Morning report. 1999-06-18

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Broadcast Date
18 Jun 1999
RNZ Collection

0611 MāORI NEWS 1616 NEWS STORY KOSOVO - RUSSIA and US agree on 2 key issues of KFOR command structure and use of Pristina airport but are negotiating final sticking point - deployment of Russian peacekeeping troops. I/v with London correspondent Paul Chapman. (Mng Rpt)
0620 RURAL NEWS PIPFRUIT GROWERS to decide on structure and ownership of industry in August. Document from Food and Fibre minister John Luxton challenges aspects of reforms proposed by Apple and Pear Board, but organisation representing most growers say they, and not the govt, will make the final decision. (Kevin Ikin) illegible EXPORTS - U.S. - Australia says President Clinton has ordered advisors to revise plans to help US lamb producers. Foreign minister Alexander Downer says Mr Clinton was influenced by phone conversations with PMs Jenny Shipley and John Howard. (AAP) ACC - FARMERS employing staff, who want choice in accident insurance cover, effectively have only today left to do something about it. Fed Farmers concerned many farmers leaving it too late to take advantage of competition for insurance that it battled to have introduced. (Kevin Ikin) WOOL PRICES lift for most types of wool at CH auction of DN and Invercargill wools. (Kevin Ikin)
0625 SPORTS STORY RUGBY - MANU SAMOA play All Blacks tonight in AK. Team manager Peter Schuster warns players not to lose tempers. Live i/v with commentator John McBeth.
0635 NEWS STORY AUCKLAND - METROWATER - mounting anger in AK where 100,000 residents face 17% increase in water charges. (Eileen Cameron) INTERNATIONAL PAPERS MANA MāORI: illegible VOUCHERS - US professor warns Māori against being too quick to support idea of voucher system.
0648 BUSINESS AND FINANCIAL NEWS U.S. - INTEREST RATES - chair of Federal Reserve, Alan Greenspan, gives clearest hint yet that rates are about to rise, tells Congressional committee that inflation remains in check for now but central bank should consider pre-emptive action to prevent any threat to continued economic growth. Wall St watcher Vince Farrell says modest rise of perhaps quarter of a percent already priced in by many traders. INTEREST RATES - Robin Clements, chief economist with Warburg Dillon Reed investment bank, says historically low short-term interest rates must start creeping up if inflation to be contained. (Helen Matterson) BANKERS TRUST - US finance group Principal Financial looks set to buy key parts of Bankers Trust Australasian group. (AAP) FINANCE MARKETS MARKET REVIEW FLETCHER CHALLENGE not commenting on growing market speculation it's about to announce restructuring that will see it exit paper sector. (Helen Matterson) TAX CUTS - MANFED wants to pin govt down to timetable for cuts that would kick in early next year at latest. Chief exec Simon Carlaw says target is to ensure NZ has and maintains competitive advantage over Australia. (Helen Matterson) BUSINESS BRIEFS
0700 INTRO/NEWS KOSOVO - ATROCITIES - new evidence of torture and death emerging as Serb forces retreat, with estimates of up to 100 massacres. Comment from British Foreign Office minister Geoff Hoon, deputy chief prosecutor of War Crimes Tribunal, Geoffrey Blewitt, and NATO peacekeepers. (Mng Rpt) KOSOVO - KLA - NATO troops coming under increasing pressure to demilitarise Kosovo Liberation Army. NATO spokesperson Lt Cdr Louis Garnau says it's trying to resolve issue as soon as possible. (Mng Rpt) KOSOVO - SERBS in province angry and frightened about their future. BBC's Mark Laity has been talking with them - he's i/ved. (Mng Rpt) NZQA PAYOUT - Qualification Authority in trouble again with allegations of 3 members receiving "golden handshakes". Allianc MP Grant Gillon brings matter to attention of Parliament. Comment also from newly resigned chair of NZQA Sir Neil Waters and acting chief exec David Moloney. (Gael Woods); Tertiary Education minister Max Bradford declines i/v as does David Moloney;live i/v illegible Grant Gillon. COOK ISLANDS - ELECTION - PM Geoffrey Henry and his Cook Islands Party appear to have been defeted. Sir Geoffrey not conceding defeat yet and hopes to be part of coalition, says his govt paid price of bringing in some brutal economic reforms; provisional results show Democratic Alliance Party has defeated Cook Islands Party by 11 seats to 10. Live i/v with correspondent Florence Syme-Buchanan. CRICKET WORLD CUP - Australia defeats South Africa in breath-taking match, will play Pakistan in final. Live i/v with correspondent Martin Crowe.
