Morning report. 2000-01-21

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Broadcast Date
21 Jan 2000
RNZ Collection

0611 NEWS STORY WAITANGI DAY - PM DECIDES - plans for commemorations at Waitangi on track despite PM Helen Clark's decision not to attend. She says dispute over women's speaking rights within Nga Puhi and the role of Titewhai Harawira are for Nga Puhi to sort out. Governor General will attend. (Mary-Jane Aggett) INDONESIA - LOMBOK RIOTS - security forces shoot dead 5 rioters during 3 days of anti-Christian violence. I/v with Dr Tony McMullan workingin Lombok and Sumbawa for last 2 and half years, has fled to Bali. (Tony Reid) MARINE ENVIRONMENT - Parliamentary Commissioner for Environment, Dr Morgan Williams, issues report asking what NZ needs to do to keep marine resources in good health. Biggest recommendation is for govt taskforce to develop over-arching strategy for our seas. Comment from Dr Williams, Cath Wallace of ECO, Environment minister Marian Hobbs, chair of Seafood Industry Council, Dr John Valentine, and Andrew Christie of Ngati Kuri in Northland. (Catherine Harris)
0620 RURAL NEWS ALLIANCE DISPUTE - hopes that Lorneville meat plant will open for processing next week as result of further negotiations between union and Alliance Group. (Kevin Ikin) INDEPENDENT DAIRY PRODUCTS, small company near AK, having big success going it alone supplying town milk to about 100 retail outlelts from Wellsford to Hamilton. Milk is pasteurised and homogenised only and owner-shareholder Aliso Hoyte says milk in demand because customers say it has more full-bodied taste than milk produced by large companies. (Diana Leufkens) SHEEP'S MILK - Wairarapa farmer Neil Potter starts producing yoghurt as well as cheese from his East Friesian ewes. He says it was a challenge for Massey scientists to make yoghurt thick enough without adding milk solids or gelatines, secret was finding right sort of bacteria. He's now looking for a production partner. (Diana Leufkens) WOOL PRICES LIFT at this week's sales in Napier and CH, although average price in medium and fine wool indicators slipped on last week. (Kevin Ikin) POSSUM BAITS - HortResearch scientiest developing new baits to make humane poisoning operations more effective. Team leader Chris Devine says aim is to get to the 10% of possums that survive regular poisoning operations. (Kevin Ikin)
0625 NEWS STORY: CHECHNYA - CRITICISM - prominent European human rights group threatens Moscow over tacticsm while Russian anti-war group, Soldiers' Mothers Committee, questions govt's claims of success in campaign. I/v with correspondent Renee McGuffin.
0635 NEWS STORY: SERBIA - GANGSTERS - paramilitary leader and alleged war criminal Arkan buried. BBC's Jackie Rowland looks at murky world he inhabited. INTERNATIONAL PAPERS SCIENCE REPORT - AMAZON INDIANS - Carubo Indians who broke away from larger gorup a few years ago now number only 20, living in linguistic and physical isolation on Brazil-Peru border. "The Guardian" correspondent Alex Belo accompanied Sidney Pos-Wello of Brazil's dept for Isolated Indians on recent visit - i/ved. (BBC) TRAFFIC REPORT
0648 BUSINESS AND FINANCIAL NEWS OTTER GOLD board plans to outline way of putting more cash into shareholders' hands as it fights to survive hostile take-over battle from GPG. Interim chair Tony Frankham says board acknowledges changes have to be made. (Gyles Beckford OTTER GOLD FIND - Otter stands out in recent weeks as one of better regarded and supported Australasian mining concenrs, recently reported potentially significant gold find at north Australian project Tanami. Comment from managin director Patrick Scott. (Gyles Beckford) FINANCE/MARKETS CREDIT RATINGS - Moodys Investor Services says NZ diversified companies that sell non-core assets to improve shareholder returns are putting credit ratings under pressure. Senior analyst Charles MacGregor says asset sales reduce cash flow, a key driver of company ratings. (Gyles Beckford) illegible COMPUTER CHIP to rival market leader Intel launched in US. Crusoe chip doesn't need as much power as Intel's Pentium chip. Man behind it is Linus Torvalz, developer of Linux computer operating system. STOCK EXCHANGES CHANGING - with demise of trading floors and advent of screen trading, 24 hour trading and possible mergers, ownership structures also changing. Move is away from bodies owned by member sharebrokers to publicly listed companies such as NASDAQ and Australian Stock Exchange. (Gyles Beckford BUSINESS BRIEFS
0700 INTRO/NEWS WAITANGI DAY - PM DECIDES - PM formally announces she won't attend commemorations at Waitangi this year but Opposition leader Jenny Shipley says Helen Clark should attend; live i/v with Waitangi marae chair Kingi Taurua; PM will accept long-standing invitation to PM from South Island's Ngai Tahu to attend at Onuku marae on Banks Peninsula. Live i/v with Ngai Tahu chair Mark Solomon; live i/v with Helen Clark [Original recording ends mid-way through report].
