Morning report. 1999-07-19

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Broadcast Date
19 Jul 1999
RNZ Collection
Robinson, Geoff, Presenter
Radich, Eva, Presenter
Gibson, Martin, Editor
National Radio (N.Z.) (estab. 1986, closed 2007)

0611 NEWS STORY U.S. - KENNEDY - searches for plane piloted by John F Kennedy Jr have failed to find his body or that of his wife and sister-in-law. Plane presumed to have crashed in waters off Martha's Vineyard in Massachusetts. In New York, loss being taken personally. (BBC) N.Z. FIRST PARTY CONFERENCE - question of any future coalition partner left unanswered. Around 500 delegates hear range of new policy announcements, such as cheaper student loans, higher superannuation and export incentives. Audio of deputy leader Peter Brown, MP's Robyn McDonald and Brian Donnelly, and leader Winston Peters. (Todd Niall) illegible RURAL NEWS RURAL DOCTORS- study into exodus from rural practice finds there's still not enough recognition of difficulties facing rural GPs, says more has to be done to provide help for rural doctors and prepare them and their families for demands of coping with life as country GP. Study's author Robert Henderson comments; Central Otago's Roxburgh district overcoming some problems with nurse practitioner scheme that's been running 3 years. Marg Eckoff, co-ordinator of team of nurdes who provide cover and back-up for GP, says it's proved to be one of more successful solutions to problem of support for rural doctors. (Kevin Ikin); Health minister Wyatt Creech says he's working to reduce stress suffered by rural doctors. says reducing red tape, allowing nurses to carry out some work previously done by GPs and new technology will help reduce stress. (Bryan Crump) CHINA/WOOL - PM Jenny Shipley says NZ's biggest wool market, China, again open for gusiness, says Premier Zhu Rongji has told her China has resolved administrative problems in system for allocating tariff quotas for wool. (q). (Irene Strong) BRAZIL TRADE - Trade minister Lockwood Smith ends visit to Brazil impressed with huge trade opportunities for NZ exporters there, says it offers illegible in irrigation, land development, agriculture and horticulture, food processing and fish farming.(q). (Kevin Ikin) GENETICALLY MODIFIED CROPS - BEEkeepers confirm opposition to any further moves to introduce GM crops into NZ, want a ban on growing genetically engineered plants that would be accessible to bees. National Beekepers Assn president Terry Gavin comments. (Kevin Ikin) GENETICALLY MODIFIED MAIZE - ERMA to hold public hearing on application for field tests. International seed company Pioneer wants to conduct controlled trials of herbicide and insect tolerant maize in open. (Catherine Harris)
0625 SPORTS STORY RUGBY - live i/v with commentator John McBeth. (weekend match between Wallabies and Springboks won by Wallabies)
0635 NEWS STORY SAMOA - ASSASSINATION of Public Works minister Luagalau Lavaula Kamu. He was shot after being called away from celebrations for ruling political party, first such killing in country's history as independent state. (Eric Frykberg) INTERNATIONAL PAPERS MANA Māori: RUGBY AND RACISM - Trevor Richards, former leader of HART, writes book charting history of NZ's rugby contacts with apartheid South Africa. TRAFFIC REPORT
0648 BUSINESS AND FINANCIAL NEWS N.Z. POST SOUTH AFRICA CONTRACT - NZ Post wins multi-million dollar contract to manage South Africa;s postal system for next 3 years, largest postal contract ever tendered internationall.. Chief exec Elmar Toime expects further contracts to follow as other postal systems are restructured. (Paul Diamond) TELECOM/EDS - Microsoft NZ expects Telecom's alliance with EDS to boost its share of small business market. Telecom has entered into 10 year agreement with NZ branch of EDS to supply services including billing and customer information system. Microsoft NZ chief exec Geoff Lawrie comments; Telecom's decisons to award contract to EDS a blow to IBM NZ which has been receiving a third of its $331 million dollar revenue from Telecom. (Paul Diamond) FINANCE/MARKETS WEEK AHEAD RE-BILLING - TELSTRA preparing to challange High Court decision allowing Telecom to refuse re-billing arrangements for its customers, still believes Telecom contravening Commerce Act and that it has substantive agreement for be-billing to continue. Telstra chief exec Peter Williamson says Telecom's illegible just one example of its anti-competitive behaviour. (Paul Diamond) SMALL BUSINESS SUCCESS - visiting US expert Monroe Porter says maintaining balance between work and home and knowing your strengths are key to success. Mr Porter in NZ as part of training programme for painters called "Partners in Profit" being run next month by Dulux. (Paul Diamond) BRITISH AIRWAYS fined by European authorities over relationship with travel agents. Virgin Airways complained incentive scheme for travel agents designed to force them to sell BA tickets regardless of price or quality. BUSINESS BRIEFS
0700 INTRO/NEWS U.S. - KENNEDY - intensive searches fail to find bodies of John F Kennedy Jr, his wife and sister-in-law. IUS Coast Guard reveals missing plane did not carry life raft or life vests. Rear Admiral Richard Larrabee, heading search, says support for operation overwhelming. JFK Jr's presumed death causes sorrow across America; live i/v with correspondent Georgina Cooper, at Kennedy Compound at Hyannisport, Massachusetts. SAMOA - ASSASSINATION - police still hunting for gunamn who assassinated Public Works minister Luagalau Levaula Kamu. NZ High Commissioner MacPrice says Mr illegible highly regarded; live i/v with PM Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi. N.Z. FIRST PARTY CONFERENCE - NZ First believes it will hold balance of power again after election and be in position again to bargain with National and Labour. Leadership consistently tells delegates that opinion polls are wrongand party's edge is leadership with courage, integrity, trust and track record of keeping political promises. Comment from deputy leader Peter Brown; live i/v with leader Winston Peters; live i/v with Political editor Al Morrison.
