Morning report. 1999-08-20

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Broadcast Date
20 Aug 1999
RNZ Collection

0611 NEWS STORY TURKEY - QUAKE - DEATH TOLL rises above 6,866, with nearly 30,000 injured and at least 10,000 still missing. Toll expected to rise. BBC's Jonathan Beale reports from Adapazari, near quake's epicentre. WWII SLAVE LABOUR - Ford Motor Co named on list of nearly 500 companies that used slave labour. Cologne plant said to have used provided from Auschwitz death camp. List boosts survivors still fighting for compensation. (Paul Chapman, Feature Story)
0620 RURAL NEWS WOOL DEVELOPMENT PLAN - Wool Board proposing to hire consultants for independent review of options for lifting wool incomes and to form development illegible out of that, says delays in finalising legislation at centre of producer board reform will leave way clear for project. (Kevin Ikin) INTERNET WOOL - further concerns raised about internet trading system Wool Board planning to launch next month. Southern wool broker Brian Bilas echoes Wool Exporters' Council's concern about potential to undermine prices and lack of provision for appraising wool on offer. (Kevin Ikin) WOOL PRICES mostly ease at Napier and CH sales. More than 5th of 22,000 bales on offer failed to make reserve price and were passed in. (Kevin Ikin) DAIRY TRADE - RUSSIA - Dairy Board finds persistence pays off in world's largest butter market, Russia. Board decided to stay in the market after collapse of rouble last year and as result Russian subsidiary able to strengthen position. Comment from Board chief exec Warren Larsen. (Kevin Ikin) DAIRY BRANDS - NZ's Anchor products a leading Asian brand in recent survey. Milk powders rank 24th in list covering food and beverage sector as well as airlines, apparel, hospitality, information technology and media companies. (Diana Leufkens)
0625 SPORTS STORY RUGBY - live i/v with commentator John McBeth re weekend's NPC matches.
0635 NEWS STORY LOCAL DEMOCRACY - Massey Univ social policy lecturer Christine Cheyne calls for local councils to set up more local fora, ward committees and community boards to build in stronger accountability to ratepayers. Comment also from Manawatu mayor Audrey Severinson and Palmerston North city councillor Ian Cruden. (Jill Galloway) INTERNATIONAL PAPERS MANA MāORI WAIPAREIRA TRUST's new chief exec takes over on Monday. TRAFFIC REPORT
0648 BUSINESS AND FINANCIAL NEWS NATURAL GAS CORPN says it has commitment to growth despite difficult trading period and no lessening of competition in energy sector. Chief exec Richard Bentley says larger units likely to develop in sector and NGC will be part of process. (Helen Matterson) APPLEFIELDS horticulture cum property company puts 8 of its properties and 68 subsidiaries into receivership or under statutory management. Tower Trustee, on behalf of 1300 investors in rural super bonds superannuation scheme, took action to protect remaining investment. (Gyles Beckford) FINANCE/MARKETS MARKET REVIEW BIGGEST OFFICE BUILDING in NZ expected to be topped off today in AK. 40 storey Royal Sun Alliance Tower developed by Kiwi Development Trust, one of few commercial building projects for some time. Comment from Trust's managing director Richard Didsbury. (Gyles Beckford) JAPAN - YEN resurgent in recent days, breaks through key levels against US dollars. While Japanese govt wants weaker yen to support export sector and economic recovery, no sign of any move to stem rise. Comment from Barry Hyman of EKN. BUSINESS BRIEFS
0700 INTRO/NEWS TURKEY - QUAKE - SURVIVOR SEARCH continues, with French, Israeli and Austrian rescue teams frustrated by lack of co-ordination by Turkish authorities. Questions being asked about how shoddy construction of buildings could have been permitted in known earthquake zone. (Alistair Wanklyn, Feature Story); i/v with Alistair Wanklyn re whether chaotic relief operation has begun to improve. (Mng Rpt); live i/v with John Watt, operational support services with Intl Red illegible and Red Crescent Fedn. TAURANGA HOMICIDE - firearms experts and pathologist assist in 2nd autopsy on body of Tauranga women Jo-Anne van Duyvenbooden, found in gully near her home. Earlier post-mortem failed to establish exactly what caused her death although police reveal she'd been shot. Live i/v with Det Insp Graham Bell. COOK ISLANDS TAX INQUIRY - 2 High Court judges today deliver decision on Winston Peters' appeal against findings of Winbox Commission of Inquiry. Live i/v with reporter Todd Niall. CRICKET - NZ 170 for 8 when stumps drawn on first day's play of 4th test against England. I/v with coach Steve Rixon.
