Morning report. 1999-08-23

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Broadcast Date
23 Aug 1999
RNZ Collection

0611 NEWS STORY TURKEY - QUAKE - CLEAN-UP - international rescue teams start to withdraw as hopes fad of finding any more survivors. 12,000 people believed dead and more than 200,000 homeless. (BBC) I.V.F. CHILDREN - infertility experts supporting call from Commissioner for Children for children conceived using donated sperm or eggs to have right to know identity of natural parents. But there are different views about how best to inform them. Comment from Dr Vivian Adair of AK Univ Centre for Child and Family Policy Research, Rosemary Delucca of National Ethics Committee on Assisted Human Reproduction, Dr Richard Fisher of Fertility Assn, and Sue Saunders, a WN counsellor who wrote a guide on infertility following her own experience with the problem. (Paul Diamond)
0620 RURAL NEWS AVOCADO EXPORTS - Growers' Assn expects exports this year to reach $35 million with expanding California market driving growth. Chair Ron Bailey comments. (Jill Galloway) OTAGO CHERRIES - cherry tree plantings blossoming in Central Otago, growers putting in new orchards and expanding plantings in existing orchards, attracted by high returns. Comment from horticultural advisor Wayne King. (Jill Galloway) FACIAL ECZEMA - North Island farmers anxiously waiting to what impact disease will have on lambing. Scanning of pregnant ewes earlier in season showed there would be fewer twins and triplets produced this year; Waikato vet David Hanlon says mild Winter has also meant facial eczema and associated metabolic conditions have had less impact on cattle than first feared. (Jill Galloway) SEED SAVERS - new Northland network begins to bloom after only few months, with over 130 members. Aim is protect old-fashined varieties of fruit and vegetables from dying out in case market becomes flooded with genetically engineered sees. (Trudi Sheridan)
0625 SPORTS STORY RUGBY - live i/v with commentator John McBeth about weekend's NPC and Ranfurly illegible matches.
0635 NEWS STORY ASIAN TOURISM - Tourism Industry Assn says Asian tourist numbers beginning to increase again after Asian economic crisis gutted the trade. Comment from Assn's Glenys Coughlan, Tourism Board chief exec Peter Allport, and John Collyns of Bus and Coach Assn. (Tama Muru) INTERNATIONAL PAPERS MANA MāORI TRAFFIC REPORT
0648 BUSINESS AND FINANCIAL NEWS BRIERLEY INVESTMENTS says there's no suggestion of turning its back on Asian investment joint venture with Rothschild bank despite delay in it starting. $US1 billion fund set up in April to invest in a recovering Asia but no investment has yet been made. Comment from BIL chair Sir Selwyn Cushing. (Gyles Beckford) FINANCE/MARKETS WEEK AHEAD BUSINESS PAYMENTS - new survey by Dun and Bradstreet shows businesses taking longer to settle bills with each other. D&B local general manager Adrian Jones says longer time to pay bills is concern especially for small companies for whom cash flow is critical. (Gyles Beckford) U.S. - INTERNET STOCK bubble seems to have been dented. Fall in price of many previously "hot stock" dramatic in some cases. Richard Hills, London-based Sabre hedge fund, says stocks have partly been architects of their own problems. (Gyles Beckford) RECYCLING looks like becoming issue for some major industries overseas. BMW and Toyouta are gathering up older model cars, giving them facelift and reselling. Boeing Aircraft also getting into business. BUSINESS BRIEFS
0700 INTRO/NEWS HONG KONG PLANE CRASH - most of passengers aboard Taiwan China Airlines plane survive crash landing. Plane came into HK at height of typhone and came to rest belly up on runway. 2 people killed and least 65 others reported to be seriously injured. Comment from HK director of civil aviation Albert Lam; i/v with Francis Moriarty, Radio Television Hong Kong. (Mng Rpt) TURKEY - QUAKE - CLEAN-UP - focus shifts from rescue to burying the dead, international rescue teams asked to withdraw from affected areas. Live i/v with illegible Elaine Cobb. COOK ISLANDS TAX INQUIRY - High Court rules Winebox Commissioner made error in law when he found there was no fraud in Magnum transaction and rules some of Commissione's findings invalid. Govt accepts the ruling? I/v with Revenue minister Sir Wm Birch. (Mng Rpt); NZ First leader Winston Peters says it's now up to Inland Revenue Dept to try to recover taxes owed - i/ved live.