0730 NEWS/WEATHER NZ PAPERS FINANCE UPDATE SAMOA - ASSASSINATION - live i/v with NZ High Commissioner Mac Price, who was at function where Public Works minister Luagelau Levaula Kamu was shot dead. AUCKLAND HOMELESS - AK City Mission says number of homeless or itinerant people using its drop-in centre has risen by more than 50% in past 6 months. Rise also seen in numbers using central city night shelter. Comment from homeless Costa, City Missioner Diane Robertson, Charlie Fenwick, night shelter manager, and social worker Kim Walker. (Lisa Owen); live i/v with Social Services minister Roger Sowry and Labour's Social Welfare spokesman Steve Maharey. MONDAY OZ SPOT - live i/v with Phil Kafcaloudes. (pilot who worked for Shell in Nigeria released after being kidnapped by Nigerian tribespeople three weeks ago; SOCOG worried about ticket sales)
0800 NEWS/WEATHER U.S. - KENNEDY - debris from plane found, US Coastguard says chances slim any of the 3 aboard the plane have survived cold Atlantic waters. Live i/v with correspondent Richard Quest at Hyannisport; grief felt intensely in New York which regarded John F Kennedy Jr its adopted son. Live i/v with Diane Goldie, national editor for "New York Daily News". (Mng Rpt) WOOL/CHINA - PM Jenny Shipley says she's received assurances from China that will mean boost in NZ's wool trade. Sales dropped by $60 million in year to May because of tariff problems but PM says Premier Zhu Rongji has told her China has now sorted out problem. Live i/v with Roger Buchanan, Wool Board's general manager of policy. INTERNATIONAL PAPERS N.Z. FIRST PARTY - ELECTION CHANCES - Political editor Al Morrison says party's best prospect for electoral seat is for Tu Wyllie to retain Te Tai Tonga. Live i/v with Mr Wyllie. TAURANGA PROFILE - NZ First hoping to retain Tauranga seat held by leader Winston Peters but he's facing some strong challengers. Tauranga has fastest-growing urban area in country, with full-time employment growing 7% in eachof last 2 years and number of businesses growing nearly 13% over same proviod. Reporter Andrew McRae looks at the region's growth. (part 1)
0830 NEWS/WEATHER/SPORTS GOLF - BRITISH OPEN won by Scotland's Paul Lawrie after extraordinary 4-hole play-off with Frenchman Jean van der Velde and American Justin Leonard. Live i/v with BBC's Dave Farrar. ISRAEL - PEACE PROCESS - PM Ehud Barak ends talks with US President Bill Clinton, confident of peace deal with Arab neighbours. Senior aide says deals with Syria, Lebanon and Palestinians could be sewn up in 15 months. Live i/v with David Horovitz, "Jerusalem Report". FISH SATELLITE - NIWA scientists develop new use for satellite technology to help solve problem of where to find fish. They're using satellites to track sea surface temperature, food sources and currents. Live i/v with researcher Michael Uddstrom. SPORTS HALL OF FAME officially opens in DN this morning, celebrating NZ's greatest sporting moments and athletes who produced them. Reporter Graeme McKerracher has a preview. NORTHERN IRELAND - PEACE PROCESS under review again after Ulster Unionists refuse to sit in govt with Sinn Fein. British and Irish PMs to meet later this week with US Senator George Mitchell who was instrumental in achieving 1998 illegible Friday Agreement. I/v with correspondent Eamonn Malley about the impasse and chances of overcoming it. (Mng Rpt)