Morning report. 1999-09-09

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Broadcast Date
09 Sep 1999
RNZ Collection

0611 NEWS STORY EAST TIMOR - U.S. announces suspension of military ties with Indonesia over situation; DILI - relatively calm night, some UN staff and journalists leave UN compound to go into Dili itself. Dutch jounralist, Irene Slegt, one of the few journalists still there, describes the destruction; i/v with Ian Martin, head of UN mission. (BBC) EAST TIMOR - APEC - Australian Foreign minister Alexander Downer says APEC countries don't want to go to war with Indonesia but economic pressure might be used to encourage more responsible attitude from Indonesia. illegible RURAL NEWS illegible TEXTILES announces closure of wool spining plant at Milton, blames ongoing deterioration of local and international markets for wool products. (Graham McKerracher) MEAT BOARD JOBS - 13 staff to lose jobs as result of mandatory meat classificatin system being replaced by voluntary one. 3 of Meat Board's staff will move to new SOE ASURE to provide audit service for meat companies choosing to continue with classification system for domestic and export meat. (Diana Leufkens) LIVESTOCK IMPROVEMENT CORPN to change some practices after Commerce Commission investigation finds danger of monopoly abuse. Corpn making the changes but doesn't agree with the finding. (Diana Leufkens) DAIRY WASTE - multi-million dollar business based on waste product from dairy industry asks govt to help it break through trade barriers in Japan and South Korea. Anchor Ethanol distills alcohol from whey. (Kevin Ikin)
0625 SPORTS STORY RUGBY - DOPING CLAIMS - former All Black coach Laurie Mains suggests he knows of leading players who took performance-enhancing drugs in late 80s and early 90s. Live i/v with commentator John McBeth, who also talks about weekend's NPC illegible
0635 NEWS STORY APEC - SUBSIDIES - Trade ministers agree to present united front over abolition of export subsidies at next round of world trade talks but find it more difficult to agree over general approach to the round. Comment from Trade minister Lockwood Smith Thai foreign minister Supachai Panitchpakdi, and Ray Cesca. (Bronwen Evans) INTERNATIONAL PAPERS MANA MāORI apec - east timor - many Māori asking how much consideration they can expect from APEC countries in view of lack of help offered to indigenous East Timorese. TRAFFIC REPORT
0648 BUSINESS AND FINANCIAL NEWS BRIERLEY INVESTMENTS confirms decision to move head office to Singapore, also announces second share buy-back of 300 million shares which will allow shares to be converted into capital notes. I/v with chair Sir Selwyn Cushing. (Helen Matterson) MONETARY POLICY - BERL economic forecasters sees Reserve Bank stance casting shadow over economy's prospects. BERL says signalling by Bank that monetary policy is likely to be tightened in short term will cause growth to suffocate and there's danger of slipping into another recession. Comment from economist Ganesh Nana. (Helen Matterson) ERNEST ADAMS - GOODMAN FIELDER take-over offer of $2.35 a share was to close yesterday but has been extended for another 3 weeks. Goodman says it has close to 90% acceptance threshold with 89.4% agreed. Ernest Adams directors opposing take-over say only 23% of shareholders who attended annual meeting last week have accepted offer. (Helen Matterson) CARTER HOLT HARVEY - CREDIT RATING - CHH says it's committed to improving credit rating after downgrade by Standard and Poors. Rating outlook changed from negative to stable. (Helen Matterson) FINANCE/MARKETS MARKET REVIEW BUSINESS BRIEFS APEC -what has it achieved and what can it offer business? (Gyles Beckford)
