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Place of production
New Zealand/Aotearoa
Broadcast Date
Production company
Māori Television Service
Taonga Māori Collection
Reporter: Wena Harawira (Ngāi Tūhoe; Ngāti Ranginui)
Reporter: Jodi Ihaka
Reporter: Taiha Barbara Molyneux
Reporter: Annabelle Lee-Harris
Reporter: Semi Holland
Reporter: Marisa Balle

At a time when “TV is tabloid and channels are ghettoising current affairs”, Māori Television will be covering and challenging New Zealand stories with Māori perspectives in a new, prime-time current affairs show ironically dubbed – NATIVE AFFAIRS.
Covering subjects such as suicide and educational achievement amongst Māori boys, the team is dishing up four field-based video segments a week and one studio-based interview or panel.

Julian Wilcox (Ngāpuhi, Ngāti Tūwharetoa, Te Māhurehure) - Kaikawe Kōrero.

Some people call it body snatching, when is it appropriate to remove the body of a relative from someone else’s rohe transport it to the home marae? Reporter Semi Holland cites the recent case of James Takamore who died in Christchurch. His body was uplifted by his Tūhoe whanaunga and taken to his home marae of Kutarere in the bay of plenty, against the wishes of his wife. Iwi are claiming tikanga rites. He and his wife had planned for him to be buried in Christchurch near family and friends.
Semi Holland (Ngāi Tūhoe, Ngāti Maniapoto) - Kairipoata.
Denise Clark - Partner.
Naida Glavish (Ngāti Whātua) - Pou Tikanga.
Tania McCormack (Ngāti Ūpokoreke) - Sister.

In studio discussion with tikanga expert and senior lecturer;
Hone Sadler (Ngāpuhi) - Lecturer Auckland University.

Changes to the parole system in the wake of recent tragic blunders. Recently the Parole Board has received criticism particularly the release of William Bell and Graham Burton who went on to commit murders. Six new measures, Parole Amendment Act 2007 will be implemented to strengthen police and parole board abilities to call for further information and to make stronger recommendations, including recalling parolees to prison.
Taiha Molyneux (Ngāi Tūhoe, Ngāti Kahungunu) - Kairipoata.
Te Muranganui June Jackson (Ngāti Maniapoto) - New Zealand Parole Board.
Renee Collette - Canadian Parole Board.
Mark Burton - Minister of Justice.
Tai Hobson (Ngāpuhi) - Panmure RSA.
Garth McVicor - Sensible Sentencing Trust.

Studio discussion about the current parole system and possible alternative models and restorative justice.
Aroha Terry (Ngāti Maniapoto, Taranaki) - Marae Justice advocate and provider.
Professor Howard Zehr - Restorative Justice Specialist.

A small community shows a big heart as two of their young men face their toughest battle. Health statistics conform Māori are more prone to cancer than non Māori. The Otaki community are rallying to help two locals with their struggle. The local Rāhui Rugby Football Club are hosting a fundraising match including politicians to help the cause. The local team take on parliamentary team.
Marisa Balle (Te Arawa, Ngāti Kahu, Ngāti Ruānui, Ngāti Raukawa) - Kairipoata.
Andre baker (Ngāti Raukawa) - Rāhui Rugby Footbal Club.
Hamish Buick (Ngāti Raukawa) - Cancer sufferer.
Judy Broughton-Winterburn (Ngāti Raukawa) - Whaea Kēkē
Hadley Gardner (Ngāti Pareraukawa) - Friend.
Shane Jones (Ngāi Takoto, Te Aupouri) - Cancer survivor.
Nanny Hira (Ngāti Raukawa) - Kaitautoko.

International item from Marshall Islands looking at their dying tradition of waka building and sailing as well as building.
Wena Harawira (Ngāi Tūhoe Mataatua) - Kairipoata.
Rachael Miller - Wan Aelon In Majol Canoe School.

Rapper Ice Cube talks about the similarities in Māori and American youth culture.
Ice Cube - Rap Icon.
Matt tanui - Ice Cub Fan.