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Radio Waatea

Ko Dale Husband te kaipāpāho o tēnei hōtaka.

Matthew Tukaki, he is the Executive Officer of the Māori Council. He talks about Henare Mason who is the new chair of NZ Māori Council. They talk about many issues.

Chris Farrelly is the CEO of the Auckland City Mission, they have increased their operation, emergency support, food parcels and gifts to be handed out. The role of the marae has distributed food parcels into the community. It’s a great partnership. The donations they have received are enormous, over 8,000 food parcels feeding 50,000 people. It comes from Individuals, Supermarket chains, vegetable and fruit growers.

Lt Col Rod Carrey is the regional leader in Samoa who is helping with the epidemic of measles in Samoa. Over 60 people have died, mainly children. Medical supplies, food, water is being donated. The Salvation Army website where you can find the Appeal to help.

Dr David Clarke is our Health Minister. He talks about ensuring there is a Māori voice in our health system. If we want better outcomes for Māori, we need ones in the system guiding us. The majority of the appointments will be Māori.

Stand-off between the honour the maunga of Owairaka and Paul Majurey who heads the Tupuna Maunga Authority. Dale speaks to Honour the Maunga spokeswoman Anna Radford who talks about the environmental concerns of the maunga.

Paul Majurey who heads the Tupuna Maunga Authority is here and speaking to Dale about blocking the road and unable to do the work they are supposed to do. It will take us into the new year. They have a right with their opinions, but they don’t have a right to physically impede with mana whenua.

Julie Chapman Kids Can CEO and founder.

Waiata: Sway Reo Māori.

Dale talks about the Waiata Anthems album and speaks to Hinewehi Mohi and congratulates her with the tohu she received.

Waiata: Kingz.

Julie Chapman is the founder of Kids Can, in 2005 she talked to other people about kids who had no food, clothes shoes and if they didn’t have food they wouldn’t come to school. They talk about Nits treatment, sanitary products, raincoats, shoes that are needed, and delivered to schools.

Don Brash is hoha with Rino Tirikatene who put together a bill to entrench Māori seats. Rino’s Bill aims to afford clauses relating to Maori seats the same protection, politicians such as Don Brash who have argued the seats should be scrapped entirely.
Adam Gifford talks politics.
Ken Laben talks sports.