
Morning report. 2000-04-11.

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Broadcast Date
11 Apr 2000
RNZ Collection
Robinson, Geoff, Presenter
Plunket, Sean, Presenter
Gibson, Martin, Editor
McLean, Georgina, Producer
Corbett, Maree, Producer
Field, Tony, Producer
Brennan, Stephanie, Producer
National Radio (N.Z.) (estab. 1986, closed 2007), Broadcaster

0611 NEWS STORY TITLES SCRAPPED - govt scraps knights and dames, saying decision in line with unanimous recommedations of 1995 advisory committee on honours system. PM Helen Clark says knight and damehoods overshadow Order of NZ(q), but Opposition leader Jenny Shipley promises Nationa govt will reinstate them.(q). United Party leader Peter Dunne also concerned and accuses govt of arrogance in way it's announced decision - i/ved live. KOREA - leaders of North and South to hold first-ever summit in June. 50 years since North and South Korea went to war which ending in armed truce, with no formal peace agreement. (BBC)
0620 RURAL NEWS TARIFFS - Fed Farmers challenges govt to justify decision to halt tariff removals. Govt freezing import tariffs until 2005 except for those covered in trade agreements with other countries. Acting Commerce minister Trevor Mallard says reducing tariffs before other countries has cost NZ thousands of jobs but Fed Farmers vice president Tom Lambie says freeze will be blow to competitiveness of export sector and consumers. (Kevin Ikin) GOAT'S MILK company formed from merger of 8 small dairy goat co-ops 16 years ago wins commendation for export success. Dairy Goat Co-op has increased export earnings from $7 million to $37 million since 1995, has achieved much of success through being world's only producer of goat's milk infant formula. (Kevin Ikin) ORGANIC PRODUCTION - visiting British organics specialists Patrick Holden turning NZ into organic nation by 2020 not as far-fetched as it would seem. NZ Soil and Health Assn calling for NZ to convert fully to organic production by 2020 and Patrick Holden says at rate other parts of world are becoming organic, that's feasible. (Kevin Ikin) MEAT - HOME KILL operators have until end of month to register with MAF or risk illegible fine. New Animal Products Act allows butchers to offer home kill services but they have to be listed with MAF to be legal. (Kevin Ikin)
0625 SPORTS STORY BRITISH SPORT -- live i/v with correspondent Adam Mynott. (soccer - Chelsea beats Newcastle United in FA Cup semi-final)
0635 NEWS STORY ETHIOPIA - FAMINE THREAT - European Union accuses Ethiopia of playing politics with distribution of food aid. Drought in south continues to worsen, forcing nomadic people of the Ogaden off their lands, many already suffering from severe malnutrition. (BBC) INTERNATIONAL PAPERS MANA NEWS WAI 262 CLAIM - claimants reeling from news they've been allocated only one hearing by Waitangi Tribunal.
0650 BUSINESS NEWS AIR NEW ZEALAND - govt approves Singapore Airlines buying 8.3% of Air NZ's B shares. Transport minister Mark Gosche says that level was only amount that Singapore asked to be approved and it's understood shares would be bought on open market. (q) (Gyles Beckford) INTERCOM ROW - Telecom and i4Free face off in court again today, this time contesting rules governing
0867 internet network. Chief exec Annette presely says i4Free has invested about $1 million to date and says similar free internet provider business models have worked successfully in Australia and US. Technology commentator Russell Brown sceptical about future of i4Free and other free internet service providers. (Catherine Walbridge) FINANCE/MARKETS E-VENTURES NXZ internet investment company planning $30 million share float, says it will offer up to 50 million shares at price of 60 cents each, targetting local institutional and retail investors. Chief exec Cindy Mitchener explains what company believes it has to offer of other dot.com stocks. (Catherine Walbridge) STRATHMORE GROUP listed investment concern discloses $2 million purchase of 16.6% of US-based software developer Soft Tech with option to buy another 16% for $3 million before end of July. (Gyles Beckford) SOFT TECH software developer comes full circle. It started in NZ in late 1980s, migrated to US illegible is now partly returning to roots. Founding director John Ball comments. (Gyles Beckford) BUSINESS BRIEFS
0700 INTRO/NEWS TITLES SCRAPPED - ACT leader Richard Prebble says he'll personally back any move by National Party to bring back knights and dames; United Party leader Peter Dunne says scrapping decision shows dictatorial attitude by govt.; live i/v with Opposition leader Jenny Shipley; live i/v with PM Helen Clark. CANCER SMEARS INQUIRY - 1st day of ministerial inquiry. Inquiry hears emotional and at times angry testimony from 6 of Dr Michael Bottrill's former patients, describing the pathologist's failure to detect cervical cancer after series of smear tests. Lawyer representing the women, Stuart Grieve QC says Dr Bottrill's degree of misdiagnoses, if proved correct, shows his incompetence and poses wider questions about cervical cancer screening in Gisborne back to late 1960s. Live report from Health correspondent Rae Lamb, with audio of witnesses. TARIFFS - govt freezing remaining tariffs until 2005, except for those covered in trade agreements, says reducing tariffs ahead of other countries has cost thousands of jobs. But opposition trade spoeksman Lockwood Smith says all research shows countries that have tariffs penalise themselves - i/ved. (Mng Rpt); Fed Farmers also arguing against freezing tariffs. Live i/v with vice president Tom Lambie and Acting Commerce minister Trevor Mallard.
