Morning report. 1999-06-10

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Broadcast Date
10 Jun 1999
RNZ Collection

0611 MāORI NEWS 1616 NEWS STORY KOSOVO - PEACE PLAN - NATO and Serb officials continue talks on pull-out of Serb troops. Both sides say they're very close to agreement. Live i/v with London correspondent Alastair Wanklyn.
0620 RURAL NEWS SPREADABLE BUTTER - European Commission adopts proposal to allow it into EU under NZ's butter quota, ending long-running dispute. World Trade Orgn ruled in NZ's favour in dispute. (Diana Leufkens) HORSE DISEASE - concern in breeding industry after horse carrying serious illegible disease slipped through quarantine after being mistakenly given export approval by Australian authorities. (Catherine Harris) DEER CONFERENCE - disease and prices focal points of Deer Frmers' Assn AGM. Assn president John Speirs says industry expects stable and fairly prosperous times ahead. (Diana Leufkens) RACEHORSE STUD - thoroughbred industry secures services of one of world's best racehorses, Generous. Horse owned by Japanese Bloodhorse Breeders' Assn and will spend this season at Glenmorgan Farm near AK. (Catherine Harris)
0625 SPORTS STORY U.S. SPORTS - live i/v with Paul Witteman, "Sports Illustrated". (US Golf Open starts tomorrow, Tiger Woods the favourite; horseracing's Triple Crown - favourite Charismatic falters and breaks some bones, will now be put to stud)
0635 NEWS STORY INDONESIA - ELECTION - NZ - vote counting proceeds slowly, with NZ embassy eagerly awaiting results. Indonesia among NZ's top 10 trading partners, what is Megawati Sukarnoputri's attitude to NZ? I/v with ambassador Michael Green. INTERNATIONAL PAPERS MANA MāORI: illegible CLAIMS - Māori lecturer responds to half billion dollar figure spent on treaty claims. Comment also from Treaty Negotiations minister Sir Douglas Graham. HUIA - iwi responds to implications of possible cloning of extinct bird.
0648 BUSINESS AND FINANCIAL NEWS A.C.C. SPLIT - ACC today splits into 3 new businesses in first formal step in opening up accident insurance market. Estimated that only 10-20% of companies so far have taken out policies with private companies. Pricewaterhouse Coopers partner Bruce Baillie says it's not surprising, suspects speed at which legislation introduced is behind reluctance but there are other factors. (political uncertainty). (Helen Matterson) FISHER AND PAYKEL assures sharebrokers that halving of profit is because of one-off costs and better returns are ahead. Company result for full year is $18.5 million of $36 million for previous year, attributed to write-down of asset values and restructuring of $30 million. Managing director Gary Paykel comments. (Helen Matterson) FINANCE MARKETS MARKET REVIEW MICROSOFT says revenues this year expected to grow by around 25%, and forecasts 20% growth next year. Local managing director Geoff Lawrie says company growing strongly in commercial products. (Gyles Beckford) WASTE MANAGEMENT, AK-based company, given clearance to acquire Waste Care subject to divesting of certain assets. (Helen Matterson) GENE TECHNOLOGY - Warehouse chain founder Stephen Tindall hopes his appointment to govt advisory group on gene technology will help address consumer concerns. Independent Biotechnology Advisory Council, IBAC, holds first meeting. BUSINESS BRIEFS
0700 INTRO/NEWS KOSOVO - PEACE PLAN - NATO and Yugoslav generals back in negotiations in what could be final push to seal withdrawal of Serb forces from Kosovo. Hour after NATO announced talks adjournment, Yugoslav delegation made dramatic return to resume negotiations with fresh instructions from Belgrade. Meeting has been disrupted several times for Yugoslav officials to return to Belgrade for consultations. Comment from NATO's Lt Col Robin Clifford and spokesman Jamie Sead; live i/v with Brussels correspondent Martin Walker; i/v with Belgrade correspondent Mike Williams. FOOD SCARE - NZ health authorities to provide retailers today with list of products from Belgium, France, and Netherlands at centre of European food contamination scare. NZ moving to stop products from these countries at border illegible measure, in line with action throughout Europe, North America, Middle East and Asia. Comment from Health ministry's Dr Bob Boyd, Retail Merchants' Assn spokesman Barry Hellberg, and Brenda Cittress, Grocery Marketers' Assn. (Eileen Cameron) EUROPE - FOOD CRISIS - Belgian govt lifts ban on slaughtering poultry, pigs and cattle, signalling confidence it's contained food contamination scare, but European Commission not satisfied with measures taken by Belgian govt. I/v with "Agra Europe"'s Warren Giles. (Mng Rpt) HOPE/SMART MURDER CASE - trial of Scott Watson, accused of murdering Olivia Hope and Ben Smart starts in High Court in WN today. Watson denies murdering the couple who disappeared without trace from marlborough Sounds on New Year's Day 1998. Live i/v with Court reporter Merle Nowland.
