLO YACHT RACE - field in solo round-world yacht race, Around Alone, leaves Cape Town tomorrow heading for AK. (Todd Niall) HEALTH PHONE LINE - Health ministry considering introducing freephone line for health inquiries, similar to one working successfully in Britain. I/v with ian Spector, managing director of Access Health, one of the companies providing freephone service in Britain. (Mng Rpt) WEEKEND WEATHER FRIDAY FEEDBACK OZ SPOT - live i/v with Phil Kafcaloudes. (letter bomb campaign; another Olympics committee resignation) FRUIT AND VEG REPORT with Jack Forsythe.