Morning report. 1999-08-24

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Broadcast Date
24 Aug 1999
RNZ Collection

0611 NEWS STORY CHILD CANCER - DN and WN hospitals may lose specialist services if Health Funding Authority adopts recommendations of overseas expert. Dr Michael Stevens, Birmingham Children's Hospital and chair of UK Children's Cancer Study group. says there should be one national child service in NZ delivered from AK, WN, and CH. But he says WN service depends on second paediatric oncologist being found within 12 months. Gabrielle Collisoin, HFA, says there aren't enough patients to support full services in all 4 main centres - i/ved. (Rae Lamb) TURKEY - QUAKE - DEATH TOLL expected to rise to around 40,000 as northwestern Turkey clears rubble. Heavy rain hampering international rescue teams in hunt for survivors as well as adding to misery of estimated 200,000 people left homeless. (BBC)
0620 RURAL NEWS CALF KILL - indications that 100,000 more calves than last year to be held back from slaughtere for veal trade. Rob Davison, Meat and Wool Economic Service, says one factor driving retention of calves is optimism as result of recent lift in beef prices, but there are other reasons too. (Jill Galloway) PRIMARY PRODUCERS' CO-OP latest South Island meat company latest to announce changes to operations in search for trimmed costs and improved efficiency. Chief exec Stuart Barnett says there will now be 2 chains working night shift rather than one, while 3 chains wil work through day rather than two. Meatworkers' Union says PPCS wants to reduce length of killing season and increase shift work. (Graham McKerracher) LAMB EXPORTS - U.S. - meat industry decides how to divvy up exports now that quota in force. Meat Industry Assn exec director Brian Lynch says NZ companies' share of quota with 9% duty based on what each company exported last year. (Diana Leufkens) PIG BREEDING - Pork Industry Board expects to shed its national pig breeding company by October. Company runs 2 breeding herds aimed at improving pig genetics available to industry but govt believe Board should not be involved in commercial enterprise and law change means it must be out of business by October next year. Chief exec Brian Milne says he can't guarantee breeding herds will still be used to benefit industry. (Diana Leufkens)
0625 SPORTS STORY CRICKET - NZ's 2-1 series win over England renders England worst test team in world. English media reacting savagely, with "The Sun" devoting 2 pages of analysis on "death" of national game. Live i/v with correspondent Paul Newman.
0635 NEWS STORY U.S. - HURRICAN BRET losing strength but continues to drench southern Texas with heavy rain. Flash flood warnings in some coastal areas. Live i/v with correspondent Randy Coffey. INTERNATIONAL PAPERS MANA MāORI MāORI BROADCASTING - Te Mangai Paho not impressed with level of Māori broadcasting. TRAFFIC REPORT
0648 BUSINESS AND FINANCIAL NEWS TOWER CORPN financial services company sets price of shares tentatively between $5.80-$6.80. Prospectus also says further $220 million will be raised through bank borrowing, while $75 million of shares reserved for brokers to look after their own clients. (Gyles Beckford) U.S. - FEDERAL RESERVE ponders whether to raise interest rates. Most market watchers believe rise in certain to curb inflation risks. Comment from Joe Carson, Deutsche Bak's New York-based chief economist. FINANCE/MARKETS MARKET REVIEW SHAREHOLDER VALUE LOST - ANZ Bank research shows $13 billion of shareholder value in top 40 sharemarket companies destroyed over past 8 years. Loss of value measured by EVA, Economic Value Added, climbs to nearly 40% of current market capitalisation when Telecom excluded. ANZ deputy corporate finance director Hugh Ammundsen says number of factors contributed to wealth destruction. (Paul Diamond) COMMERCIAL PROPERTY SYNDICATES - Securities Commission warns investors about potentially misleading claims. Chair Euan Abernethy says information about syndicates' returns not always clear and can be confusing for non-expert investors. (Paul Diamond) BUSINESS BRIEFS
