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Reporter: Colin Peacock

Mediawatch for 10 March 2019

Jackson doco jolts local radio - even before it screens; foreign governments flying journalists to foreign fields; politicians' expenses inflame the media. Programme Code Participants Colin Peacock Topics media

Inflated expenses inflame the media

Politicians spending taxpayers’ money freely always make a good story for the media. Exposure of their expenses can damage their reputation, but the same doesn’t apply to the those who over-react to the sums that they spend.  

Jackson doco jolts local radio

While TVNZ was clearing out four hours of prime time to air a heavily-hyped documentary about Michael Jackson's alleged crimes against children, radio networks here quietly eased his music off the air. It shows the power of social media to spread and shape opinion across borders. 

Broadcasters all over the world have been clearing primetime hours this week to show Leaving Neverland, the headline-making four hour-long HBO documentary about the dark side of so-called King of Pop. 
Variety reported unprecedented global demand for a documentary - especially one so long. 
UK viewers saw it on Tuesday and Wednesday on their Channel 4. Channel 10 in Australia scheduled it on Friday and Saturday.
In advance, The Australian newspaper described it as "legacy-destroying".
"If you had any faith left in Michael Jackson, after this, you’ll never look at him the same way. Nor will you listen to his music the same way," the paper said.
You're less likely to hear it on the radio in future anyhow. 
According to The Times in the UK, BBC music stations quietly shelved his songs on the day Leaving Neverland first screened in the US. Some stations in Canada banned Michael Jackson tunes explicitly citing the new documentary as the reason.  
The most comprehensive blackout, however, came to light here in New Zealand this week.
On MediaWorks' station MagicTalk on Wednesday, Peter Williams asked his boss Leon Wratt if Michael Jackson was still part of the mix for MediaWorks.
"We haven't been playing MJ music for a little while so it's not a big concern for us," he replied. 
But what about stations like MagicTalk's sister station Magic FM  and others which play classic hits? Michael Jackson was pumping them out in the '70s, '80s and '90s?
"Radio programmers are really conscious of what the audience wants to hear ... and with something as controversial as this [the documentary] we're certainly going to err on the side of caution," he added.
MediaWorks' big rival in commercial radio NZME reached the same conclusion. Between them the companies own almost all the country’s commercial music radio stations.
The same day NZME announced no more Michael Jackson on its stations like ZM, The Hits and Flava.
NZME’s nzherald.co.nz broke the news under this headline: Why you won't hear Michael Jackson on NZ radio anymore.
But the story didn't really explain why.
"Playlists change from week to week and right now Michael Jackson does not feature on them," NZME director of entertainment Dean Buchanan told the paper. 
The rest of the story was all about Leaving Neverland, but it made no connection between that and the announcement.
"What are we going to go with the family's CDs?" RNZ's Wallace Chapman mournfully asked his guests on The Panel on Tuesday.
He needn't bother giving them to RNZ.
RNZ Music content director Willy Macalister said RNZ National does not play Jackson's music as part of its regular music content and RNZ "applied editorial judgement to any music played on air".
So New Zealand radio has suddenly become a Michael Jackson free-zone at several stations. Any Jackson fans unmoved by the new documentary are out of luck.

A month ago RNZ's Music 101 posed the question: Can we still listen? to musicians accused of terrible crimes.
Auckland University ethnomusicologist Kirsten Zemke told Music 101 documentaries like Leaving Neverland and the lid-lifting series Surviving R Kelly (also on TVNZ on Demand) successfully exposed and amplified the stories of survivors - with social media giving them a following wind.
"People now know the media are interested and they will be heard," Ms Zemke said.
"People are interested in listening to their voices - but not in a ghoulish or scandalous way. We're in this social media era of #TimesUp and #MeToo so if mainstream media don't think anyone is interested in the story, social media will circulate it," she said. 

None of New Zealand's radio broadcasters explicitly admitted banning Michael Jackson's music - or excluding it from the airwaves - because of the documentary's revelations (which have been rejected by the Jackson estate). 
But in a Newshub opinion piece on Thursday, MediaWorks’ Leon Wratt made it clear that's what happened.
"With Leaving Neverland about to air our job is to anticipate what the audience sentiment will be. The decision was made about three weeks ago - and yes, of course we were anticipating the reaction to the documentary".
It is fair to assume most listeners probably wouldn’t want to hear the music of a person they believed to be a paedophile, whether a court had convicted them or not.
But radio programmers here could have pulled Michael Jackson’s tunes anytime after he went on trial for crimes against children in 2005 - or anytime after more recent allegations surfaced.
Instead, they have shelved his songs now for fear of alienating people who haven’t yet seen the damning and detailed documentary, but who have reacted to what they've heard about it from the news media - and social media.