0730 NEWS/WEATHER NZ PAPERS TRAFFIC REPORT FINANCE UPDATE ATHLETICS - Beatrice Faumuina leading NZ team at World Athletics Championships in Spain starting tomorrow. I/v with team media liaison Murray McKinnon. (Mng Rpt) YUGOSLAVIA - BELGRADE RALLY - more than 100,000 people gather in Belgrade to protest against rule of President Milosevic. In attempt to reduce size of illegible, authorities have offered prospect of early elections in Serbia. Live i/v with correspondent Jackie Rowland. POLICE - INCIS - Parliamentary select committee conducting inquiry into computer system ponders next move now govt is suing IBM. Labour want to see potentially embarrassing report tabled before Parliament rises for election but others argue for caution in order to avoid prejudicing Crown's case against IBM for alleged breach of contract. Comment from MPs Rana Waitai, Phil Goff, and Patricia Schnauer. (Sarah Boyd) FIJI - EXPLOSIONS - 3rd suspicious explosion, this time at roadside electricity sub-station just west of Suva. Suggestions the bombs could be politically motivated. Live i/v with correspondent Shiu Singh. CHRISTCHURCH HOMICIDE - inquiry launched after death in central city, with police blocking off Worcester St and saying area will be closed to traffic for most of morning. Police say person has died after being seriously assaulted. Live i/v with spokesperson Keith Dedoolan. CLUEDO - games owner Hasbro organising human version of whodunnit in London, featuring array of actors. Creator of popular game, Anthony Pratt, sold the game for only 5,000 pounds. (AAP)
0800 NEWS/WEATHER TURKEY - QUAKE - WARNING - more than 2 million people ordered to leave homes after warning from country's earthquake chief of possible repeat of disaster. (AAP); SURVIVORS - thousands spending 3rd night camped outside, because of fears damaged homes might collapse or because they no longer have homes. Correspondent Robert Berger says amount of damage is shocking - i/ved. (Mng Rpt); NZers - charge d'affaires at NZ embassy in Ankara, Brigid Nicholls, explains what's being done to track down NZers currently in Turkey. (Mng Rpt) TURKEY - QUAKE - live i/v with Andrew King, president of Earthquake Society, re what lessons NZ can learn. UNIVERSITY RESEARCH - Tertiary Education minister Max Bradfrod suggesting research be carried out at only a few NZ universities, leaving others to focus on teaching, Research univs would get more funding - i/ved. (Mng Rpt); Univ Vice-Chancellors' Committee opposes idea. Chair Graeme Fogelberg says idea wouldn't work and would undermine reputation overseas; live i/v with Labour's Associate Education spokesperson Steve Maharey.
0830 NEWS/WEATHER/SPORTS RUGBY - RANFURLY SHIELD - first serious challenge this weekend, with defenders Waikato meeting Counties-Manakau. Live i/v with veteran players, Matthew Cooper from Waikato and Jim Coe from Counties-Manakau. INFERTILITY - new treatments for major male and female infertility problems to be discussed at conference in AK today. Issue of funding also high on agenda. illegible Cameron) DEFENCE CONFERENCE this weekend will include defining what kinds of war NZ sould be prepared to fight and our best allies. Live i/v with guest speaker Dr Lance Beath, research fellow at Military Studies Inst and private consultant on defence issues. MILLENNIUM DAWN - TONGA trying to wrest title of first nation to see the dawn by bringing in daylight saving at end of year, putting kingdom 14 hours ahead of GMT. Robert Massey, astronomy information officer at Greenwich Royal Observatory says moving that won't mean sun rises any earlier in a particular place - i/ved. (Mng Rpt) WEEKEND WEATHER FRIDAY FEEDBACK OZ SPOT - live i/v with Phil Kafcaloudes. (One Nation not legally a party; missing snowboarders still not found; American adventurer still missing in desert)