0700 INTRO/NEWS CHILD CANCER - British expert recommends merging DN and CH services and continuing WN services only if second specialist can be found within 12 months. Live i/v with Health correspondent Rae Lamb, with comment from Gabrielle Collison of Health Funding Authority; live i/v with Kay Morris, Child Cancer Fndn. TURKEY - QUAKE - HEAVY RAIN raises fresh fears over spread of disease. many bodies left in rubble with attention now focussing on looking after the living rather than searching for survivors. I/v with correspondent Elaine Cobb. (Mng Rpt) EAST TIMOR - NZ govt announces increased contribution to UN operation, extra 10 police and Defence personnel will be sent once referendum result known. UN officers have come under series of attacks over last few days as pro-Indonesian militias step up violence in bid to disrupt next week's ballot. I/v with correspondent Mark Bowling. (Mng Rpt); Foreign Affairs minister Don McKinnon says increased UN contingent will help provide reassurance and advice concerning security in post-ballot period - i/ved. (Mng Rpt)
0730 NEWS/WEATHER NEWSPAPERS FINANCE UPDATE ATHLETICS - NZ discus champion Beatrice Faumauina fails to win top 3 spot in finals of event in Seville World Athletics Championships, comes 5th - she's i/ved. (Mng Rpt) FIRE SERVICE - AUSTRALIA - Firefighters' Union receives support from Australian firefighters who say NZ-style restructuring should be stopped before it "infects' Australia. Comment from Fire Commission acting chief exec Alison Timms (q), union secretary Derek Best, and Paul Caika, Australian firefighters' union. (Eric Frykberg) KOSOVO - RUSSIANS - ethnic Albanians turn back advance party of Russian peacekeepers who are trying to move into town of Orhaovac to take over from Dutch troops. Albanians say Russians not welcome because Russian mercenaries took part in Serb atrocities in the town. I/v with correspondent Duncan Kennedy. (Mng Rpt) PREGNANCY/ALCOHOL - survey of expectant mothers commissioned by Health ministry shows nearly 30% continue to drink alcohol throughout pregnancy. Comment from Patsy Watson, programme leader of Human Nutrition at Massey's Albany campus, Dr Adrian Stewart of Australia and New Zealand Royal College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, and College of Midwives president Sandy Grey. (Mark Torley) COOK ISLANDS - TAX INQUIRY - govt closely watching what action may be taken by NZ authorities following latest development. Deputy PM Norman George was involved in setting up the Cook Islands tax haven - he's i/ved live.
0800 NEWS/WEATHER CHILD CANCER - British expert recommends merging South Island services into one based at CH. Live i/v with Dr Rob Corbett, CH Hospital paediatric oncologist, re implications for South Island patients; report also recommends continuation of services in WN only if second specialist can be found to work there. I/v with WN Hospital's only paediatric oncologist Dr Wayne Nicholls. (Mng Rpt) MONEY MACHINES - WestpacTrust increasing charges to customers using other banks' ATMs. Other banks expected to follow suit. WestpacTrust also increasing electronic transaction fees. Live i/v with spokesperson Jane Anderson. EAST TIMOR - 5 NZ MPs arrive in territory today to join international group monitoring referendum on future of province. Comment from Ministerial advisor on East Timor Graham Fortune, National MP Roger Maxwell, Mauri Pacific MP Rana Waitai, Alliance MP Matt Robson and Labour MP Phil Goff. (Sarah Boyd) CRICKET - i/v with outgoing coach Steve Rixon following NZ's series win over England. (Mng Rpt)
0830 NEWS/WEATHER/SPORTS AUSTRALIA - TOURIST FOUND - Alaskan Robert Bogucki found alive in Great Sandy illegible, had been attempting 800 km trek across it but had been missing for a month. Correspondent Donna Demaio says there's surprise he's been found alive - i/ved. (Mng Rpt) ATHLETICS - World Championships at Seville criticised for failing to attract spectators. I/v with Jason Henderson, British publication "Athletics Weekly". (Mng Rpt) APEC - ARTICLE - AK City Council Maire Leadbeater angry council refusing to publish her article in weekly newsletter. Article is critical of APEc and council says it was rejected because if failed to meet Auditor General's guidelines for council publications. Live i/v with Maire Leadbeater; live i/v with John May, editor of council's newsletter "City Scene". AIDS - top US doctor visiting NZ says there's good news about improved treatments for HIV and AIDS. Dr Larry Reimer presenting papers at 5th South Pacific Congress of Medical Laboratory Science in CH - i/ved live.