0730 NEWS/WEATHER NZ PAPERS FINANCE UPDATE INDONESIA - ELECTION - leader of party currently leading race to head future govt, PDI-Struggle party, claims there's been intimidation and even killings, of its supporters in East Timor. Dr Rakso Herman i/ved. (Eric Frykberg). With illegible 7% of votes counted and confirmed, ruling Golkar Party has shot into 2nd place. HORSE DISEASE - Agriculture ministry confident it's stamped out any threat of EIA after infected horse slipped through quarantine after Australian authorities mixed up export test results. EIA is incurable and fatal form of anaemia in horses which isn't present in nZ. Horse has been destroyed and 7 others being kept in isolation on Waikato farms to see if they develop disease. Stud farm owner Patrick Hogan says he shudders to think what might have happened; live i/v with MAF's chief vet Dr Barry O'Neill. ELECTRICITY REGULATIONS - govt says it hasn't shut doore on minor changes to proposed legislation controlling lines companies. Labour wants regulations extended to cover some functions of power supply companies, such as disconnection and meter reading fees but Finance minister Bill English insists govt won't support extending regulations to retail companies. Live i/v with Labour's deputy leader Michael Cullen, and ACT's Energy spokesman Ken Shirley.
0800 NEWS/WEATHER KOSOVO - PEACE DEAL SIGNED after marathon session, sets out technical details for Serb withdrawal. NATO commander Sir Michael Jackson makes the announcement. (CNN);live i/v with Brussels correspondent Martin Walker;Serb negotiators make statement; live i/v with UN correspondent Judy Lessing. SPREADABLE BUTTER - Dairy Board checking reports from Brussels that European Commission has decided to allow NZ-made spreadable butter into EU. LIve i/v with Board deputy chair Graeme Fraser. INTERNATIONAL PAPERS TYPHOID - Health ministry trying to track more than 30 NZers at risk of being infected with typhoid after recent cruise to Papua New Guinea. 3 Australian passengers on board P&O's Fair Princess diagnosed with it. Live i/v with Health ministry's Public Health advisor Dr Douglas Lush. WELLINGTON HOSPITAL - revelation that Capital Coast Helath might not manage the proposed new regional hospital. Head of Crown Company Monitoring Advisory Unit, Christopher Russell, says there are other options. I/v with Health minister Wyatt Creech; live i/v with Labour's Health spokesperson Annette King.
0830 NEWS/WEATHER KOSOVO - PEACE DEAL SIGNED - Yugoslav deputy foreign minister says military pull-out will begin tomorrow. Live i/v with Belgrade correspondent Mike Williams. JORDAN - CELEBRATIONS of accession to throne 4 months ago of King Abdullah. I/v with Gahdia Gahter, "Jordan Times" reporter re why it's taken this long for King Abdullah to be crowned. (Mng Rpt) MILLENIUM - MāORI CULTURAL EVENT - 17 hour event to welcome new millennium gets $300,000 boost from Millennium Office, will be used for dawn celebrations on illegible Hikurangi that will be broadcast worldwide. I/v with Ngati Porou chief exec Amohaere Houkamau. (Mng Rpt) GERMANY - NEWS - live i/v with correspondent Philip Crookes about Kosovo peace deal, food scare, and opening of new parliament building in Berlin. FRUIT AND VEG REPORT with Miles Oldham. KOSOVO - PEACE DEAL SIGNED - announcement by NATO commander Sir Michael Jackson and Yugoslav deputy foreign minister Nebojsa Vujovic.