0700 INTRO/NEWS EAST TIMOR - HORTA - exiled Timorese leader Jose Ramos-Horta arrives in NZ, illegible likely to add pressure on world leaders who have so far recommended no illegible action to help stem violence in territory. He's i/ved live; U.S. SUSPENDS military ties with Indonesia. Live i/v with Washington correspondent Malcolm Brown; UN SECURITY COUNCIL team has has talks with President Habibie and is due to visit East Timor; FURTHER KILLINGS by militias, backed by elements of Indonesian military and police. Missionary agency Misna says militias reportedly targetting Catholic church and church sources confirm about 100 people killed, including 3 priests, in grenade attack on church in Suai; COUP RUMOURS in Jakarta denied by President Habibie's spokeswoman Fortuna Anwar; ARMY INVOLVEMENT - Indonesian Foreign minister Ali Alatas alludes for first time to army involvement in destruction of East Timor; UN MISSION - about 400 staff to be evacuated today, leaving about 40 behind who sy they're not prepared to leave East Timorese refugees in compound to uncertain fate. "Sunday Times" journalist Marie Colvin still inside compound, says things are still very tense. INDONESIA - PRESIDENT - i/v with Jakarta correspondent Mark Bowling re rumours a about govt and status of President Habibie - is he about to resign? (Mng Rpt) APEC - EAST TIMOR - ministers and officials from 19 APEC countries and Britain hold emergency meeting, send veiled threat to Habibie govt to end the violence, illegible army to heel or economic sanctions will be considered. Comment from NZ Foreign Affairs minister Don McKinnon, British Foreign Secretary Robin Cook, Australian Foreign minister Alexander Downer, East Timorese protestor Jorge da Conceicao Teme, and Timothy Ong from Brunei, incoming head of the Apec Business Advisory Council. (Al Morrison); live i/v with PM Jenny Shipley.
0730 NEWS/WEATHER TRAFFIC REPORT NZ PAPERS FINANCE UPDATE INDONESIA - FINANCIAL PRESSURE - suggestions made that international financial institutions such as World Bank or International Monetary Fund should take action, since they've helped keep Indonesia solvent since 1997 Asian financial collapse. Mark Baird, NZer heading World Bank operations for Indonesia, disagrees - i/ved live HOPE/SMART MURDERS - Justice Heron sums up and jury retires. Live i/v with Court reporter Merle Nowland. MENTAL ILLNESS - INMATES - NZ's first substantial study into mental illness among prison inmates reveals high incidence of serious psychiatric disorder. Study set up by Corrections Dept in 1997 documents high rates of psychosis, acute depression and substance abuse, much of which goes undiagnosed and untreated. (David Passey)
0800 NEWS/WEATHER INDONESIA - MILITARY TIES - PM Jenny Shipley says NZ's military ties with Indonesia under review, follows US decision to freeze all its military programmes with Indonesia; live i/v with Labour leader Helen Clark. INDONESIA - EXPERT - live i/v with Richard Baker, world authority on Indonesia and international relations specialist at East West Centre in Hawaii. APEC - IMPORT RESTRICTIONS - Dairy Board chief exec Warren Larsen hopes trade ministers' talks will help stem increasing trend towards import restrictions - i/ved live. APEC - TRADE MINISTERS' TALKS - live i/v with Economics correspondent Bronwen Evans.
0830 NEWS/WEATHER/SPORTS TENNIS - U.S. OPEN finals weekend. I/v with correspondent Craig Gabrielle. OZONE LAYER - new report by NIWAR provesNZ exposed to sharp increase in sun's harmful rays as result of thinning ozone layer. Scientists say study internationally significant because it's clearest indication yet that rising UV levels are linked to reductions in ozone layer, and it has worrying implications for NZ agriculture and health. (Paul Diamond) INTERNATIONAL PAPERS CASINO OPENS in Queenstown, first of 3 planned in Otago, after long-running illegible$ between promoters and anti-casino campaigners. (Graham McKerracher) EMMY AWARD - NZ wildlife programme producer and writer Ian McGhee wins Emmy Award for outstanding achievement and craft in a news documentary - i/ved live. WEEKEND WEATHER AMERICAS CUP - BOAT - Team NZ's boat to defend Americas Cup launched in AK. (Melita Tull) OZ SPOT - live i/v with Phil Kafcaloudes. (East Timor - trade unions impose ban on Indonesian oil; more stories about the treatment of the "lost children")