6.30 NEWS + TOP HALF. THURSDAY 25/09/1986

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Presenter: Philip Sherry
Presenter: Richard Long
Presenter: John Hawkesby
Presenter: Judy Bailey
Reporter: Bill Ralston
Reporter: Lee Davies
Reporter: Liam Jeory
Reporter: John Bishop
Reporter: Mark Sainsbury
Reporter: Helen Denize
Reporter: Helen Coldcutt
Reporter: Sefita Hao’ Uli
Reporter: John Hart
Reporter: Maree Mahony
Reporter: Rennie Barrett
Reporter: Christine Thomas
Reporter: Cameron Bennett

Transport Minister Richard Prebble has been ordered to appear before parliament’s Privileges Committee. The summons follows allegations he was observed reading a newspaper spread across the steering wheel of his car, while driving.

The long running strike at the Kawerau Pulp and Paper Mill has been settled.
Speaker: Jim Knox, (FLO President).

The Health Department is trying to establish how a number of hypodermic syringes and prescription poisons were dumped close to a Dunedin primary school, where they were found by children.
Speakers: Nola Hambleton, (Principal); Dr Peter Hinds, (Medical Officer of Health).

Farmers are trying to get a higher prices for the stock they send to the freezing works. The campaign, lunched today by Federated Farmers, is focused on getting higher prices even if it means the closure of some freezing works.
Speakers: Peter Elworthy, (Federated Farmers President); John Drayton, (Meat Industry Board).

National’s new president Neville Young says there is room for improvement but National party leader Jim Bolger has dismissed the criticism of how his party is performing.
Speakers: Neville Young, (National Party President); Jim Party, (National Party Leader).

The FOL has called a special meeting of key unions as the start of the wage round is racked by confusion, division, and fluctuating claims.

Iran’s Minister of Agriculture was looking at farming techniques in a part of New Zealand, Tara Hills in North Otago, which is similar to parts his country.
Speaker: Dr Abbas-Ali Zali, (Iran’s Agriculture Minister).

Dr Robert Mendelsohn, a controversial doctor visiting Auckland, says New Zealanders would be much healthier if they relied less on the medical profession.
Speaker Dr Robert Mendelsohn, (Pediatrician).

A slump in the Cook Island tourist industry has been stopped by a price war between Air New Zealand and a new airline Cook Island International.
Speaker: Bill Mathews, (Tour Operator).

The season’s first crop of a potato, highly sort after in Dunedin, went on sale today at the same price as last year, twenty dollars a kilo.
Speakers: Stephen Hughes, (Shopper); Stephen Wong, (Dunedin Fruitier).

New Zealand horse Bonecrusher won Australia’s Underwood Stakes at Caulfield in Melbourne.

The Rugby Union is worried that some of the players headed for Europe this summer maybe breaking the games amateur code.
Speakers: Murray Mexted, (Rugby Player); Russ Thomas, (NZRFU).

The Canterbury rugby teams cheerleaders are being prevented from performing at next weeks Ranfurly Shield challenge in Auckland.
Speaker: Sue Daniels, (Dance Instructor)

Top Half
Management and patrons were given the news today that the 96 year old Queens Head pub in Auckland’s Queens Street is to be demolished. The developers intend to save the pubs facade.
Speaker: Brian Stubbings, (Hotel Manager); John Sinclair, (Architect).

Real Ale being brewed at Auckland’ Shakespeare Hotel is a first for New Zealand .
Speakers: Denys Christian, (Brewer); Peter Barraclough (Proprietor).

A homicide inquiry is underway in Hamilton after the discovery of a mans body. The dead man was 52 year old Brian Watts.

The Auckland regions Strawberry growers are expecting a bumper crop this season.
Speakers: Fred Wildman, (Strawberry Grower); Andrew McDougal, (Exporter)

28 year old Belinda Trainor has a terminal heart condition and is currently in Auckland hospital’s cardiac ward waiting for a heart transplant in Sydney. A hundred thousand dollars needs to be raised to fund her operation.
Speakers: Belinda Trainor, (Patient); Kirsty Campbell, (Appeal Organiser)

After three years, the North Island’s programme for disable skiers is having problems.
Speakers: Kath Day, (Instructor for Disabled Skiers); Paul Speight, (Disabled Skier).