Morning report. 1999-09-16

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Broadcast Date
16 Sep 1999
RNZ Collection
Plunket, Sean, Presenter
Robinson, Geoff, Presenter
Gibson, Martin, Editor
Corbett, Maree, Producer
Freeman, Lynn, Producer
McLean, Georgina, Producer
Brennan, Stephanie, Producer
National Radio (N.Z.) (estab. 1986, closed 2007), Broadcaster

0611 NEWS STORY EAST TIMOR - UN - PEACEKEEPERS - Security Council authorises setting up of multinational force to restore peace and security in East Timor. Live i/v with correspondent Georgina Cooper; AID agencies hope to begin relief operations within 24 hours. AusAid spokesperson Matt Francis says Indonesian govt has agreed in principle to air drops. (David Passey)
0620 RURAL NEWS SALMON - AUSTRALIA has yet implement agreement to allow imports of whole NZ salmon, solid opposition from Australian salmon farmers and recreational fishers. Australian govt asks NZ to match the changes it's making and allow Australian salmon back into NZ. Comment from MAF international trade advisor Matthew Stone. (Kevin Ikin) HONEY IMPORTS - Australian request prompts MAF to investigate risk of importing honey bee products. International trade advisor John Bassett says risk analysis will cover products ranging from honey, pollen and propolis to bee venom, besswax and used bee-keeping equipment. (Kevin Ikin) PEACHES - SOUTH KOREA - Summerfruit Export Council hopes having access to South Korea for peaches and nectarines will give NZ advantage over competitors. South Korea has agreed to expedite access process for the 2 fruits and Council chair Basil Godman say industry hoping access will be under same conditions as for cherries. (Kevin Ikin) MEGA MERGER - Dairy Board's new chair Graham Fraser optimistic industry will get clearance it seeks for mega merger. (Kevin Ikin)
0625 SPORTS STORY U.S. SPORTS - live i/v with Paul Witteman, "Sports Illustrated".
0635 NEWS STORY U.S. - HURRICANE FLOYD drives more than 3 million from home along southeast coast as it bears down on Carolinas. President Clinton declares state of emergency in Georgia. (Robin Brandt, Feature Story) INTERNATIONAL PAPERS MANA Māori
0648 BUSINESS AND FINANCIAL NEWS TELECOM - AAPT - Standard and Poors puts it on negative credit watch after company launches take-over bid for Australian telecoms company AAPT. Telecom wants to acquire 40-50% of AAPT but under Australian law, it must offer to buy all shares. Comment from Aaron Patrick, "Australian Financial Review". (Clare Sziranyi) BRIERLEY INVESTMENTS - govt moves to soften blow for small investors of BIL's migration to Singapore and incorporation in Bermuda, which means NZ investors will be holding shares in foreign investment fund and therefore subject to capital gains tax. (Clare Sziranyi); questions asked by BIL's first share buy-back instalment, now underway. Company belatedly reported to Stock Exchange it's already bought nearly 6.5 million of its shares over previous 2 days. Under exchange rules, such trades supposed to be disclosed at end of each trading day and just who's doing the buying on BIL's behalf also raising some interest. (Gyles Beckford) FINANCE/MARKETS MARKET REVIEW SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT company Telemedia Networks International unveils plans to become publicly listed company on Australian stock exchange. Company began 3 years ago in AK and designs and develops telecoms systems and products for carriers and service providers. Founder and chief exec Chris Jones says company moving headquarters to Sydney. (Clare Sziranyi) BUSINESS BRIEFS TRAFFIC REPORT
0700 INTRO/NEWS EAST TIMOR - UN - PEACEKEEPERS - Australian-led force of 8,000 poised to move into East Timor within days under UN sanction. Security Council authorises use of all necessary measures to halt violence and destruction there. Australian Foreign minister Alexander Downer congratulates member states for co-operative approach; Indonesian Foreign minister Ali Alatas says his country accepts it will play supporting rather than leading role. (David Passey)
N.Z. - EAST TIMOR - special cabinet meeting later today to authorise NZ's contribution to peacekeeping force. I/v with Defence minister Max Bradford re when NZ troops will be ready to go into East Timor. (Mng Rpt); live i/v with Political correspondent Stephen Harris.
