TV3 NEWS. 05/06/2008

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TV3 Network Services

News, sport and weather.

Otahuhu B power station closed due to a fault. The Government is expected to make an announcement next week on potential outages and hydro-lake problems. Gerry Brownlee (National MP); Tony Field (3 News); David Baldwin (Contact Energy CEO); Bryan Leyland (Energy Consultant); Ralph Matthes (Major Electricity Users' Group); Duncan Garner (3 News); David Parker (Climate Change Minister);.

Seventy men arrested in Australia in a large paedophilia ring bust. Mick Keelty (Federal Police Commissioner); Assistant Commander Andrew Colvin (AFP Hi-tech Operations); Steve Christenson (3 News);.

Barack Obama back on the US presidential campaign trail. Hillary Clinton has resigned to defeat. Barack Obama (US Presidential Nominee); Hillary Clinton (Failed US Presidential Candidate); Voxpop;.

Reserve Bank governor Allan Bollard has put out the latest financial forecast. Inflation and unemployment tipped to go up, with house prices to plummet. Sia Aston (3 News); Allan Bollard (Reserve Bank Governor); Brendan O'Donovan (Westpac Chief Economy);.

Sheep and beef farmers face grim months ahead due to heavy droughts in Waikato. Voxpop; Phil Journeaux (National Drought Committee Chairman); Brenda Stobie (Rural Support Trust);.

Opponents of irrigation scheme have had the chance to speak out. The scheme proposes to irrigate an area the size of Lake Taupo flooding out houses. Lachlan Forsyth (3 News); Rosalie Snoyink (Malvern Hills Protection Society); Carol Thornton-Owen (Opponent); Trevor Owen (Opponent); Pat Morrison (Central Plains Water Ltd);

It is World Environment Day. Carbon Emissions in NZ have increased since 1990. Whena Owen (3 News); Helen Clark (Prime Minister); Achim Steiner (UN Environment Programme Director);.

Wave power is being tested in Wellington. Steven Parker (3 News); Dr John Huckerby (Director Power Projects); Dr Craig Stevens (NIWA); Robert Stewart (Industrial Research Ltd);.

Air New Zealand plan to use bio fuel on commercial flights. They will be the first airline to do so. Tony Field (3 News); Voxpop; Bob Osgood (Hawaii Agricultural Research); Simon Boxer (Greenpeace); Abhy Maharaj (Air New Zealand.