0730 NEWS/WEATHER NZ PAPERS TRAFFIC REPORT FINANCE UPDATE CRICKET - NZ defeats England in 4th and final test, winning series. Comment from man of the match Chris Cairns and captain Stephen Fleming. I/v with former NZ captain and coach Geoff Howarth. (Mng Rpt) I.V.F. CHILDREN - call by Children's Commissioner for children conceived as result of donated sperms or eggs to have right to know identity of biological parents is supported by some fertility experts. Live i/v with Commissioner Roger McClay and Dr Richard Fisher, head of Fertility Associates. MONDAY OZ SPOT - live i/v with Phil Kafcaloudes. snowboarders believed to have died and bodies won't be found till snow melts; American Robert Bogucki illegible desert, head of search team thinks he will make it; Australian coins - should queen stay on the coin?)
0800 NEWS/WEATHER TURKEY - QUAKE - CLEAN-UP - focus switches to 200,000 survivors threatened by disease. At least 10 survivors plucked from rubble over last day. UN estimates final death toll could reach about 40,000. I/v with John Watt, head of operational support services with Intl Red Cross and Red Crescent. (Mng Rpt) HURRICANE BRET - coastal areas in south Texas and northeastern Mexico brace for Hurricane Bret, category 4 hurrican capable of causing extreme damage. Live i/v with Jeremy Pennington, National Hurricane Centre at Miami. MANAKAU CITY - ASBESTOS - some residents with asbestos on properties say they're leaving steering group set up by Manakau City Council to deal with problem. Manakau Asbestos Action Group sick of lack of action and "interminable but cursory investigations". Live i/v with spokesperson Rosemary Godwin. LAWYER MPs - little support from sitting MPs for Sir Douglas Graham's view that politicians' pay should be increased as way of attracting more lawyers into Parliament, although they agree with him that standard of debate needs to improve. Comment from ACT leader Richard Prebble, Labour leader Helen Clark, and Alliance MP Laila Harre. (Kathryn Street) COOK ISLANDS TAX INQUIRY - live i/v with Pricewaterhouse Coopers tax partner John Shewan. CRICKET - NZ team celebrates hard fought win over England but English team bracing for barrage of media criticism. I/v with Graeme Wright, former editor of "Wisden". TRAFFIC REPORT
0830 NEWS/WEATHER/SPORTS I.V.F. CHILDREN - live i/v with Prof Donald Evans, Otago Univ Bioethics Research Centre, re issue of right of children conceived with donated sperm or eggs to know who their biological parents are. ATHLETICS - discus champion Beatrice Faumuina through to finals at World Athletics Championships in Seville but she's the only one of NZ team to make it past the qualifying rounds so far. Live i/v with Steve Hollings, "High Performance" director of NZ athletic team. WAIMAKARIRI CANDIDATE - Labour selects Clayton Cosgrove, pulic affairs manager for Clear Communications, to contest seat being vacated by Mike Moore. Mr Cosgrove i/ved live. NORTHLAND HOUSING - rise in mortgage interest rates upsets Ngapuhi Housing organisation which works to house low-income people. It has helped 70 families into homes but interest rate rise has dashed hopes for some prospective home-owners. Comment from Ngapuhi Housing's Kaye Taylor, Dave Thomas of Housing illegible, Phil Raxworthy of Panguru project, and Labour MP Graeme Kelly. (Lois Williams) WELLINGTON - MILLENNIUM - WN launches plans to see in new millennium, extraterrestrial theme. Live i/v with mayor Mark Blumsky.