Morning report. 1999-12-24

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Nonfiction radio programs
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Broadcast Date
24 Dec 1999
RNZ Collection
Plunket, Sean, Presenter
Robinson, Geoff, Presenter
Gibson, Martin, Editor
Freeman, Lynn, Producer
Ambler, Corinne, Producer
Palmer, Lisa, Producer
CHERRY, Caitlin, Producer
National Radio (N.Z.) (estab. 1986, closed 2007)

0611 NEWS STORY PARLIAMENT - MARIJUANA CLAIM - Speaker calls for report into claims by National MP Gerry Brownlee that Alliance staff member and journalist smoked marijuana in debating chamber after press gallery party. Mr Brownlee i/ved. (Sarah Boyd) INCOME TAX - govt passed legislation, after long and often heated debate, increasing tax rate on income over $60,000. Live i./v with tax specialist John Shewan.
0620 RURAL NEWS RESTRUCTURING - APPLE AND PEAR BOARD's plan turned down by Agriculture minister. Board was seeking minister's endorsement of proposals for converting ENZA into grower-owned company, but Jim Sutton has rejected plan on advice of Crown Law Office on grounds proposed share allocation for new company didn't meet legal requirement to fairly reflect ownership rights of growers; Board chair John McCliskie blames rejection of share allocation plan on advice received from officials; Pipfruit Growers organisation attacks Treasury-led Board project team and Crown Law Officefor over-riding wishes of majority of growers. (Kevin Ikin) RURAL PROPERTY SALES rise on year to year and month to month basis but farms and orchards selling for less, according to Real Estate Inst. (Kevin Ikin) WINE EXPORTS - US - Wine Inst chair Philip Gregan says wine sales to US have increased by more than 90%. US now takes 11% of NZ wine exports, overtaking Aystralia as 2nd most important market after UK. (Kevin Ikin)
0625 SPORTS CRICKET - NZ team arrives in WN for 2nd and final test against West Indies. Black Caps scored first test win over Windies since 1987, in Hamilton. I/V with commentator Martin Crow. (Mng Rpt)
0635 NEWS STORY SPACE - HUBBLE TELESCOPT - 2nd space walk to fix telescope se to begin in a few hours. First finished successfully, astronauts made critical repairs. (Emily Harris, Feature story) INTERNATIONAL PAPERS MANA Māori TRAFFIC REPORT
0648 BUSINESS AND FINANCIAL NEWS FLETCHER CHALLENGE - attention focussing on who will replace Kerry Hoggard as chair and what effect his departure will have on FC's plans to restructure into 4 separate companies. Mr Hoggard resigned suddenly afer blunder in buying company's shares. (Gyles Beckford) FINANCE/MARKETS U.S. - WALL ST - live i/v with correspondent Richard Quest re what new millenium will mean for markets. MORTGAGES - ASB Bank's financial services Subsidiary advises home buyers not to be too quick to jump at fixed rate mortgages. Home loans director Paul Bravo says fixed rates only best when future interest rates certain to rise above current fixed rate. (Gyles Beckford) BUSINESS BRIEFS
0700 INTO/NEWS PARLIAMENT - MARIJUANA CLAIM - MPs raise issue in House but govt still manages to get its tax legislation passed through all its stages. Comment from National MPs Gerry Brownlee and Bill English and leader Jenny Shipley. Speaker Jonathan Hunt , Leade of the House Michael Cullen, and Alliance deuty leader Sandra Lee. (Sarah Boyd); live i/v with Deuty PM and Alliance leader Jim Anderton. INCOME TAX - legislaton passed authorising increase on rateon incomes above $60,000. Live i/v with Deuty PM Jim Anderton and National MP Wyatt Creech. FIORDLAND PLANE CRASH - Waterwings Airwarys crash in April killed 5 people including pilot Martyn Davies. Transport Accident Investigation Commission finds crash primarily due to Mr Davies flying too low and that he had history of such practices. Report also critical of Waterwings Airways and Civil Aviation. (Catherine Harris) CHRISTMAS POST - BRITIAN - several thousands parcels posted from NZ in October may not be delvered in time for Christmas. NZ Post International says blame lies with backlog with British Post Office system. Live i/v with Suzanne Stephenson, marketing manager for NZ Post International. Y2K BUG - Y2K Readiness Commission says it's not too ltae to prepare for any disruptions. For many people, New Year's Eve will be spent at the office, in cases of disruptions. (Paul Diamond)
0730 NEWS/WEATHER NZ PAPERS FINANCE UPDATE CHRISTMAS/NEW MILLENIUM - live i/v with PM Helen Clark; live i/v with Opposition leader Jenny Shipley. NEW MILLENIUM - SCIENCE - a look at possible developmets. I/v wit Jeremy Webb, editor of "New Scientist". CENTURY'S STORIES as told on radio. (Mng Rpt)
0800 NEWS/WEATHER DEFENCE - F-16 FIGHTER PLANCES - new US ambassadoe hopes controversy won't mar US/NZ relationship, says discussions with govt still underway and hopes deal won't be scrapped - i/ved. (Mng Rpt) CHRISTMAS/NEW MILLENIUM
0 ambassador to US Jim Bolger says it's been good year in terms of US/NZ relations; live i/v with former Governor General and Anglican archbishop Sir Paul Reeves re NZers' hopes for new millennium; NZ TROOPS OVERSEAS - Jill Galloway reorts on what they'll be doing over the Christmas/New Year period. YEAR REVIEWED - CORRESPONDENTS - i8/v with Ranjan Gupta in India; Bill Wax in Washington, US; Anthoiny Johnson in South Africa; Juliet Hindle in Hong Kong; Shiu Singh in Fiji; Flo Syme Buchanan in Cook Islands; Robert Berger in Jerusalem; Phil Kafcaloudes in Sydney. CENTURY'S STORIES as told on radio; (Mng Rpt)