Journalism courtesy of (foreign) taxpayers

Seven senior Kiwi journalists spent a week in Hawaii late last year and produced just one story between them. It didn't cost their organisations a cent - the tab was picked by the US State Department.
And the bill wouldn't even be a rounding error when it comes to the sums being spent by governments in an ongoing soft power war for the hearts and minds of the world's citizens.
Last year Foreign Policy magazine reported the China was spending $6 billion consolidating its three international media outlets into one – Voice of China.
A sum that dwarfs the next biggest spender: the US which, according to Al Jazeera, spends $685 million on Voice of America and its affiliates .
Al Jazeera itself is funded by Qatar and is available in New Zealand on Freeview and Sky and the Russian funded RT is on Sky. The voices of China and America - despite their mammoth budgets - are only available locally via the internet or shortwave radio.
But that doesn’t mean the State Department - and other governments -  aren't helping shape what you see and hear. The State Department’s Bureau of Public Affairs – has said part of its aim is to: "Tap the power of the foreign press to inform, engage, and influence perceptions of U.S. foreign policy."
And a couple of week’s back Stuff’s Tracy Watkins wrote a piece that shed some light on how it goes about it. In an article titled: Washington is courting the world’s media on North Korea – she wrote:
Late last year, I joined a group of journalists in Korea and Washington for a series of meetings with US and South Korean officials.
The Americans pulled out all the stops. There were 12 journalists from countries including Vietnam, Thailand, Mongolia, Burma, China, Singapore, Japan, Indonesia (and New Zealand).
Flights were booked and paid for by the US and we got a generous daily per diem to cover all our other costs, like food and accommodation. 
Tracy Watkins said journalist were surprised to be told that background briefings were to be strictly confidential with any quotes having to be attributed to “anonymous sources”.
After lobbying from the journalists US officials agreed reporters could use some material but only if it was cleared by a military censor first. "Some tried but got most of it knocked back anyway," Watkins said.  "I didn't ask. There were too many strings attached."
Fellow Stuff political reporter Stacey Kirk was one of seven Kiwi journalists to spend a week in Hawaii courtesy of the State Department last December. And was the only one to write about it.
"As our external spy agency the Government Communications Security Bureau (GCSB) was putting the kibosh on plans for Spark to allow Chinese telco Huawei to build a 5G mobile network in New Zealand, I spent the past week speaking with defence officials at US Indo-Pacific Command," she wrote.
None of those defence officials were quoted by name but Kirk said:
"As one US Defence official put it: there is 'no way' a network built by a company that has that many ties to the Chinese Government, is not a security threat."
It’s no surprise that a US Defence official would say that but he or she must have been delighted to see their point of view seemingly endorsed by a New Zealand journalist – without any reference to the many informed commentators who have questioned the spying claims.
The Samoa Observer’s Mata’afa Keni Lesa also attended the five day long event. He reported:
"In Honolulu this week, the “conversations,” which are mostly held under Chatham House rules, were designed to give journalists an in-depth understanding of the U.S. contribution to security, U.S. perspectives on issues surrounding security and what the U.S. is doing to promote peace and stability in the Pacific region."
Newsroom’s political editor Sam Sachdeva, one of the seven Kiwi journalist on the Hawaii trip, told Mediawatch: 
“The way the trip was designed and sold to us was that it was educational in nature. So, it’s not that reporting was barred but it wasn’t a precondition of going on the trip.
“Ideally, I would have liked to produce a few stories out of it but the way it was structured in terms of the conversations we had - the briefings -  I felt I couldn’t really report on it in a way that wouldn’t be lopsided.”
Sachdeva said journalists were told they couldn't refer to people by name or rank and only quote them as: "US Defence official" or a "US official".
He said the trip gave him a better understanding of the American view. "Not to say that I suddenly find myself agreeing with them on everything but just to understand a little bit more where they're coming from and to get that, I guess, candour which is the flip-side of that background briefing."
If other countries were to offer him similar trips, he said, he would consider it on a case-by-case basis. One definite no-no would be any copy vetting conditions. "If I had confidence that China, North Korea or Russia would allow me to report freely, then I would in principle be happy to consider it."
So if Sachdeva heard that seven senior New Zealand journalists had been shouted a trip to Russia or China to meet with military and government officials and only one reported it - would he write it up as a news story? "I guess it would probably depend on what was said about it by anyone who was interested. If there was someone who raised a concern that I felt was valid then you'd have to look at it as a story."
Last October, Sachdeva wrote a series of features on South Korea following a trip funded by the Korean government.
He said the trip was a no strings attached one with the officials even lining up an interview with a prominent critic of the government.
The seven journalists who went to were:  Chris Bramwell, of RNZ, Benedict Collins of TVNZ, Stacey Kirk of Stuff, Jenna Lynch of NewsHub, Sam Sachdeva of Newsroom, Claire Trevett of The NZ Herald, and Michael Sergel of Newstalk ZB.
The US embassy told Mediawatch it had funded trips by 13 New Zealand journalists last year.
One NZ journalist travelling to examine US responses to Trafficking in Persons.
One NZ journalist travelling to report on the RIMPAC multilateral military exercise in Hawaii.
Two NZ journalists travelling to report on the US midterm elections.
One NZ journalist on a professional development/educational program in the US.
Seven NZ journalists travelling to INDOPACOM. (Although they were free to report portions of their visit, that was not a requirement of participation. Some have, some haven’t).
One NZ journalist travelling to South Korea and to the US to examine policies and responses to DPRK.
Two RNZ journalists were among them: former deputy political editor Chris Bramwell and series and podcast executive producer Tim Watkin.
RNZ spokesperson John Barr told Mediawatch: "RNZ is open to considering approaches from international sources where they have the potential to provide relevant content and/or career development for staff in line with RNZ’s business plan and statutory obligations.  Events are not to be covered solely or mainly because of the availability of subsidised travel. Under no circumstances will there be any external influence on programmes/editorial coverage resulting from any subsidised trip. Where approved assistance is provided to help us create content, it should be acknowledged on air and online."