0730 NEWS/WEATHER/SPORTS NZ PAPERS FINANCE UPDATE FIJI - GOLF VICTORY - everyone from PM down thriulled with Vijay Singh's victory at US Masters Golf tournament in Augusta, Georgia. Live i/v with Anish Chand, sports editor for Radio Fiji. RODNEY DISTRICT COUNCIL replaced by a commissioner. Local Government minister Sandra Lee sacks council rump and appoints AK local govt expert Grant Kirby to run it following critical ministerial review and resignation of mayor and 5 councillors who say council was disfunctional and no longer serving best interests of ratepayers. Comment from Louise Rosson of Local Govt NZ, Austin Shepard, Wellsford Ratepayers, Des Adams of Destination Orewa and Bharat Kumar, Helensville supermarket manager. (Mary-Jane Aggett) WWI EXECUTIONS - PM Helen Clark has announced govt will adopt Member's Bill pardoning 5 NZ soldiers executed for desertion or mutiny in WWI. Invercargill MP Mark Peck, whose Bill it is, disappointed Returned Services' Assn is against the Bill. Live i/v with him and RSA president David Cox. SAMOA - TRIAL - verdict possible today in trial of 2 former politicians accused of masterminding murder of cabinet minister last year. Live report from Karlum Lattimore in Apia.
0800 NEWS/WEATHER TITLES SCRAPPED - will move to scrap knight and damehoods put NZ stamp on our honours system or is it sad end to tradition? Comment from former Speaker of House of Representatives Sir Richard Harrison and Margaret Mahy, ONZ. (Claire Silvester); live discussion with Sir Gouglas Graham, Sir Robert Jones and Dame Susan Devoy. INTERNET ROW - Telecom and internet provider i4Free meet in High Court today to contest rules governing Telecom's
0867 network for calls to internet. Telecom crying foul over way i4Free diverts calls from Telecom network to its local supplier Clear via another Telecom number. (Karen Gregory-Hunt) HOPE/SMART CASE - Crown expected to continue response today to issues raised by defence at Scott Watson's trial. Court reporter Merle Nowland reports on first day's hearing.
0800 NEWS/WEATHER/SPORTS KOREA - North and South Korean leaders agree to meet in June, first such meeting since suspension of hostilities in Korean War. I/v with Dr William Taylor, Centre for Strategic and International Studies in Washington, re whether North's desperate economic situation the impetus for the talks or South Korean leader Kim Dae-Jung's "sunshine policy" towards North Korea. (Mng Rpt) INTERNATIONAL PAPERS FINGERPRINTED CHILDREN - Whangarei parents queuing up to have children fingerprinted, idea imported from Queensland, as part of community safety programme. (Lois Williams) COLD HOUSING - study of 40 WN City Council flats finds most are so cold during Winter they may be a health risk. Research team from Building Research Assn and WN School of Medicine finds flats are colder than minimum temperature recommended by WHO. (Veronika Meduna) ZIMBABWE - LAND INVASIONS - police ask High Court to set aside order evicting black war veterans from mainly white-owned farms, say they can't enforce the oreder because 60,000 veterans of liberation war occupying 1,000 farms. Invasions sanctioned by President Mugabe. Correspondent Joseph Winter says although some white farmers have chosen to leave farms, many are sitting tight - i/ved. (Mng Rpt) GREECE - ELECTION - governing socialist party Pasok returned to power with slender majority of only 50,000 more votes than main rival, centre right New Democracy Party. I/v with correspondent Louis Economopoulos.