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New Zealand/Aotearoa
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Radio New Zealand


4 a.m. news bulletin presented by Paul Brennan.
All Night Programme with presenter Vicky McKay.
An email from Robert Kirkby suggesting the Prime Minister present an award to the Student Volunteer Army. He is 69 and is very impressed with the students
Information from the Christchurch City Council is read out: regarding where people can get drinking water and what they should do if they have no sewerage system.
An email from a Christchurch resident Pauline is read out: she describes her family’s situation, most of them have lost their homes and all their belongings.


News update with Paul Brennan.
An interview with the Architecture for Humanity co-founder Katie Store talking to presenter Lynn Freeman about the challenges faced in major city rebuilds is replayed.


5 a.m. news bulletin presented by Paul Brennan.
All Night Programme with presenter Vicky McKay.
A text message from John is read out: he would like the names of the eight nations who are assisting with the search and rescue effort in Christchurch to be read out and for those countries to be thanked. They are China, Taiwan, Singapore, Japan, the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia and Mexico.
An interview with the Red Cross national programmes manager David Neill talking to presenter Philippa Tolley is replayed: talking about the progress Red Cross volunteers have made today door knocking in the worst hit suburbs and checking on people’s health and welfare.
Phone numbers important to people in Christchurch are read out.


News update with Paul Brenna.
Details of recent aftershocks in Christchurch are given.
A report by RNZ reporter Ian Telfer reports on the number of public servants who are travelling to Christchurch to relieve their colleagues in the city is replayed.


6 a.m. news bulletin presented by Stuart Keith.
Information important to people in Christchurch is given.
RNZ International reporter Johnny Blades reports on news in the Pacific.
RNZ International reporter Sally Round reports on the Chilean Government’s plan for Easter Island.


News update with Stuart Keith.
Information important to people in Christchurch is given.
The BBC’s Africa correspondent Andrew Harding reports on the possibility of uprisings in Africa.
The BBC’s Martin Patience reports of possible protests in China.
Deutsche Vela Radio (?) reporter Dorian Jones reports on the arrest of 50 journalists in Turkey because they criticised the Government.


7 a.m. news bulletin presented by Stuart Keith.
Information important to people in Christchurch is given.
Karen Zowendast (?) reports on the unrest in Libya.
The BBC’s Mark Simpson reports on the Irish general election.
Information important to people in Christchurch is given.


News update with Stuart Keith.
Information important to people in Christchurch is given, including free laundries set up by Fisher and Paykel.