TAGATA O TE MOANA 11/02/2017

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Tagata O Te Moana
Place of production
New Zealand/Aotearoa
Broadcast Date
Production company
Radio New Zealand
Presenter: Don Wiseman

A weekly Pacific magazine programme features New Zealand and regional Pacific news, issues, information and music. This programme is also simulcast domestically on Radio New Zealand National.

Amnesty International has brushed off inflammatory comments made by Fiji's Attorney-General about the group's latest report into human rights in Fiji; Manus Island refugees from Muslim countries banned by President Trump say they are not a threat to the United States; an award winning cartoonist detained on Papua New Guinea's Manus Island is in a perilous state of health as his hunger strike enters a second week; the Government of Bougainville in Papua New Guinea says it is struggling to respond to a major earthquake that hit the east and south of the main island last month; New Zealand's Department of Conservation is encouraging customs authorities around the region to continue raising awareness about export permits for cultural items; Tonga's Ministry of Internal Affairs says Tongan fruit pickers were ordered to return home from New Zealand last week because they were not meeting their work conditions; an inconspicuous red shed nestled in the hills near a small New Zealand town is the unlikely base for an effort to revive the maritime culture of the Marianas Islands, some 6000 kilometres away; the links between Rapa Nui and New Zealand are brought to the fore in a new NZ Fringe Festival show.