Morning report. 1999-05-18

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Broadcast Date
18 May 1999
RNZ Collection

0611 MāORI NEWS 1616 NEWS STORY KIDNAP - Red Cross in Moscow says it's doing akk it can to find and free NZ nurse Geraldo Cruz, kidnapped by armed men 3 days ago in Russian republic of Kabardino-Balkarskay. I/v with spokesperson Victoria Zotikova. (Karlum Lattimore)
0620 RURAL NEWS PLANT ACT - food industry group wants urgent govt action to amend 1987 Plant Varieties Rights Act, says it threatens plant breeding and farming and is out of line with international agreement. (Diana Leufkens) ANIMAL WELFARE LAWS - reform moves closer with Parliament's primary production illegible committee reporting back on govt's Animal Welfare Bill and private Bill from Labour's Pete Hodgson. Govt Bill includes detailed provisions on use of animals in research, testing and teaching as well as export and provides statutory backing for codes of practice. (Kevin Ikin) TROPICAL GRASS WEB WORM - spokesman for affected farmers, Eric Wagener, happy govt providing $20,000 research grant to help combat pest but says other issues are also important. (Diana Leufkens) AUSTRALIA - WILD DOGS - scores of calves killed in some rural areas of southern Queensland by packs of wild dogs. (AAP)
0625 SPORTS STORY BRITISH SOCCER - i/v with correspondent Paul Newman. (Manchester United takes Premier League title)
0635 NEWS STORY FIJI ISLANDS - ELECTION - PM Sitiveni Rabuka accepts defeat following Fiji Labour Party's overwhelming victory. Labour leader Mahendra Choudhry warning security will be tightened to prevent "mischief making" by disgruntled political rivals. Will the result be accepted by indigenous Fijians? Live i/v with correspondent Shiu Singh. illegible INTERNATIONAL PAPERS
0648 BUSINESS AND FINANCIAL NEWS AUSTRALIA - TELECOM tipped as ready to launch $2 billion take-over bid for country's 3rd biggest telecommunications company AAPT. (AAP) PHONE NUMBER PORTABILITY - Commerce Commission approves agreement but opponents say it won't work. Agreement sets out principles for independent administration of numbers and process to determine whether long-term portability should be introduced and Commission says without it, govt would have to introduce regulations to enforce portability. Saturn's chief exec Jack Matthews doesn't think it will work but Saturn's hands may be tied. Comment from Clear's Public Affairs manager Clayton Cosgrove and Telstra's Peter Williamson. (Helen Matterson) FINANCE/MARKETS MARKET REVIEW ANSETT AUSTRALIA - Air NZ chair Sir Selwyn Cushing says he personally favours Air NZ taking full control of Ansett but wants solution that's amicable for all parties. (Gyles Beckford) MAARI OIL FIELD - Cultus Petroleum says confirmation field off Taranaki coast is viable is sput to more exploration in region. Field evaluation shows it could produce 46 million barrels over 13-15 year period with first oil flowing within 3 years. (Helen Matterson) CULTUS PETROLEUM - independent experts Grant Samuel and Associates finds take-over offer by OMV Australia is neither fair nor reasonable, based on offer of 66 Australian cents a share. Grant Samuel's valuation range is more than 80% above that. (Helen Matterson) BUSINESS BRIEFS
0700 INTRO/NEWS FIJI ISLANDS - ELECTIONS - although final results not yetin, clear that Sitiveni Rabuka's gvot has been comprehensively rejected by electorate still resentful of way he gained powerin 1987. Labour Party and coalition partners have won 52 seats in 71 seat parliament. Live i/v with Labour leader Mahendra Choudhry;live i/v with NP political scientist Nigel Roberts, in Fiji to observe elections. KIDNAP - NZ Red Cross nurse Geraldo Cruz seized in Nalchik, capital of Kabardino-Balkarskaya, after leaving workplace. Geroge Paglizano, head of Red Cross delegation for Russia, says kidnapping occurred with dramatic simplicity - i/ved. (Mng Rpt); NZ ambassador to Moscow, John Larkindale, says he's working with other authorities to find Mr Cruz. (Mng Rpt) GERMAN MIGRANT FAMILY - Immigration minister Tuariki Delamers says he'l reconsider case of Petra Schier and her children who are facing deportation following Gunter Schier's deportation earlier in year for failing to reveal drug conviction when he came to NZ in 1989. German courts have now expunged his criminal record and Mrs Schier applying to stay under new immigration category for entrepreneurs. Mr Delamere i/ved. (Mng Rpt); live i/v with Petra Schier.
