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Moving image
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United Kingdom
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Pathe Gazette
Taonga Māori Collection

Footage of Prince Edward, the Prince of Wales, visit to New Zealand, Despite the title this is an overview of the visit showing scenes from Wellington, Rotorua and Auckland.

000:00 Intertitle: "Wellington's Wonderful Welcome. Whole city turns out to greet the Prince".
000:05 Large crowd, all furiously waving Union Jacks, congregated in parliament grounds in Wellington.
000:22 Newtown Park, Wellington, 6 May 1920. Prince Edward walking on to a dais surrounded by the crowd, followed by Major-General Sir Edward Chaytor, GOC NZ Defence Forces, Vice-Admiral Halsey, Chief of Staff to Prince of Wales, and other military personnel. He is dressed in military uniform and salutes to the row of senior New Zealand military officers before ascending the dais and saluting the crowd.
000:30 Newtown Park. Section of the crowd waving flags. In the foreground is a brass band who are all smiles when they see they are on camera.
000:38 Newtown Park. A line of elderly New Zealand Wars veterans walk onto the stage and each shake hands with the Prince, with Vice-Admiral Halsey standing to his right, and in some cases he helps them forward before shaking with his left hand.
000:59 CU of Prince of Wales shaking hands, Rear-Admiral Halsey and Chaytor, NZ GOC to right rear of frame.
001:07 Whakarewarewa 28 April 1920. Pōwhiri as Prince and his entourage escorted by .. with Sir Maui Pomare behind him on left, Hon William Herries, Minister of Native Affairs, behind him on right and then Halsey, walking towards the camera. It rains heavily. Mita Taupopoki can be seen among the retiring body of the powhiri as the entourage advance.
001: 23 Whakarewarewa, Rotorua 28 April 1920. C/U of the Prince sitting on a cloak covered chair in front of a Union Jack. Sir Maui Pomare is seated on the left of dais, while Halsey and Herries, both coated stand on right of frame.
001: 27 Arawa Park: M/S Māori warriors performing haka. Distinctive headdress of Mita Taupopoki can be seen in left foreground.
001: 42 Arawa Park: Three rows of women in white blouses perform canoe poi dance directed by a Kuia in front, while standard bearer in lemon squeezer headdress holds Union Jack at far left of frame.
001: 58 Arawa Park: Three Kuia advance holding tribal flags; one inscribed RONGOKAKO TAMATEA KAHUNGUNU hold large tribal flags, and each with the Union Jack in the top left hand corner.
002:13 Arawa Park: The women with the flags proceed up the stairs of the Grandstand to where the Prince is seated and present them to him. In the foreground is a large crowd, peering back over their shoulders at the presentation. Shot of Cameraman’s hand cranking handle on left of frame during presentation to Prince.
002:26 Arawa Park: Elders assemble cloaks to present to Prince against backdrop of poi dancers and crowd.
002:37 Arawa Park: Prince giving a speech. Sir Maui Pomare on left translates and addresses crowd in Maori. Herries? stands on right, with Chaytor just in shot.
002:47 Arawa Park: A warrior is symbolically killed while the taua charges forward, spears raised and holds ground. Glimpse of cameraman carrying camera on tripod across frame from left to right as he repositions himself.
003:05 Arawa Park: Women perform in front of taua who perform haka with their spears aloft.
003:18 This is not a NEW ZEALAND scene and may be from the Prince’s visit to Canada.