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Moving image
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Place of production
New Zealand/Aotearoa
Production company
Producer: Fiona Copland
Director: Michael Bennett
Writer: Michael Bennett
Writer: Gavin Strawhan
Writer: Iaheto Ah Hi
Cast: Jason Wu
Cast: Susana Tang
Cast: Sara Wiseman
Cast: Jarod Rewiri
Cast: Iaheto Ah Hi
Cast: Edwin Wright
Cast: Alex Bushnell
Cast: Michael Whalley
Cast: Mark Ruka
Director of Photography: Alun Bollinger
Editor: John Gilbert
Music: Don McGlashan
Production Designer: Miro Harre
Costume Designer: Jane Holland
Funded by: New Zealand Film Commission

“It’s the Maori New Year, Matariki – a time for new beginnings. As the Pleiades constellation rises in the Southern skies, the lives of eight people are affected by one random act. 

“Aleki, a master car thief who dreams of navigating by the stars, crosses paths with rebellious teenage girl Spit and faces his future. Rugby league star Tama saves the life of desperate Gunge - an act of heroism that brings tragedy to his own family. Rick, Tama’s brother, learns to stand up for himself and Megan, Tama’s wife, comes to accept the love that surrounds her; while Lisa, pregnant and wishing on angels, finds a real angel in Tyrone, a big-hearted man who sells Matariki icons in the weekend markets.

“Festival/Awards: Official Selection, Toronto International Film Festival 2010; 44th Hof International Film Festival 2010; Hola AUNZ Film Festival (Mexico); Hawaii International Film Festival (USA)” - New Zealand Film Commission;; 17/01/2014.

Set in Otara, South Auckland.