CLINTON VISIT - President Clinton now on way home, hastens departure because of Hurricane Floyd. Gala dinner at RNZAF Museum at Wigram ends visit. Live report from Todd Niall.
ANSETT PILOTS - Ansett NZ locks out 125 pilots indefinitely in latest move in bitter and protracted industrial dispute. (Mark Torley)
U.S. - HURRICANE FLOYD batters north Florida coast as it moves northward. Forecasters say it's expected to make landfall near South Carolina-North Carolina border early tomorrow. Live i/v with Scott Kaiser, National Weather Service, Maryland; live i/v with correspondent Robin Brandt re emergency operation going on along eastern seaboard.
CHILD DEATH - CYPFA reviews involvement with family of 4 year old James Whakaruru who died after beating by his mother's partner. Mother Te Rangi Whakaruru given 21 month suspended sentence for assaulting him and allowing him to be mistreated by Benny Haerewa, now serving 12 years for manslaughter. Commissioner for Children Roger McClay still completing his investigation into death he describes as tragic; live i/v with CYPFA chief social worker Mike Doolan.
0800 NEWS/WEATHER AUSTRALIA - EAST TIMOR - Australia will send in 4,500 troops as well as leading peacekeeping operation. Defence minister John Moore says there will be UN presence in East Timor for up to 3 years. Live i/v with Canberra correspondent Michelle Grattan.
EAST TIMOR - REFUGEES - estimated 15,000 traumatised East Timorese now in West Timor, desperately trying to contact relatives they had to abandon. I/v with World Vision Asia spokesperson Sanjay Sojwal in West Timor's capital Kupang. (Mng Rpt); UNHCR also heavily involved in aid operation. Spokesperson Chris Janofski says first priority is to get food to the hungry in East Timor - i/ved. (Mng Rpt)
U.S./N.Z. DEFENCE RELATIONSHIP - President Clinton signals possible thaw, confirms US forces will exercise with NZ armed forces preparing for East Timor peacekeeping duties. Live i/v with Dr Jim Rolfe, VUW Dept of Politics and International Relations.
INTERNATIONAL PAPERS RUSSIA - BOMB - police seize 27 suspects in anti-terrorist operation launched after bombs killed more than 200 people in Moscow in past week. Officials say they can now prove Chechen fighters carried out the attacks. I/v with correspondent Paul Anderson. (Mng Rpt)
VITAMIN D - ELDERLY - resthomes and caregivers urged to consider giving elderly people Vitamin D supplements to help stave off bone fractures. DN medical researcher Ailsa Goulding says there's increasing evidence it's effective in helping combat osteoarthritis and susceptibility to bone fractures even late in life. (Catherine Harris)
CHINA VISIT - President Jiang Zemin prepares to leave NZ, farewells at CH airport. Shona Geary reports live.
0830 NEWS/WEATHER/SPORTS ANSETT PILOTS - Employment Court rules Ansett NZ cannot lock out 6 pilots but for most, lockout notices now being enforced. Industrial dispute has already cost Ansett around $4 million in lost revenue and it faces more losses with heavily reduced flight schedule. Ansett owned by News Corpn which also part-owns Ansett Australia. Live i/v with Australian aviation journalist/consultant Ian Thomas
TURKEY - QUAKE - Golcuk, town worst hit by last month's earthquake, jolted again by powerful aftershock which kills at least 9 people. Team of NZ experts in Turkey inspecting damage - i/v with team's leader Dr Richard Sharpe. (Mng Rpt) illegible
TORCH - for first time, NZers to carry torch, as part of Sydney Olympics. NZ leg starts in Queenstown with Annelise Coberger carrying torch down slopes of Coronet Peak. Live i/v with NZ NZ Olympic Committee secretary general Michael Hooper.
ITALY - EAST TIMOR - Italy has between 200-300 soldiers ready to join East Timor peacekeeping force. Live i/v with correspondent Frances Kennedy. (also talks about Leaning Tower of Pisa)
FRUIT AND VEG REPORT with Jack Forsyth.