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Place of production
New Zealand/Aotearoa
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World Indigenous Television Broadcasters Network

INDIGENOUS INSIGHT, he hōtaka toru tekau meneti te roa, otirā ka whakahiatotia ngā pūrongo me ngā take mohoa whaihua rawa atu o te wiki kua tonoa mai huri i te ao, hei tirohanga ātahu ki ngā ao ō ētahi atu iwi taketake.

Ka whai huruhuru te hōtaka nei mai i ngā rourou ā ngā mema o te World Indigenous Television Broadcasters Network, ā, ko te whāinga paetae a te rōpū ko te whakawhitiwhiti mōhiotanga, tautoko hoki mō ngā reo taketake me ā rātau tikanga.

Ko Julian Wilcox te kaikawe kōrero.

Ko te kaupapa kōrero tuatahi, e pā ana ki te oranga o ngā reo taketake o te Ao. Ka haere ki Kōtarana ki te iwi morehu i kōrero ana i te reo Scottish Gaelic.
Ko Donna MacIver, BBC Alba te kairipoata.
Ko Shona Mackenzie, Student.

Ka haere ki Airani, ki County Cork ki te iwi morehu i kōrero ana i te reo Irish Gaelic.
Barrai Mescall, Nuacht TG4 te kairipoata.
Batt O’Keefe, Dali Education Minister.

Ka haere ki Nōwei ki te iwi morehu i kōrero ana i te reo Sami. Ka tu he kura orite ki te kohanga reo mā ngā tamariki ki te ako i ou rātou ake reo.
Maria Saijets, NRK Sami Radio te kairipoata.
Ole Henrik magga, Professor, Sami Language.
Matti Morottaja, Language Enthusiast.

Ka haere ki Niue kia kite i ngā raruraru mo a rātou reo. Ka haere a Pita Sharples, minita mo ngā take Māori ki Niue ki te whakarongo ki ōu rātou awangawanga mo tā rātou ake reo. Ka tiro mai rātou ki ngā kohanga reo i Aotearoa nei.
Semiramis Holland te Kairipoata.
Takuta Pita Sharples, Minita o ngā take Māori.

Ka haere ki Taiwan ki te tiro ki ō rātou whakautu ki tēna take, te ngarongaro ā tōu rātou reo rangatira.
Du Luo-Lin,; Indigenous Language Instructor.
Bo Hong-Ming; Ministry of Education.
Lin Cai-Xia; Language Instructor.
Miyang; Student.
Lafulangsi; Principal, Indigenous Language University.
Gao Guang-Liang; Former University Principal.

Ka huri ki te tirotiro ki te mahi kairautanga kei waenga i ngā iwi taketake ō Kānata.
Tim Fontaine, APTN.
Natasha Falle; Former Sex Worker.
Diane Redsky; Ma Mawi Wi Chi Itata Centre.

Ka hoki ki Niu Tireni. Ka titiro a Annabelle Lee-Harris ki te ngaronagro o te reo rangatira i waenga o tōna whānau.
Sandra Lee/Ngāi Tahu.
Hana O’Reagan/Ngāi Tahu.

Ka rāhuitia a British Columbia i nga whenua o ngā Pēa nui mai reira.
Tina House; APTN.
Simon Jackson; Spirit Bear Youth Coalition.