INDONESIA - LOMBOK RIOTS - 5 people killed, several churches burned and dozens of Christian homes torched or looted during violence on island which is mainly Muslim but has large Hindu and Christian populations. I/v with correspondent illegible Bowling about latest situation there. (Mng Rpt) CHECHNYA - GENERAL MISSING - Chechen rebels say guerrillas have captured Maj-Geb Mikhail Malofeyev and are questioning him. Russia's Defence ministry confirms general is missing. I/v with correspondent David McGuffin.(Mng Rpt)
0730 NEWS/WEATHER NZ PAPERS FINANCE UPDATE: WEST COAST PROTEST - around 800 people turn out to protest against planned closure of state-owned Solid Energy NZ's management office in Westport, with some at one point blocking railway line and delaying coal train from leaving. West Coast-Tasman MP Damien O'Connor promises West Coasters their fortunes wil change - he's i/ved live; live i/v with Gary Howard, Rural Action NZ. SAMOA - TRIAL - 4th day today, prosecution calling witnesses who saw gunman before and after the shooting of cabinet minister Laugulau Lavaula Kamu. Live i/v with reporter Karlum Lattimore. GOLF - NZ OPEN - 22 year old Australian Brett Rumford leads field by 2 strokes Live report from Gary Ahern.
0800 NEWS/WEATHER WAITANGI DAY - PM DECIDES not to attend commemorations at Waitangi because of ongoing argument over speaking rights. Live i/v with Māori Issues corresponden Chris Wikaira. INDONESIA - LOMBOK RIOTS - tourists still fleeing violence; BUDGET - govt releases budget and signs fresh agreement with IMF; what is govt saying about the events in Lombok? I/v with correspondent Richard Galpin. EAST TIMOR - NZ TROOPS moving into 4th month of tour of duty with stability achieved but work far from finished. Report from RNZ's Eric Frykberg who's jus returned from territory. TELEVISION QUALITY severely criticised in briefing papers to Broadcasting minister Marian Hobb. Papers from NZ On Air and Ministry of Culture and Heritage agree level of local content is poor and express concern at increasin number of superficial "infomercials" and light entertainment programmes and lack of educational, regional news and quality children's television. Live i/v with Dr Wayne Hope, AIT communications senior lecturer; live i/v with Marian Hobbs.
0830 NEWS/WEATHER/SPORTS TRAFFIC REPORT TENNIS - AUSTRALIAN OPEN - Pete Sampras, Andre Agassi and Mark Philippousis al illegible tough opposition to make it through to last 32. Live i/v with correspondent Dave Worsley. GERMANY - SCANDAL involving former Chancellor Helmut Kohl and CDU now being linked to suicide of senior CDU accountant. I/v with correspondent Philip Crookes. BIG DAY OUT - organisers of AK rock concent expecting 45,000 people to attend at Ericsson stadium today. Live i/v with publicist Nikki Tysall. INTERNATIONAL PAPERS FERRY DAMAGE - Marlborough Sounds bach owners say fast ferries operating acros Cook Strait are causing serious damage to beaches and waterfront properties, say jetties damaged and retaining walls undermined by waves generated as ferries pass through Sounds. (Sarah Gregory) MARINE ENVIRONMENT - Parliamentary Commissioner for Environment Dr Morgan Williams releases report highlighting problems with management of marine environment - i/ved. (mng Rpt) WEEKEND WEATHER OZ SPOT - live i/v with Phil Kafcaloudes. (UN considers case of Sydney tenants evicted because of Olympics; SOCOG shortfall in funds; Q'land power supply blacked out by snake)