0730 NEWS/WEATHER NZ PAPERS FINANCE UPDATE LAMB EXPORTS - U.S. - President Clinton asks his advisors to look again at the issue but he remains under intense pressure from US lamb producers to protect them from imports they say are threatening their industry. Live i/v with NZ ambassador to US, Jim Bolger. AUCKLAND - METROWATER - anger and dissent growing as 17% increase in water charges comes closer. Rises contained in Metrowater's business plan for next 3 years which has won approval from AK City Council's investment committee. Live illegible with committee's chair Vern Walsh and Jim Gladwin of Water Pressure Group which opposes continuation of Metrowater. RUGBY - ALL BLACKS play Manu Samoa tonight. Teams have close links, with brothers in opposing teams, Tana and Mike Umanga, and cousins Pat lam and Dylan Mika. I/v with assistant coach of All Blacks, Peter Sloane, re late change with Andrew Blowers out with injury and Dylan Mika in. (Mng Rpt); i/v with Samoa coach Brian Williams re "family against family" nature of this test. (Mng Rpt)
0800 NEWS/WEATHER KOSOVO - RUSSIA - US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright arrives in Helsinki to join negotiations over role of Russian peacekeepers. Key sticking point is President Yeltsin's insistence Russians be allowed to control sector of Kosovo by themselves. President Clinton taking conciliatory line; i/v with Moscow correspondent Paul Anderson re what exactly President Yeltsin wants. (Mng Rpt) HOPE/SMART MURDERS - Court reporter Merle Nowland outlines thrust of Crown's argument in trial of Scott Watson for murders of Olivia Hope and Ben Smart. (Mng Rpt) COOK ISLANDS - ELECTION - provisional results show Democratic Alliance Party has defeated ruling Cook Island Party by 11 seats to 10. Cook Island Party leader Sir Geoffrey Henry hopes New Alliance Party, which has 4 seats, will invite him to form coalition - i/ved. (Mng Rpt); Cook Islands community in NZ following election closely. Live i/v with David Isiah, Cook Islands Advisory Council in WN. INTERNATIONAL PAPERS LOCAL QUOTA - issue of quotas for local content on radio and TV emerges as election issue. Cultural Affairs minister Marie Hasler asks officials to investigate ways of promoting national identity, says improving quota is an option; Labour Party already has policy of quotas and Cultural Affairs spokesperson Judith Tizard says it will be election issue; i/v with Arthur Baysting, Local Content Lobby Group. and Graeme Hunter, TV3 chief exec, who's against quotas. (Mng Rpt)
0830 NEWS/WEATHER FEEDBACK - poem. MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS sufferes hoping last minute bid to get effective new drug subsidised will be successful. Pharmac has previously refused to buy beta-interferon drugs because of high costs and fact it only works on certain patients but now has invited sufferers and experts to have their say before final decision made in July. (Catherine Harris) DEPUTY POLICE COMMISSIONER Barry Matthews says his work on Incis computer system will help him in his new job as Police Commissioner in Western Australia - i/ved. (Mng Rpt) illegible WEATHER KAKAPO - new chicks named in competition. "Trevor" is one of them although name doesn't easily spring to mind when naming a native parrot. (Mark Torley) ROYAL WEDDING - live i/v with correspondent Keith Chalkley re tomorrow's wedding of Prince Edward and Sophie Rhys-Jones. OZ SPOT - live i/v with correspondent Phil Kafcaloudes. (Olympics athletes return positive drugs tests; Kosovar refugees object to being placed in old army barracks; Defence dept personnel caught downloading pornography from Internet)