0730 NEWS/WEATHER NZ PAPERS FINANCE UPDATE ISRAEL - ELECTIONS - Benjmain Netanyahu concedes defeat to Labour Party leader Ehud Barak and has quit as leader of Likud Party. Live i/v with Leslie Susser, "Jerusalem Report". KOSOVO - REFUGEES - Xhevat Morachi, his wife Ylfete, their 3 children and children's grandmother among first of refugees offered opportunity to resettle in NZ. Family fled Pristina after first NATO air strike but not before Xhevat almost beaten to death by Serbian military police. (Lisa Owen) PROBLEM SCHOOLS - School Trustees Assn calls for top principals to be headhunted to work in problem schools, says team of such principals should be illegible and offered salary packages of $150,000 plus car to turn around schools in trouble. (Gael Woods) AUSTRALIA - TAX - controversial issue of GST threatens to topple govt. PM John Howard trying to resurrect tax reform agenda after key independent senator Brian Harradine announces he'll vote against policy. Mr Howard's hopes now rest on support of Australian Democrats. Live i/v with Canberra correspondent Michelle Grattan.
0800 NEWS/WEATHER FIJI ISLANDS - ELECTIONS - a look back at the 1987 coup led by then Col Sitiveni Rabuka after victory of predominantly Indian govt. Live i/v with then NZ prime minister David Lange; re gauging local Fijian reaction to election result, i/v with Baba Gyan Singh, general secretary of Hindu organisation Shiri Sanatan Dharma, and Isaia Vakaruru, member of Fijian community. (Mng Rpt) KIDNAP - Red Cross in Moscow still trying to find out who's kidnapped NZ nurse Geraldo Cruz and why. Mr Cruz snatched close to border with Chechnya. Live i/v with Dr reuben Azizian, AK Univ, former Soviet diplomat. INTERNATIONAL PAPERS DRINKING AGE - 26 health and community groups join forces under banner Coalition 20 with sole purpose of opposing Sale of Liquor Amdt Bill, say there's strong evidence lowering drinking age will only worsen number of alcohol-related problems involving young people. Chief exec of Australian Drug Fndn, Bill Stronach, in NZ for launch of coalition - i/ved live. PHONE NUMBER PORTABILITY - Telecom's biggest competitors says agreement approved by Commerce Commission does virtually nothing to ensure that someone who changes their phone company can take their phone number with them. I/v with Jack Matthews, chief exec of Saturn Communications.
0830 NEWS/WEATHER SEAFOOD JOBS - around 180 staff from Pacifica Foods' Rai Valley mussel processing plant told they're redundant following devastating fire at plant last month. (Helen Shea) CRICKET WORLD CUP - NZ wins first match against Bangladesh. I/v with fast bowler Geoff Allott. (Mng Rpt) PATEA FUTURE - town's future still bleak 18 years after meatworks, town's main employer, closed. Comment from ex-worker Rex Ansley, Donald Cameron, of District Council. cafe owner Sue Townsend, and mayor Mary Bourke. (Jill Galloway); live i/v with Dalvanius Prime, whose Poi E performed by Patea Māori Club, helped put town on international stage. SMOKING PARAPHENALIA - sellers of bongs, pipes, and other smoking tools believe they could be left with useless stock ig govt proceeds with September ban on goods as part of strategy to crack down on illegal drugs. (Catherine Harris) U.S. - SPY CASE - FBI arrests Australian man and charges him with attempted espionage for allegedly trying to sell more than 700 classified defence documents. Former Australian govt intelligence employee, Jean-philippe Wispelaere, apparently tried to sell documents to undercover FBI agent in Thailand. Live i/v with correspondent Judy Lessing.