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Radio New Zealand


8 p.m. news bulletin presented by Hewitt Humphrey.
Nights with Bryan Crump:
Gives information important to people in Christchurch particularly where people can get water, including a list of where and when there will be water tankers and the addresses of people who have artesian wells on their properties.


News update with Hewitt Humphrey.
Riccarton resident Diana Bidwell talking to presenter Bryan Crump about the Facebook page she has set up called “Tell Us You’re OK,” about 20,000 people are now using it to find out how their friends and family in Christchurch are ok
Presenter Bryan Crump gives the addresses of the free laundries that Fisher and Paykel have set up.
Aranui resident Roger talking to presenter Bryan Crump: he says his area is in dire straits but they are getting no mention in the news, their houses are trashed and there is liquefaction.


9 p.m. news bulletin presented by Hewitt Humphrey.
Nights with Bryan Crump:
Gives advice from listeners to people in Christchurch: about how to fill your toilet system with a bucket of water in order to flush it, if the wastewater system is working in your area; and that Vodafone is going to be parts of Christchurch tomorrow with equipment for people in need.
Other listeners recommend not flushing your toilet unless you are absolutely sure the wastewater system in your area is working.
A listener Hannah has texted to say primary schools around the country are having a mufti day to raise funds for Christchurch.
An interview with geologist Hamish Campbell, who was on The Panel with Jim Mora yesterday, is replayed.
Information about a kerbside collection of organics and rubbish will be taking place tomorrow, human waste is not to be put in the bins and collection of recycling will resume tomorrow.
An interview with an Australian Superintendent Dave Lewis talking to presenter Kathryn Ryan is replayed: talks about the search and rescue efforts the 80 Australian specialists are doing, using specialist noise-detection equipment.
Text from a listener in Parklands saying they have just got the power back on.
Emails from listeners are read including one saying the earthquakes are a reminder we are at the mercy of nature and we should not be bemoaning the strength of buildings and an email from David in Brisbane who is listening to the ABC’s earthquake digital radio channel which is streaming RNZ.


News update with Hewitt Humphrey.
The ways people can donate to Christchurch are given.
An email from a listener Andrew Troop who lives in Bromley in eastern Christchurch. Power was restored to his house last night and he’s pays tribute to the leadership and honesty of Orion chief executive Roger Sutton.
Part of The Panel with presenter Jim Mora is replayed featuring Christchurch City Councillor Sue Wells, former Privacy Commissioner Sir Bruce Slade and former National Business Review investigative journalist Jock Anderson.
Shirley resident Richie Goodall talking to presenter Bryan Crump: he is still without power although he can see some homes which have it back on.
Advice from Meredith on Waiheke Island who suggests people use candle stubs as firelighters if they need to.
A text from Beth who lives in Christchurch’s CBD: she says it is so silent and a flock of geese has just flown over creating a racket, an unusual sound in the CBD.


10 p.m. news bulletin presented by Hewitt Humphrey.
Nights with Bryan Crump.
Emails from listeners overseas are read including one from Richard in Quebec who says “To all New Zealanders, please hang on, the world is watching and supporting your recovery efforts. You will survive. P.S. I’m from Montreal. I travelled to New Zealand in 1989 and have fond memories of my stay especially meeting a lad from the Christchurch area called Rod Stewart who I met in Fiji.”
An interview with Christchurch resident, comedian, actor and writer David McPhail talking to presenter Jim Mora: while he feels the city can recover from the tragedy, he fears how long it may take.
Edgeware resident Jo talking to presenter Bryan Crump: there is no power and water in her area and she talks about what they are doing to manage including burning what they can in a fireplace made of loose bricks (2230 time check during this interview).
Listeners text in warning her to be careful of burning wood that has been treated and another listener offers to drop around some firewood.
News update with Paul Brennan.
Emails from listeners overseas are read: Louisa Hendall from Stutgardt (?) in Germany writes that she has just spent two months in Christchurch and can’t believe what has happened; and Colleen in Alaska who is an ex-patriate New Zealander, she thanks the emergency services and people working to reconnect essential services.
An interview with clinical psychologist Dr Fran Virtue from the Child and Family Psychology Centre talking to presenter Kathryn Ryan is replayed: she gives advice to parents dealing with traumatised children.
A text from Nick in Lyttelton is read out, he walked home over the Bridle Path after the earthquake.
Another text from Lyttelton from a person sleeping in a tent as they’re not ready to go back inside a building.
Regina, who is originally from Malawi in Africa but has lived in Christchurch’s CBD for three years, talking to presenter Bryan Crump: she is a student at the Christchurch Polytechnic Institute of Technology and was on the third floor of the five-storey building. She describes her experiences including water coming from the ceiling after the aftershock.




11 p.m. news bulletin presented by Paul Brennan.
Nights with Bryan Crump:
Listeners give advice to Margie who texted in asking how she can get water from her hot water cylinder which is cold due to a lack of power.
Email from a listener wanting to know if anyone knows whether Eddie Reid, who is in his seventies and lives in Joy Street in Shirley, is okay.
A text from Jason Rae who is in Christchurch and wants to let his North Island family know that he is safe. He hasn’t been able to contact them any other way
Lyttelton resident Sarah Kilduff (?) talking to presenter Bryan Crump: she was at work in Sydenham when the aftershock hit. When she got to her feet following the aftershock, she looked out the window and saw Sydenham falling to the ground, she walked home over the Bridle Path, talks about the damage to her home, she is sleeping in a tent.


News update with Paul Brennan.
Nights with Bryan Crump:
A text from Kim who is sleeping in a tent in Lyttelton, she feels safer in a tent, says the Lyttelton community is strong, the New Zealand Navy cooked dinner for the community, local musicians played and the owners of the wrecked local supermarket is giving away food.
An interview with Canterbury University geologist Dr Mark Quigley talking to presenter Kathryn Ryan is replayed: flew over Christchurch in a helicopter yesterday and reports on what could be seen, in particular liquefaction and rock fall with some boulders at least half the size of a car.
Text from Paul and Di in Christchurch’s inner city, they say it is very quiet which is important as searchers look for signs of life.
Andrew who lives is in Christchurch’s central city, on the intersection of Bealey Avenue and Papanui Road, talking to presenter Bryan Crump: he describes what it is like living so close to the central city, says it is terrifying.
Rosemary, an elderly Woolston resident, is looking for someone to help her drain her broken waterbed.
Presenter Bryan Crump ends the programme with three names – San Francisco, Napier and Darwin: all cities flattened by natural disasters which are now beautiful places to live.